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Based Goomy

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Blog Entries posted by Based Goomy

  1. Based Goomy
    I'm talking about Rush here, the Canadian band from Toronto! Wel recently, they've announced that they might have a summer tour. Since Vancouver is a major city from their hometown, they might come here! This is a shot from their last tour:

    Well, if they do come, I'm totally getting floor tickets. No question about it. Does anyone else like them?
    PS: Check out this epic: Infernus: Part I
  2. Based Goomy
    I have just discovered that there shall be an Iron Man 2. I loved the first one, especially the villain (who was truely a nasty piece of work). I watched the trailer for the new movie, and it looks truely intense and exhilerating. I love Robert Downey Jr. in all of his movies.

    2 Iron Mans? Awesome. Will anyone else see this movie?
  3. Based Goomy
    I watched Tropic thunder yesterday. Even though it was made in 2008, I kinda only found out about it yesterday. It was a hilarious movie, I reccomend that everyone on the face of the earth sees it.

    This guy was just too hilarious. Feel free to post your thoughts on this movie here.
  4. Based Goomy
    As the title says, I SAW MUSE. What can I say about the show? IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I was a few meters from the Bassist. IT WAS AMAZING.

    The light show was utterly intense. In my mind, this show would get 10/10. If Muse comes to your town, GO. You won't regret it in the least.
  5. Based Goomy
    Hola. This entry is not about the movie, but the play. My school is doing it as a play, and I get to be this Bad-Boy! I have to die, but that isn't really a
    problem for me. BZP member Letagi is composing the music, and that should be pretty sweet. If you're in Vancouver on April 28th, 29th or the 30th, come watch!

    Also, for anyone who cares, Funland Chapter 56 should be up on Brickshelf soon.
  6. Based Goomy
    I expected this movie to be way worse than it actually was. I thought there were parts that were drop dead hilarious, and parts that could have been modified a bit.
    I am creeped out now by the cheese touch, it is incredibly disgusting.

  7. Based Goomy
    As many people would say, I have finally come to my senses and purchased premier membership. I don't really feel any different. As I type this, I have just come back from a skiing day on Mount Cypress.
    Gee, for a first entry this is pretty sad.
    What's On The Horizon?
    April 1st- Muse concert!
    April 15th- Band trip!
    See you guys around the forums with my new Premier status!
    Here's a lovely random picture.

  8. Based Goomy
    Around 14 years ago I received my first ever BIONICLE set for Christmas: Toa Mata Onua. From that point on, Onua has been my favourite character in the series.
    I went to Toys R Us today, one in a different city, and was pleasantly surprised to find my old friend sitting on the shelf. Without hesitation, I rushed home to build him.
    I have not yet opened him up, but to say that I am excited is an understatement. I can not believe BIONICLE is back, but I am happy that it is.
    I have nothing but the purest excitement to see where the line goes.
  9. Based Goomy
    The following message is dedicated to people who have put up with my insane ramblings this whole time:
    That's right folks, this blog has been in business 100 entries worth!
    And that calls for a celebration!

    Well, I'm satisfied.
    Thanks everybody.
  10. Based Goomy
    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.
    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.
    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.
    Remember that today is remembrance day. On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, remember those who gave their lives so we could have freedom.
  11. Based Goomy
    On this happy Sunday afternoon, I'm doing some exciting blogging!
    So, what should I discuss?
    Should I talk about the play at my school that just finished? People say I was perfect in it, and I suppose I believe them. But you don't want to hear about that...
    Should I talk about me forming another band? I play the bass guitar in a small band of people at my school. We started practising Dear Prudence, and I have many good ideas for songs and where we can go in the future! But you don't want to hear about that either...
    How about recent books I've read? Life of Pi is a fantastic read, as it has a tiger on a lifeboat with some Indian guy. Lord of the Flies is also decent, and it is how the island premise started. But that's not really spectacular...
    Should I talk about my social life? It's pretty good, and I know many lovely people. But that's not interesting...
    What's interesting, you may ask?
    Nothing really, to be honest.
    Sorry guys, if you were expecting an uplifting entry, you came to the wrong place.
  12. Based Goomy
    Well, people may or may not know this, but October 20th was "Wear Purple Day". The reason behind this was to acknowledge the recent gay teen suicide that has risen over the past few months.
    I know kids can be cruel, but drving someone to the point of suicide is just wrong.
    This is a really touchy subject for me. I have two neighbours who are a gay couple, and I've known them almost all of my life. They are two of the nicest people I know, and I really love them.
    I will never understand why the hatred and stereotyping of gay people exists. When did "gay" replace the word "sucks"? Seriously, around 1 out of every 10 people is gay. Are we really willing to shun a tenth of the world's population? Is the human race really that low?
    Sorry guys, I had to let that out.
  13. Based Goomy
    The Bass. What a lovely intrument.

    I shall be getting one soon. I look forward to exploring the underground world of the bass.

    I enjoy the bulkiness of the strings.

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