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Status Updates posted by Vettel

  1. Don't worry, already done. It's laughable when you see the topics they've created though, that don't love me guy created a topic on sunglasses. Sunglasses? I mean come on, at least you can actually talk about F1! lol :P

  2. Haha, thanks. there was nobody online to talk to at that time so i just went crazy! Oh, and Schumacher IS going to change his helmet btw, I've seen a link to an early mock-up of what it may look like. rest assured, looks very nice!

  3. There's actually a popular video about at the moment from the most recent test at Jerez where Fernando comes out the pit box and signs an autograph for a kid in a wheelchair waiting and has his photo with him and then gives him his cap. Fernando didn't even know there was a camera there. Maybe he just doesn't like Americans?! :P j/k

  4. Yes, it was just wrong place wrong timing. But even if he'd missed it, the guy directly behind him could have got hit by it isntead :(. But yeah, the impact what severe, so it flipped his visor up.

  5. Welcome to BZP!

  6. Check your PMs

  7. haha, okay, i'll get around that later today then. :)

  8. Happy birthday, hope you had a good one.

  9. Latest news is that he is in no immediate danger, internal bleeding has stopped and amputation is not needed. The surgery on his hand is on going till 7pm GMT though.

  10. Okay. If you need any help connecting up to MSN or whatever, just let me know and I'll see if I can help.



  11. stop messing around, your spoiler tag ISN'T working. You didn't type anything into the spoiler for it to work. And in any case, you could just type it out without a spoiler.

  12. very funny I'm sure.

  13. Okay, thanks. I'd post again, but as BZP are strict against double posting, I can't until somebody else does :P

  14. I know you're probably busy, but can you post in the F1 topic sometime, it's in need of some posts to keep it alive...

  15. I know you're probably busy, but could you psot in the F1 topic? It's in need of some action to keep it alive.

  16. Based on the comment you left on IceToa's profile, I take it your excited? ME TOO! WOHOO!

  17. Yeah, I record races from the summer to watch in the winter to beat away those blues! But nothing beats it being live. Oh well, don't have long to wait as the season stars to gear up!

  18. Not really. Not seeing any lambos I'd consider to be "better" than Ferrari and nothing will change that.

  19. have you got a spare few thousand grand I can use then? Add on the money for the garage extention and the road tax, running costs...yeah, I'll just take the Fezza thanks! :P

  20. "...exactly the same shape as the Nurburg ring" It's Nurburgring. Sorry.

  21. Just because Merc got trashed (AGAIN!) by Audi in the DTM! :P Heh, for me, it's Ferraris or nothing. I really don't see the point of these "mad" supercars. they are nice to look at, but come on, at least a Ferrari even attempts to be practical! :P

  22. haha on that basis, that kid Kimi signed an autograph for before the start of his first rally was his brother's son! :P

  23. latest news! On Lucas Di Grassi's twitter, he dropped a hint that Alonso will be driving for Ferrari at Monza! Di Grassi is very close to Renault of course.

  24. Okay, maybe talk to you later via MSN then!

  25. "comparethemeerkat.......com!"

    They are seriously annoying adverts, but also kind of addicting! You seen the we buy any car ad? It was on during BTCC.

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