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Blue Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Blue Dragon

  1. *back to English*

    You were watching at what?

  2. =(

    Ze moeten ook overal de baas overzijn hé?

  3. 22 t/m 27 oktober.

  4. Als je blijft oefenen met engels gaat het vanzelf wel beter.


  5. As far as I remember, I made only one mecha in, like, ever. And it wasn't even good too.

    And we are flooded too lol. Luckly we have like 2 dikes between us and the flooded river.

  6. Because it's awesomeness bends color.

  7. bedankt, hopenlijk had je een leuke verjaardag :)

  8. Bedankt, maar in het proces heb je wel 2 van de 5 topic's revived =P.

    Oh, en je moet vaker je MSN gebruiken ;).

  9. Before I approve you on my friend list: is there any reason you added me?

  10. Belated happy birthday wishes :)

  11. D:

    Ik praat ook met een (flauw) dialect.

  12. Dat recht heb je wel ;)

  13. Do you mind it if I ad you to my friend list?

  14. Doesn't really justify what kind of other things we did there.

    From what island are you?

  15. Een van mijn kennissen is een bouwer voor de Bouwsteen.

    Ik kan met hem meerijden.

  16. eh, thanks. Why may I ask?, I'm not used to people saying that I'm awesome too me. =P

  17. Gelderland rocks your socks :P

  18. good that you (eventually)

    found out I wasn't that new :P

  19. Good, thank you.

    But how are you doing?

  20. Happy Birthday :)

    *fijne verjaardag*

    Sorry, Just couldn't resist it :P

  21. Happy birthday, Ian.


  22. He's baaaack. Glad to see you active again, even if it's just for a short time =D.

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