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Blue Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Blue Dragon

  1. eh, thanks. Why may I ask?, I'm not used to people saying that I'm awesome too me. =P

  2. Do you mind it if I ad you to my friend list?

  3. Only if you want to, because I'm still happy with it.

  4. well, then I guess that I'll have to say yes then =P

  5. Wait, are you also from that low-lying wet country?!

    well, nice to know :)

  6. Ik zet ze nu op B-shelf, ze komen er zo. =)

  7. Of course you can send me those pics. I'll answer as soon as I get them.

  8. Waarom moest je eigenlijk weten waneer LW geopend was?

  9. Ik heb maar 15 foto's omdat ik teveel bezig was met de Bionicle dingen(TLR werd in een zaal gedraaid)

  10. Welcome on BZP, have a nice stay here =D

  11. uhh,Ik zei 15, ik bedoelde 35, dus dat duurt nog wel even

    , sorry =(

  12. Als je blijft oefenen met engels gaat het vanzelf wel beter.


  13. Thanks. do you want to come here to PARTY HARD?

  14. Hey!

    So, you're active again?

  15. Zo, jij komt ook uit Nederland?

  16. Link doesn't work for me. I think it's better for you to make an account on FlickR or Brickshelf, they're much easier in use.

  17. Dat recht heb je wel ;)

  18. How are you doin' sir?

  19. As far as I remember, I made only one mecha in, like, ever. And it wasn't even good too.

    And we are flooded too lol. Luckly we have like 2 dikes between us and the flooded river.

  20. 22 t/m 27 oktober.

  21. I'm fine, thanks.

    Still stuck in creative block though =/.

    Also this country has way to many waters =[

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