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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    Why is it that some people can get away with rhetoric speech, and others can't? I don't joke too often, but when I do, people usually take me seriously. Either it's bad timing, or I simply can't speak in a way that makes the joke obvious. And sometimes it's the other way around. When people ask me a question, I takes a second for me to figure out if it was rhetorical or not; the way they say it. And usually I'm wrong in which I think it is.
    Edit: A prime example can be found here.
    A few years ago, I used to take "What's up" literally, until I realized that it simply meant "hi."
    Modern slang can be so confusing.
  2. HahliLavender
    I've been recently studying Japanese more, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of the language! It's not as hard as everyone says. Maybe because I enjoy it! The hardest part for me is probably putting words in the correct order. The sentance structure is "Subject, Object, Verb." I can put together small sentances though.
    Props to the first person to correctly translate this...
  3. HahliLavender
    Just thought I'd post these.
    When I came across a photo of one of my (really) old LEGO creations, I played around with it to make myself a wallpaper image for my phone. The background is from a google image search, but the LEGO creation itself was made by me. Feel free to use these however you please.

    These should fit for most normal mobile phones. It's way too small for the iPhone, so I don't recommend using it on that.
  4. HahliLavender
    I've stated a few times before that I enjoy exploring the Japanese language in my spare time. But I haven't yet found a way to really study it. I sent for a Rosetta Stone demo, but I'd also like suggestions for recommended books to help me study the language.
    If you have studied Japanese, and know of a book that really helped you, please tell me. I'd really appreciate it.
  5. HahliLavender
    I've just received in the mail today, a large catalog of info on a college my mom suggested for me. It's called Full Sail, and I've got to say, I haven't been more excited about any other college than this one. It's a school for the arts and entertainment media. My only problem is that I have an interest in almost all forms of media development, so it's hard for me to pick just one career. But if I go to any college, it might be for graphic design, seeing as that spans through most forms of media. (And I rather enjoy designing the way things look.)
    Now, the campus of the college looks great! The only negative thing being the fact that there aren't any dorms. So I'd have to rent an apartment, or something, because it's in Florida, and I don't currently live near Florida. Oh, and it's expensive. XD
    But Florida's nice; the sky there is absolutely marvelous! So wide-open... Not like the mountain-barrier skyline of where I live right now. So closed-in...
    Not only that, but it's close to Disney World! I've been wanting to go back there some time.

  6. HahliLavender
    I've been working on a team of Toa for a while now. Well, when I had time and was in the mood. I've finished two Toa, one of Air, one of Plasma. I say they're finished because I think they're awesome! Not only that, but they're quite durable and play friendly too! Kid tested, Air-Master approved!
    Air Toa - Front Back
    Plasma Toa - Front Back
    I may use the Air Toa for my self MoC.
    I have two more built, but I'm not too sure about them. One is stone (unless there's another element that's better suited for yellow), an the other is lightning. I like the Stone guy, but I think something needs to change. The Lightning girl, I just can't seem to get a balance of blue and white together that I like. And I don't have Hahli Mahri, so my blue pieces are a bit limited and that doesn't help. And most of Hahli Inika's pieces just seem to make it worse.
    Stone Toa - Front Back
    Lightning Toa - Front Back
    Maybe I should try an Inika torso on the Stone Toa.
    Anyway, I'd like to get some ideas and finish the team before I post it in BBC. Any thoughts?
  7. HahliLavender
    I found this on Orlando, Florida's official information site:

    It says "Here's 50 reason's to get you started." It should say "Here are 50 reasons..." There is more than one reason, so it should say "are."
    It just annoyed me, so I thought I'd post this.
  8. HahliLavender
    I passed my driving test today, first try! Now I have two weeks to turn in my permit for an intermediate license. Then when I turn 18 (next month!) I can trade it in for a real license!

    Unrelated to to the previously stated announcement, I'm the only one in my family who will watch a DVD with the commentary. Am I the only one here as well?
  9. HahliLavender
    I've just noticed, that those Japanese characters on the packaging of Exo-Force sets that reads トクシュブタイ (or tokushubutai) are the Japanese words 特殊 (tokushu) meaning special, or unique, and 舞台 (butai) meaning stage, setting or scene. So tegether, they mean something like, "unique setting."
    I don't know if that was intentional or not, but I thought it was pretty cool so I thought I'd point that out.

  10. HahliLavender
    The LGD and COT forums are no longer available! *gasp* Are they permanently gone, or will they eventually come back?
    Maybe thinking it's a joke is the joke, and they really are gone! Or maybe thinking the joke's a joke is a joke, and they'll be back soon? Or maybe this was the prank! To make you think it was a joke, but realizing that it's most likely not a joke that it's a joke! Or... wait...
    ... I lost where I was going...
    Oh well. It'll still makes since if those forums are permanently gone. After all, this is a Bionicle site.
    Wait... maybe they were going to do this (for real) anyway, but waited until April Fool's Day so we'd all think it was a joke. Then we'd later realize it wasn't! That'd be a good prank. Though, disappointing to the people of those forums. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. But if someone could please give a firm answer, are they gone for good?

  11. HahliLavender
    I was on the Free the Band site last night to enter the sweepstakes, clicked on the image and thought, "wouldn't it be nice to win an instant win prize." And to my shock and totally surprized eyes, I WON!

    I almost passed out from shock. I got one of 500 T-shirt's Lanyard's & poster's! That's one of 1000 instant win prizes, from the possible millions of people out there! I should receive it by October 19... that's a long wait.
    OMG, I still can't believe it!
    (Hey, how long has the hyper emote been back!?)
  12. HahliLavender
    I went out to catch fireflies just now. Though, unlike in movies, they don't glow while in the jar. I guessed they were too scared to glow, so I let them go. :/
    But they are amazing creatures, aren't they?
  13. HahliLavender
    This article contains major spoilers.
    For as long as I can remember, Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favorite stories. When I was little, I used to watch the Disney animated adaption all the time. Then my sisters and I would reenact the movie, using a dollhouse as the White Rabbit's home for when we ate a Cheeze-it that makes you grow. And whenever we were at my aunt's house I watched the 1985 TV movie. Always knowing the slightly damaged tape would inevitably stop at the same place no matter what. (I still haven't seen the whole thing.) Then when the 1999 adaption came out, that became my favorite version of the story. So when this movie was announced, I was naturally real excited to see it. Especially with the Burton/Depp creative combo.

    So I've been anxiously awaiting this movie for a long time now. Almost a year, I suppose. And I finally had the chance to see it last week. (March 6th, to be precise.) The movie was not quite what I expected, but it was definitely enjoyable, and I liked it. However, there are a few elements about it that almost seemed to disappoint.

    First, a bit of a synopsis. This movie isn't actually an adaption of the book, but a sequel to them. Which I'm sure was in part to give the production team much more freedom than what would have been allowed had it been otherwise. It's been 13 years since Alice's first visit to Wonderland. She's 19 now, and Wonderland is just a barely remembered dream to her. She doesn't want a part in the high Victorian society that she's expected to be a part of. But while at a garden party, she finds out that she's going to be proposed to. By a guy she doesn't want to marry. And when she sees the white rabbit, she follows him down the rabbit hole once more to Wonderland. But Wonderland has changed since her last visit.

    The story is basically a growing up story. At the beginning, Alice is a little childish in the way she acts. Quietly rebelling against the ridiculousness of the Victorian high society she was born into. (Like not wearing a corset or stockings.) But when she returns to Wonderland, she's thrown into an adventure that she doesn't really want to be a part of. But not long after she arrives to Wonderland, she's shrunk and stretched, attacked by a bandersnatch, hunted by the Knave of Hearts, and stuffed into a teapot. As well as hearing everyone continue to argue as to wether or not she's the same Alice as before. The only one who's sure she's the same one is the Hatter. And they quickly become friends. (Again)

    So, now they can get on with the Frabjous Day! Or, the day Alice is destined to slay the Jabberwock to end the evil reign of the Red Queen. (aka Queen of Hearts) Yeah, the plot is basically Lewis Carroll's poem Jabberwocky, from Through the Looking Glass. Read it, and you pretty much know know how it ends.

    However, Alice is meant to slay the Jabberwock alone. And as both armies stand before each other, They just watch their champions battle it out. Until the Hatter jumps in to help Alice, and the Red Queen sends her army out against the White Queen's army.

    Now, about the characters. They're all great! And Burton, as well as the actors, have added much more character depth to their rolls than was seen in the book. And fortunately, Alice's character doesn't get lost among the other wacky personalities. But none of them stand out like the Mad Hatter. In this story, he's not just another wacko. (Even though he is the wackiest.) In fact, he's one of the most human characters. His madness is almost tragic at times. Which is probably why he's investigating things that begin with the letter M. (try mercury)

    The Cheshire cat is an interesting character. You never know what it is he's thinking behind that grin. He's a little selfish, but he'll help if you ask him to. (And he has a strange fascination with the Hatter's hat.)

    The Red Queen is just plain selfish and heartless. The closest you get to her is when the Knave asks her weather it's better to be loved or feared. Which she later decides it's better to be feared.

    The White Queen is the Red Queen's younger sister. However she wants to be everything her sister isn't. Good, kind, and nonviolent. She's real quirky but exaggeratedly graceful. An interesting combination that works well for her.

    Alice. At the beginning she's a little rebellious. And while in Wonderland, she learns to make decisions for herself. However, when she returns, brave and confident, she chooses to take an apprenticeship to someday take over her fathers old ship and trade business. Which was purchased by a family friend after her father's death. And the movie closes with her about to set off on a ship. (To what we assume is to China.) However I couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness at that.

    Now this movie is definitely a little feminist, even though some of the things people would call feminist I think are appropriate for the circumstances. But Alice "finding herself" and setting out into the world on her own, all by herself, with nothing but the confidence that she can see in herself just feels lonely to me. And it leaves me to wonder what happens next.

    Overall, It was an enjoyable movie. The movie looks wonderful, and the 3D really sucks you into it. I liked it. But the ending doesn't leave you with the feeling you know they're trying to give. And there's plenty of violence that might turn some people away. So, for a sequel to the books it's good, but the story could have been better. I guess there's still nothing like the original.

  14. HahliLavender
    I'm sick, possibly with Strep Throat. So I've been pretty board all day with spontaneous urges to draw and play music from Kingdom Hearts on the piano. Part of the drawing I've worked on all day you can see below. After I made the head I decided to give it a body, so I did. (Click the image below.) It was drawn entirely in photoshop with a graphics tablet. I might redo it sometime to give him different clothes, because I'm not too sure about them.

    Click for full drawing
    Character bio:
    Meet Sketch. A confident artist and generally optimistic person. Sly and clever, He'll win almost any argument; and whether it be luck or powerful observational skills he's usually always right. He knows this, but tries not to come across as arrogant.
    "Sketch" is just his nickname, given to him for the fact that he's always drawing. Not many people know his real name, but if you ask him what it is, he'll likely reply, "What is it not?"
    One day when he was snooping around an old study while on a tour in a famous artist's mansion he found a quite unusual pen. He smuggled it out and later discovered that anything he draws and signs with his "souvenir" soon becomes reality. He could draw the future.
    You know, that's actually a good plot stool. Maybe I could use it to reach the story on the top shelf.
    I think the fatigue is getting to me.
  15. HahliLavender
    It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring
    He went to bed, and bumped his head
    And didn't...
    Gosh, nursery rhymes are morbid.
    It's raining here. And everything is covered in ice. Dangerous, but it looks cool!
  16. HahliLavender
    As you may (or may not have) seen in a specific past entry, I talked about a college I wanted to attend. But seeing as I'm moving even further from Florida, and as much as I'd love to go to that college, If I decide to go, It'll have to be when I'm fully (and legally) capable of living on my own. Not to mention, it's totally expensive!
    A more affordable school that I'm most likely to attend is the Art Institute of Houston. I'd be taking a course in graphic design.
    Oh yeah... I'm moving to Texas! Though I'm not sure of when. My family would like to leave sometime by summer. :/ This is the first time in a long time I've been excited about moving somewhere. I don't know what it is, but I can't wait! Houston has something for everyone in my family. That school for me, a ballet school for my sister, some sort of horse-related thing for my other sister who loves horses, and the conveniences of society that I can't otherwise find here! And there's like, three Imax theaters, which is always a plus.
  17. HahliLavender
    I'm 18 today! Well, actually I'll be 18 at 6:45 PM EDT.
    And about the whole moving situation, I think I understand what's going on. My parents are going through all the options for places to move to that will accommodate us well. The previous states mentioned are the options, not an indecisive attempt at choosing where to live. It's just the way they brought this all about that got me so confused!
    Anyway, a new option (big surprise there) is just around New York City! New York is one of my favorite states, (I was born there) but I've never been to the Big Apple. So that's exciting! Unfortunately, NY has ridiculously strict homeschool laws. Homeschool for my younger siblings, of course, because I'm graduating!
    Anyway, I may not make anymore posts on moving until we really move. This is just all so confusing.
    -- off topic --
    Have you heard about what happened to Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter? ;_;
    *is sad*
  18. HahliLavender
    I've graduated from high school!
    Memorial weekend was great. I got to see Indy 4 on my birthday, (22nd) and my graduation party was real nice. Everything was black, white, and violet, and was small but enjoyable. Just my family, grandparents, and some family friends.
    For my birthday I got an iTunes card, and a pair of pants and a belt, put they didn't fit, so we returned them, and I'm going to use the money for something else. Also, as a graduation gift I got a Flip Video!

    It's black! I also got a ton of money from everyone else. *mixed feelings* I was expecting real gifts, but money is fine. I just think it's a little cold. A gift shows that you put some thought into the person you were shopping for. Money just says, "here you go." And leaves it at that.
    Oh well, I now have enough for a new iPod! The iPod I have right now is a 2nd gen Mini in lime. I've had it for just over three years now! It still works fine, but it's not worth enough to sell anymore. So my sister will use it when I get my new one. I'm going to get an iPod classic in black.

    In other news, currently my favorite song is Shiny Toy Guns' rendition of Puttin' on the Ritz. It just screams 1930's New York City. Only, with a techno edge. ;D
    Oh, and Your Love Is Better Than Life by Newsboys is just as awesome! (if not more)
  19. HahliLavender
    I've just made a newer version of the previous banner shown two entries ago. This one's pimp'd up a notch.


    And an avatar to match!


    Feel free to use them!
  20. HahliLavender
    Earlier tonight I was looking through our old photos because I was bored. Many of the photos were taken before I was born, but most of them brought back memories. a while later my whole family ended up looking through photos, laughing at 80's hair-do's and remembering times gone past.
    While looking through these, I found pictures of Paris and Venice my great aunt and uncle took when they were on a vacation there. I thought some of them were pretty cool, so I scanned them for you to see.
    Arc de Triomphe
    I don't know how long ago they were taken, but those are great pictures!
  21. HahliLavender
    Wow, my first topic post here in a long time! I want to apologize for constantly dropping of the face of BZP, only to pop up again every now and then. But that's been done before, and I suppose it's just the way it's going to be.


    Anyway, check out my latest post, though it's nothing special. Just a wallpaper.



    Battle With Makuta (Wallpaper)

  22. HahliLavender
    watashi no konpyu-ta- wa nihongo o taipu koto ga dekimasu!
    Translation: My computer can type in Japanese!
    Macs are so cool...
    (That is how you say it in Japanese grammatically correct, right? )
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