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Status Updates posted by Cambion

  1. It is not fail! Maybe I just don't know anything about painting, but I think it's really good.

  2. B) B) B) B) B)

  3. I was looking through your DeviantArt gallery and noticed "I Have Dreamt". I like it. Very...interesting. Not sure if I have a better word for it.

  4. You stole Aperture Science's avvie and sig. How dare you. :P Actually, I probably will too.

  5. Skillet=awesomesauce. *Skilletpoke* I have no idea what a Skilletpoke is, but I just Skilletpoked you.

  6. Have u ever been on the member spotlight?

  7. Your Skillet reference is awesome. ^_^

  8. *awesomesaucepoke*

  9. That's okay. I can live without it for now. ;)

  10. 'Kay. I'll be working on Chapter 3 soon.

  11. ololololololollipop u changed ur name! I likes it. :D

  12. Hi. I saw your Prometheus WIP. Pretty good, except for a few things: 1) He's pretty gappy, if ya know what I mean, and 2) I suggest giving him a mask. Maybe a black Akaku or Akaku Nuva. Other than that, good job so far.

  13. Thylon says hi to Manu. ;)

  14. Yeah, I am. I just haven't posted part 5 yet.

  15. Hi. I heard from Squishy that you joined. Welcome to BZP!

  16. Let's see, what's Toa Lunekk's theme now? Ummm... Fire Emblem? That guy in your profile pic sure looks like Ike from Fire Emblem.

  17. What's your element? Just so's I know.

  18. Yes, a Toa team. Sometimes members will form "Toa teams" with other members. Like a little group. For a good example, go to the General Art forum and search for "Toa Ventorus". The Toa Ventorus are 8 members who formed a "team". I'm doing the same thing, and I'm currently recruiting members. So far there are only two besides me, though, and I wondered if you wanted

  19. Whenever I want to rack up a bunch of posts, I go to the BBC forum. Probably because I'm a rabid MoCist.(?) No, I'm not really rabid. You should be glad. :P Oh, and would you like to be in my Toa team?

  20. Alright, what's your av/p-pic theme now? When I first saw you, it was Mario, then Professor Layton. But what's "Here's your mail" from?

  21. AHA! I have exposed the lurker!...Wait, what? Never mind. Actually, I tend to lurk too. For a while I was obsessed with getting to Turaga rank and posted the heck outta my computer, but now I just lurk and watch the goings-on. It's fun. :P BTW, I like your Tuyet audition.

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