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Guardian Knuckles

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Everything posted by Guardian Knuckles

  1. Welcome. :P Do you think that someday, they'll release Earthbound for VC?

  2. Wrong. Like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 out of 999999999999999999999999999999999999. Anyway, like your profile pic. Ness being epic as always.

  3. You think? I'm lucky if I last one millisecond.


  4. The Rayg still lives, thanks to its use in fan games, though now that Unity and Blender are being used more often, I doubt it will last longer. Razor was always a great kit, despise it being not as complete as the Chimoru. Had Razor had an ultimate poser, and pretty much all characters up to 2010, it would probally be used more than it is these days. Being a huge Razor fan, I'd enjoy using it, but I can't due it's imcompleteness. That's when mixing Razor with Chimoru Olda comes in handy. If I ever make a sub-comic, I'll probally use Razor as I don't want to see the kit dying any longer.
  5. Typical stuff. I better watch my comments or I'll be sued by your profile picture.

  6. I'll never get them?

  7. Lol, then I guess I'm not sorry.

  8. Yeah, sorry for the confusion. Cool that you're back!

  9. Welcome to Bzpower! Hope you enjoy your stay! :P

  10. Hmph. I get the bad ending on all of them. Then again, I never do good in the special zone.

  11. Well, you're not that new....

  12. Hi! Hope you enjoy your stay. :P

  13. Falcon Approved! Cool! B)

  14. Um, you're the guy who helped me out with my sig. Ring a bell?

  15. Hi! Welcome to Bzpower! Hope you enjoy your stay!

  16. Well, the Captain can't step it up!

  17. No more discussing this banned member, ok?

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