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Status Updates posted by LewatheChickenNuggets

  1. wants to change my profile pic into lewathealpacarider... thiughts?

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      no. but I make you a pic of chicken lewa.

  2. Wondering, is the EM thing dead? :/

  3. College has been a burden... but I simply missed this place so much that I decided to return! :) I missed every friend I made here...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LewatheChickenNuggets


      I am amazed that there is no 'like' button :P

    3. LewatheChickenNuggets


      with the fact that this place looks like some famous social network site XD


    4. xon



  4. Hai there long time no see...

    1. LewatheChickenNuggets


      College has been devouring my soul slowly, but I just can't forget abt this place... how's the B:NG thing going?

    2. Lewa Krom

      Lewa Krom

      BNG's been going slow. You missed a hilarious exchange with a guy who is pro at holding grudges. But, yeah... school's been keeping me busy as well.

  5. i believe anos is stuck in an old fortress. He discovered an old Kanohi mask somewhere inside.

  6. thanks man! I am so busy that I cant go on BZP and the other site :S

    How's to return going? LOL

  7. hey, happy new year and happy 100th Ming Guo year! :P

    Good luck in your school. :)

  8. How's the writing going? :P

    Btw, ur request is almost done....I am not really sure if that's what u want tho....so be prepared :P

  9. ooohhh, i see. Good luck. :)

    Btw, Merry Xmas...

    (Yeah, it's Christmas here. I am from the future B) )

  10. i mean the next chapter lolol

    U know wat we really should advertise it more...

  11. when will to return be done.../

  12. hi ohmai long time no see lolol

  13. Nice name :D

    Next step: gain PMship again :D

  14. Even though there is not even 5 Taiwanese on this site....


  15. i like ur personal photo.

  16. Hahaha, thanks. :)

    Btw, you study in a 'normal' school, not an 'international' school, is it?

  17. Happy-late Chong Chio Jiay!

    How's it going? :)

  18. lol. I don't live in the city center, so it's fine.

  19. Btw, noticed ur name is back. Awesome.

  20. Dude, read my sig. PLEASE. It's very important.


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