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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    I got Age of Empires III! I love that game! It's so much fun! We also got the LarryBoy PS2 game! It's fun too! What short sentences I'm speaking! And all with exclamations!
    OK, I'll stop now...
    I so want a Mac! (sorry, that will be the last time.) My PC can't handle anything I like to do. ;_; I want to make movies and create music! But everything I try doesn't work on my computer. Except Roxio, which is the only media suite I can get to work on my computer. It's good, but not perfect (like iLife). My dad said we're going to try to 'switch' sometime this year. I hope that's soon.
    *get's hopes up*
    My dad wants to get an iMac for the family, a MacBook for himself for work, and I totally want an iMac. Seriously the best personal computer invented! I just have to be patient.
  2. HahliLavender
    The LGD and COT forums are no longer available! *gasp* Are they permanently gone, or will they eventually come back?
    Maybe thinking it's a joke is the joke, and they really are gone! Or maybe thinking the joke's a joke is a joke, and they'll be back soon? Or maybe this was the prank! To make you think it was a joke, but realizing that it's most likely not a joke that it's a joke! Or... wait...
    ... I lost where I was going...
    Oh well. It'll still makes since if those forums are permanently gone. After all, this is a Bionicle site.
    Wait... maybe they were going to do this (for real) anyway, but waited until April Fool's Day so we'd all think it was a joke. Then we'd later realize it wasn't! That'd be a good prank. Though, disappointing to the people of those forums. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. But if someone could please give a firm answer, are they gone for good?

  3. HahliLavender
    My sisters will be learning about the american pioneers for school, and will be making costumes appropriate to that era. I was invited to make a costume if I wanted to, but I don't quite fancy old west attire, so I'll be making a different costume. One I will enjoy wearing. I won't be doing the same lesson plans, so I'm not bound by a specific time period. I sketched out a general look I want for my costume & colored it. It's something of the Steampunk variety.

    This is just a draft to give me a general guideline as to what I want the costume to look like. Unfortunately my scanner doesn't work, so I had to take a picture of the drawing with my camera. That's why the sketch itself looks a little... off.
    I have a vest from a previous project that I plan to use in this one, my dad has a manilla-colored collar shirt, and the pants are no problem. I just need to get a hold of some combat boots (preferably these) and make a frock coat and some goggles. I have glass lenses for the goggles, I just need some leather, a small buckle, and some thick thread. As for the frock coat, I need advice as to what type of fabric I should use. I've made a frock coat once before, using a Jack Sparrow costume pattern, but the fabric I used was canvas. (like the kind they make Chuck Taylors out of.) XD It turned out ok, but not as good as I'd hoped. But at least I have a bit of experience.
    Any tips or suggestions?
  4. HahliLavender
    Ahhh, BZPower. It feels good to be someplace familiar. But I have a lot to explain, seeing as I'm not in Florida.
    Long story short, I now live in Texas, not Florida.
    Short story long...
    My family and I left for Florida in mid September. We rented a Penske truck, but couldn't fit all our stuff so we bought a small, old, rusty, open trailer to carry the rest. Emphesis on old and rusty. On the way there, (my dad driving the truck and towing the trailer, the rest of us in a car behind him) on the second day, the trailer had a blowout, but we got it fixed. On the third day, the trailer's dumping mechenism latch broke off and I caught the drama on film. My dad did some sort of MacGyver thing to it to fix it. On the third day, the same tire blew out, and we got it fixed it again. All this happened on the highway, of course.
    So we were in Florida, but the house we were going to rent fell through, so we had to stay in a hotel for a couple of nights until we found a house. About two (maybe even three) days later we found a house and moved in. And we stayed there for less than two weeks before we decided that we probably should have moved to Texsas in the first place. It was where we were originally going to go, but then dout seeped in and corrupted our thinking. There were also more personal reasons that I don't think I can share right now.
    Anyway, we re-packed and loaded up an even bigger truck (not Penske, I forgot which service it was) so we can go to where we believed we were supposed to go. Once we got here we started searching for houses, but with no luck. Places were being rented out so quickly because of all the hurricane evacuees. But we kept searching. Last Sunday we visited a church that my parents wanted to visit since before we moved here. It's so much nicer than any other we've visited. Most churches, people ignore you, and seem a little shallow. Like it's all just part of their weekend routine. But here, was different. I actually felt welcomed, and made some friends. (Or, close aquantences) Which is rather unusual for me. But it feels good. I haven't had friends for almost three years! And a family there offered to house us while we searched for a house.
    So here I am on their computer typing this as I blow my nose (and wash my hands, of course) due to a cold. We found a really nice house, and will be moving in tomorrow! [/good news] Which means I'll have a lot of physical labor awaiting me tomorrow. Ugh... [/bad news] Fourth time un/loading a truck in the span of a month. XP
    Well, I need to go to bed. It's late. But first maybe a few more chapters of this Ted Dekker novel.
    *blows nose*
  5. HahliLavender
    There's this mall that's being built near where I live and it opens in October. Their having this "Job Fair" where you can pick up pamphlets, application forms, etc. and choose where you want to work at the mall. I was going to apply to work in Sharper Image and when they saw me, the seemed excited that I was going to apply. (My mom said it was my look. ) Unfortunately, the manager said they were looking for someone 18 or older. I'm 16. I might make sure if I actually can't apply tomorrow. the application form doesn't say you have to be 18. Hopefully they'll change their mind.
    After that, I came up to a Starbucks booth, and the guy there seemed excited to meet me too. Apparently have this techno guy coffee house thing going on. So I got an application form for that too. Even though I hate coffee, I'm still considering it.
    I also got an application form for the Malco theater that'll be there, but I'm not as excited about that. The guy behind the counter (most likely the manager) seemed... inexplicably strange. But I still think it'll be fun to work at a theater. Free movies! (possibly)
    Well, I'll see what happens. Tomorrow's the last day of the "Fair," so, that's when I need to turn in the forms.
    I really want to work at Sharper Image!

  6. HahliLavender
    I don't know how many people here know, but there was a major tornado storm across the south of the United States. I just feel bad I didn't know about the tornados as it was happening. I live very close to where the storm hit, but fortunately we only got the edge of the storm. Our power was out most of the day, so we weren't able to watch the news. And we didn't think of trying the radio because we thought it was just a large thunder storm. Nothing deadly. I hope anyone reading this who lives in that area is OK.
    Appropriate song of the moment: Universal by John Reuben
    "This just in but I’m not paying attention
    Ignorance isn’t bliss but taking a break from it is"
    We've had the craziest weather this week. And I'm not only talking about the storm. 2 days of ice and snow, the next 2 days hot and humid, back to freezing, then massive tornados.
  7. HahliLavender
    Earlier tonight I was looking through our old photos because I was bored. Many of the photos were taken before I was born, but most of them brought back memories. a while later my whole family ended up looking through photos, laughing at 80's hair-do's and remembering times gone past.
    While looking through these, I found pictures of Paris and Venice my great aunt and uncle took when they were on a vacation there. I thought some of them were pretty cool, so I scanned them for you to see.
    Arc de Triomphe
    I don't know how long ago they were taken, but those are great pictures!
  8. HahliLavender
    I passed my driving test today, first try! Now I have two weeks to turn in my permit for an intermediate license. Then when I turn 18 (next month!) I can trade it in for a real license!

    Unrelated to to the previously stated announcement, I'm the only one in my family who will watch a DVD with the commentary. Am I the only one here as well?
  9. HahliLavender
    I found this on Orlando, Florida's official information site:

    It says "Here's 50 reason's to get you started." It should say "Here are 50 reasons..." There is more than one reason, so it should say "are."
    It just annoyed me, so I thought I'd post this.
  10. HahliLavender
    I'm real excited about the new Pixar movie WALL•E, and I'm planning on seeing it tomorrow!
    Below is some fan art. My first attempt at drawing EVE.

  11. HahliLavender
    It's Wednesday, and Wednesday is when we usually go grocery shopping. I don't usually go, but I went to see if Wal-Mart had any Inika. I was particularly after Hewkii. Our whole family ended up going, except my dad. He was at work. And once we get there, we stop at McDonald's for lunch. My sisters got happy meals, and I must say, the toy they got is pretty cool for a happy meal toy. They got a PotC Pirate journal thing. I saw the image of the toys they have. I like that that Jack Sparrow plushy!
    Anyway, we start the shopping, but first I go check out the Bionicle stuff. My sister came with me, and when I got there, I almost overlooked them. Those canisters are huge! I'd say they're about the size of the Nui Rama box! As you probably saw in the Hahli review, the canisters are 9" tall (aprox. 18cm), and the width is the same as the width of a CD case.
    Well, all they had was Kongu and Matoro. No Hewkii. So I got both Kongu and Matoro. They also had V&F, and Axxon, and I had enough money for all of them, but I thought it wiser to wait a little longer.
    After I put them in our cart I remembered that I needed clothes. I literally only had two pairs of pants that fit, and of all the shirts I have, Only a few are appropriate for summer, and I was getting tired of repetitively wearing them. So I asked if I could get some clothes, and my mom was all "Oh yes, definitely, you need more cloths. Go pick some and you can try them on." So I chose a bunch of clothes I liked, and tried them on. This one pair of jeans I liked was too small, and they didn't have any more, and two shirts we ended up not getting. And there was this pair of tan urban pants I liked, but my mom didn't like them, so I couldn't get them. But I did get a similar pair, though it was black camo. They're awesome. After that we did actual grocery shopping.
    I'm so glad I got Kongu and Matoro. They're better than I expected! Below are some pictures I took.
    Strike a Pose
    Matoro using his Iden

  12. HahliLavender
    I'm Back! In case anyone wanted to know. I have a lot of catching up to do. I don't feel like writing a long blog entry right now, so I'll do that later.
    It feels so good to be home!
  13. HahliLavender
    I went out to catch fireflies just now. Though, unlike in movies, they don't glow while in the jar. I guessed they were too scared to glow, so I let them go. :/
    But they are amazing creatures, aren't they?
  14. HahliLavender
    - UPDATED - June 14, 2008 - 
    Current Update:
    Added Maximum Ride series, and age rating.
    Here is a list of books I have read and enjoyed, and are now listing for anyone looking for something interesting to read. These are all fiction, mind you, so unless you enjoy the weird and fantasmical, you might want to consider something else.
    Or not.
    I've rated each book so you can determine for yourself what sort of content it might contain. Based on violence, language (if any), and various other elements that I deem relevant for a rating. You may think otherwise in some cases, but this is how I would rate these books. They are rated similarly to movies.

    1. A Series of Unfortunate Events - by Lemony Snicket
    Now, I know this series is very widely known, with a movie and everything, but I'm talking about the books. If you haven't read the series but think you know the story... well, read the series. It's remained one of my favorite series of books for years, and is something I, personally, would consider a modern classic.
    My Rating: PG

    2. The Books of Ember - by Jeanne DuPrau
    These consist of The City of Ember, The People of Sparks, And The Prophet of Yonwood. The later being a prequel. The story begins in the dying city of Ember. A place with no sky and no natural light. It's about a girl named Lina and her friend Doon who learn the secrets of the city and attempt to save the people living there. I don't know how to explain the next two books without spoiling the ending of the first one, so I'll just leave it at that.
    My Rating: G

    3. The Larklight Trilogy - by Philip Reeve
    This trilogy consists of Larklight, Starcross, and Mothstorm. I've only read Larklight so far, but I'm looking forward to reading Starcross. (Mothstorm has yet to be released.) Larklight takes place in an alternate victorian era. It's about a boy named Art and his older sister Myrtle who live in a house they call Larklight. A building that floats in space orbiting the moon. When giant six-legged spiders invade, they get thrown into an adventure with pirates and aliens. Traveling the solar system in hopes of putting an end to the invading spiders, and for answers to the many mysteries that surround the universe.
    - Mothstorm will be released next October.
    My Rating: PG

    4. Airborn & Skybreaker - by Kenneth Oppel
    Airborn and Skybreaker are another two of my favorite books. They're about a boy named Matt Cruse who works as a cabin boy on the luxurious commercial airship known as the Aurora. He meets a girl named Kate, and together the two confront pirates and discover some of the many secrets of the sky.
    My Rating: PG-13

    5. The Kingdom Keepers - by Ridley Pearson
    This book was very interesting. It's like Disney World meets Night at the Museum. It's about a boy named Finn who was one of five kids chosen to be recorded as a new type of holographic tour guide for Disney World's Magic Kingdom. But every time he goes to sleep, he finds himself as his hologram in the middle of Magic Kingdom, where at night, the rides and attractions come to life! And Finn and the other four hologram kids have to save Magic Kingdom from the villains who are loose.
    - There's a confirmed sequel set to be released this September.
    My Rating: G

    6. His Dark Materials - by Philip Pullman
    Now, I am fully aware of the controversy of these books, but that will not be discussed here. I have yet to make a final decision as to how I view the series' deeper matters. I must say that I do not agree with Pullman's view of Christians. (Very biased). I'm probably going to regret adding this trilogy here, but this list is about my favorite books and the stories they hold. Not the authors. The reason I'm adding His Dark Materials to this list is simply that I enjoyed the story. The story starts out with a girl named Lyra who sets off to rescue her kidnapped friend. The trilogy consists of The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. Though I feel I should advise, those of you who are Christians, or Catholic, or the like, should approach these books, as I have, with a cautious and open mind.
    My Rating: PG-13

    7. Endymion Spring - by Matthew Skelton
    Endymion Spring takes place in two time periods. 1452-53, and the present. When a chapter is taking place in the past, it's written in first person as a mute boy who's name is Endymion Spring. Most of the book however, is about an American kid named Blake who, with his mother and sister, are staying in Oxford for his mother's work. Blake finds a book in one of the old libraries that is entirely blank, but it seems to be alive; occasionally revealing riddles that only he can see.
    My Rating: PG

    8. The Chronicles of Narnia - by C.S. Lewis
    This series tells the chronicles of the land of Narnia. From it's creation, to it's destruction, these books tell the stories of the children who enter the world of Narnia, and the adventures that they have while there. My personal favorites in this series are definitely The Magician's Nephew, and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The only thing I didn't like about this series, is the ending in The Last Battle. It gives me mixed feelings of opposing emotions that just makes me feel... something I find very difficult to explain.
    My Rating: G

    9. Bridge to Terabithia - by Katherine Paterson
    This book is one of my favorites. I first read it when I found out it was going to be a movie, after I saw the trailer. So I expected it to be a Narnia-esque story. Well, this is definitely not a fantasy story, and I was far from prepared for what happened near the end. I took me completely by surprise. Now that it's a movie, I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. But if you don't, I suggest you read this book.
    My Rating: PG

    10. Artemis Fowl - by Eoin Colfer
    I'm not quite sure what I was expecting of these book, but I'm happy with what I've found. I have yet to read the rest of the books in the series, so I'll just summarize the general concept of the story. Artemis Fowl is about a twelve year-old criminal mastermind (of the same name) who attempts to exploit fairies for personal gain. Very interesting concept, and an enjoyable read. Thanks for the suggestion BioHero!
    My Rating: PG

    11. The Lightning Thief - by Rick Riordan
    The Lightning Thief is the first book of a series called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Think greek mythology in the 21st century. It's about a boy named Percy Jackson who discovers he's the son of a greek god and becomes the target of several monsters of the underworld. He goes to Camp Half-Blood, a training camp for demigods, and is sent on a quest to find and return Zeus's stolen lightning bolt. Thanks for the suggestion Keyblade Master of Light!
    My Rating: PG

    12. Maximum Ride - by James Patterson
    I really liked this book. It's about six kids who were part of a genetic experiment to implement avian DNA into humans. The result? Each of those kids have wings. When the youngest of the group is kidnapped, the rest set out to rescue her, and end up on the run from the organization that mutated them. Full of action, violence, and witty humor, this was definitely an enjoyable read. I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
    My Rating: PG-13
    I hope this list could help out those who want to read something, but can't seem to find anything interesting. That happens to me all the time, but I eventually come across a book I'll enjoy. These are some of those books.
  15. HahliLavender
    I'm moving!
    For real this time.
    And this time I'm actually exited to move! Which is weird, considering my lifelong history of always moving across the country.
    Why am I moving (for real)? Because I'm going to Full Sail University for a degree in Digital Arts & Design! It's a four year course that I'll be doing in only 21 months. I chose this course over Graphic Design because it spans all forms of media production. Not just print, layout and web kind of stuff. I'm interested in it all! And with the DA&D course I'll be able to learn how to create not only eye-catching images, but music, video, animation and websites. I already have amateur experience with all of those, but college will be my ticket to the skills I need to make a career out of art production.
    After college, I'm going to try to get an internship at Pixar, and work my way up to become an Art Director for them. B) Though that's years down the road, at least I finally have a goal to work towards, and I know in my gut that I should go to Full sail. Which is why I'm exited!
    We're moving to Florida!
  16. HahliLavender
    Just thought I'd post these.
    When I came across a photo of one of my (really) old LEGO creations, I played around with it to make myself a wallpaper image for my phone. The background is from a google image search, but the LEGO creation itself was made by me. Feel free to use these however you please.

    These should fit for most normal mobile phones. It's way too small for the iPhone, so I don't recommend using it on that.
  17. HahliLavender
    Wow, it's been almost four months since I've blogged last. I guess I just lost interest here for a while, but I'm back! And I make no promises of a regular blog upkeep. But right now I'm gonna work on updating my blog's look, and squeeze a decent title out of my brain.
    In the meantime you can entertain yourself with the words spoken typed below...
    I've got another baby sister, born in June; which makes makes her sister number five! Guess I'm still the only boy in this family. (besides my dad.) But I'm the oldest, and that comes with it's perks.
    I've recently gained an interest in playing the piano and have taught myself a bit of how to read sheet music! But slowly. It takes a while for me to figure out which note(s) I'm supposed to play. I've already made up two songs, but they're not complete yet.
    Also, I've been interested in The Books of Ember Series. The City of Ember is the first book in the series, and is gonna be a movie next year! I can't wait! The book is about two kids who attempt to save the people of a dying city where there's no sky. The only light comes from flood lamps mounted on buildings and lampposts. I've read the second book, The People of Sparks, as well. All I have left is to read The Prophet of Yonwood.
    Let's see, anything interesting I could tell you? Well, in July I went to Massachusetts for a family reunion of people related to me who I've never met, but spent a few days prior in New York (no, not the city) with some relatives I've known my whole life. I was much more comfortable there.
    Oh, and sometime in... april or june, i forgot when, we (my siblings and I) got a Wii! But we don't have any actual games for it yet. Unless you count Wii Sports and Wii Play.
    Well those were just a few significant things I could remember right now from the past four months. And hopefully I'll update this blog more often.
  18. HahliLavender
    Last night I slept better than I did in a long time. I've been sick with a nasty head cold almost all month. (coughing, runny nose, etc.) But I'm finaly feeling much better!
    Anyway, I was exploring some rarely-viewed folders on my computer and found these banners I made a few months ago. I think I made them last March. There's four of them, each representing a season. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall (or if you prefer, Autumn). In the center are the Japanese words for that particular season.
    To get the Japanese words for the seasons, I used this translator. In the Spring banner, I don't know if that's the correct word for the season of Spring, seeing as it's written in the Hiragana form of Japanese instead of traditional. But that's what it translated and that's all I had. If it's not the correct word for the season Spring, I'd appreciate getting the real word in text format.
    I bet your waiting to see the banners. Well, here they are:
    I made these entierly in Photoshop. Only using brushes, stamps, and effects. You can use them, but you must give credit! I worked hard on those.
    So, what do think?

  19. HahliLavender
    I'm currently working on writing an epic about four Toa who somehow get their memory wiped. I haven't thought of a reason why yet . They find themselves on an island with no idea who, what or where they are. Though some Toa where effected more than the others. One in particular is this guy. I haven't thought of a name for him, but I'm using that to my advantage. He was effected by the memory wipe the most. And this story is written in first person about him. The other characters don't have definite names yet, except for Aqual.
    I'm also working on a game for this story, using all my own sprites. Though I'm still getting the controller to work efficiently.
    Here's the character:
    How do you like it?
    I might name him Akhanre... I don't know.
    Anyway, I have a name for the story, but I'm not going to reveal it yet. I hope to complete this. I tend to move on to other projects and forget the ones I started. I need to work on that. So I'm going to try to finish this. I really think it'll be a great story... with a game!

  20. HahliLavender
    Wow, I'm mentioned in the news! I never thought that would happen! 
    Well I'm posting this to say what the bonuses are. There are 14 song downloads, a music video, a hidden bonus site and a Bionicle Heroes game demo.
    Note: Whenever you refresh the site, the downloads are either under a different download spot and/or there will be different downloads available.
    Below are the available songs for download.
    Artist ----------- Song
    Love Arcade - Can't Stop
    Damone - Out Here All Night
    The Futureheads - Skip to the End
    Punchline - Don't Try This At Home
    Paramore - Emergency
    Carbon Leaf - Learn to Fly
    The Subways - Oh, Yeah
    Big City Rock - All of the Above
    The Living End - What's On Your Radio
    Zox - Can't Look Down
    French Kicks - So Far We Are
    Over It - Gun Slinger
    The Realistics - Nothing Left to Hide
    From Satellite - Just Another Girl
    I took down the pics showing where you could find the bonuses, because that would take the fun out of finding them.
    (I should of thought of that earlier.)
  21. HahliLavender
    I just got my my Free the Band prize in the mail! As mentioned in a previous entry, I won a T-shirt, lanyard and poster. Unfortunately, the poster is folded, so there's crease marks on it, but it's a good size. Probably around 2' long by 1½' wide. The lanyard card I got has Hewkii on it, and the shirt looks pretty good.

  22. HahliLavender
    The good news is I got a bag of Goldfish crackers!
    The better news is I'm finally in an air-conditioned room! (I was out for a bit, and our car's AC is busted)
    The bad news is I can't work at Sharper Image because I'm not 18 yet.
    The horrible news is my baby sister is throwing up, but has no fever. (She's 10 months old)
    UPDATE: My sister is feeling much better! She proably just had an upset stomach. Thanks for the prayers Turakii!
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