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Status Updates posted by Cambion

  1. Start with The Color of Magic. It comes first.

  2. CoAD was amazing, I read the first 4 books once. But then the 5th took forever to come out, and I lost interest. As for Terry Pratchett, I recommend The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic for starters, as they follow each other chronologically.

  3. Yeah. Volumes 6, 7, and maybe 8. Plus volume 1 and maybe 2 of Death Note, and possibly even volume 1 of Zombiepowder.

  4. Imma buy lots more Bleach soon. :D

  5. I do, although not as much recently. Have you ever read anything by Terry Pratchett?

  6. Aho-Chan is a guy. His profile gender is not correct. Just so ya know.

  7. You mean Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen? Nope, but I plan to.

  8. Indeed I am. I own all seven books.

    Well, that would be somewhat easier for you, as you're Australian. :P

  9. Laziness is what prevents many of my ideas from ever being finished. XD

  10. My laziness happened, that's what. XD

  11. As of December 29th, 2010, you are the newest member. Welcome to BZP!

  12. Merry Christmas, bro. B)

  13. ^_^

    Merry Christmas man. Or happy Christmas, I guess, as you're European. :P

  14. Yeah.

    You too. :) But it's not Christmas yet...

  15. I do, sometimes. You're right. Guess I'm just a hypocrite then.

  16. To me, he comes off as blunt and obnoxious. But maybe that's just me...

  17. Shine is indeed a nub.

  18. Congrats on the Vahi. No blog entry for it?

  19. Trust me, I will. B)

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