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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    As you may (or may not have) seen in a specific past entry, I talked about a college I wanted to attend. But seeing as I'm moving even further from Florida, and as much as I'd love to go to that college, If I decide to go, It'll have to be when I'm fully (and legally) capable of living on my own. Not to mention, it's totally expensive!
    A more affordable school that I'm most likely to attend is the Art Institute of Houston. I'd be taking a course in graphic design.
    Oh yeah... I'm moving to Texas! Though I'm not sure of when. My family would like to leave sometime by summer. :/ This is the first time in a long time I've been excited about moving somewhere. I don't know what it is, but I can't wait! Houston has something for everyone in my family. That school for me, a ballet school for my sister, some sort of horse-related thing for my other sister who loves horses, and the conveniences of society that I can't otherwise find here! And there's like, three Imax theaters, which is always a plus.
  2. HahliLavender
    *Jumps on mattress*
    I've just seen Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (through NetFlix), and I was surprised by how much I thoroughly enjoyed it! I don't have much to say about it except that it's a wonderful movie, and lots of fun to watch. I recommend you see it if you haven't yet.
  3. HahliLavender
    I've just received in the mail today, a large catalog of info on a college my mom suggested for me. It's called Full Sail, and I've got to say, I haven't been more excited about any other college than this one. It's a school for the arts and entertainment media. My only problem is that I have an interest in almost all forms of media development, so it's hard for me to pick just one career. But if I go to any college, it might be for graphic design, seeing as that spans through most forms of media. (And I rather enjoy designing the way things look.)
    Now, the campus of the college looks great! The only negative thing being the fact that there aren't any dorms. So I'd have to rent an apartment, or something, because it's in Florida, and I don't currently live near Florida. Oh, and it's expensive. XD
    But Florida's nice; the sky there is absolutely marvelous! So wide-open... Not like the mountain-barrier skyline of where I live right now. So closed-in...
    Not only that, but it's close to Disney World! I've been wanting to go back there some time.

  4. HahliLavender
    Ok, I'm back again. Gosh, with all the chaos at my house, it takes forever to write a single entry. Oh well.
    Anyway, I'm feeling a lot better now! And I've rearranged my bedroom! It feels much more spacious now.
    In other news, tomorrow is a busy day for my family. In the afternoon(?) we're going to the library to take care of various library-related tasks, then we'll be off to go to some sort of museum. I don't know of what kind, I just know we're going to one. Then we'll be taking my sister to a weekend horse camp. But before that, we'll have dinner together at the Cracker Barrel.

  5. HahliLavender
    I'm sick, possibly with Strep Throat. So I've been pretty board all day with spontaneous urges to draw and play music from Kingdom Hearts on the piano. Part of the drawing I've worked on all day you can see below. After I made the head I decided to give it a body, so I did. (Click the image below.) It was drawn entirely in photoshop with a graphics tablet. I might redo it sometime to give him different clothes, because I'm not too sure about them.

    Click for full drawing
    Character bio:
    Meet Sketch. A confident artist and generally optimistic person. Sly and clever, He'll win almost any argument; and whether it be luck or powerful observational skills he's usually always right. He knows this, but tries not to come across as arrogant.
    "Sketch" is just his nickname, given to him for the fact that he's always drawing. Not many people know his real name, but if you ask him what it is, he'll likely reply, "What is it not?"
    One day when he was snooping around an old study while on a tour in a famous artist's mansion he found a quite unusual pen. He smuggled it out and later discovered that anything he draws and signs with his "souvenir" soon becomes reality. He could draw the future.
    You know, that's actually a good plot stool. Maybe I could use it to reach the story on the top shelf.
    I think the fatigue is getting to me.
  6. HahliLavender
    Just... so you know.
    I've finally gotten to play Kingdom Hearts for the first time! I don't know why I haven't played it sooner. I seem to have a habit of getting into things after the hype subsides. Unfortunately I'm only renting it. But I'm definitely going to buy it after I return it.
  7. HahliLavender
    Come up with a funny caption for the screenshot below.

    Leave a comment with your caption and by next Tuesday I'll add my 3 favorite captions to this post. Each winner will receive a virtual trophy!


    Here are the winners, and thanks for your submissions!

    1st Place
    "Batman never tried supersized batgrenades again."
    - Xaeraz:Toa-demon/Dr.Zephyr

    2nd Place
    "I don't just jog every morning, I do it with an explosive to improve my time. I'm dead if I don't get it home in time!"
    - ChocolateFrogs

    3rd Place
    "Extreme Basketball"
    - Cap'n Bionicle

    And here's your virtual trophy!


    And a small version...


  8. HahliLavender
    I don't know how many people here know, but there was a major tornado storm across the south of the United States. I just feel bad I didn't know about the tornados as it was happening. I live very close to where the storm hit, but fortunately we only got the edge of the storm. Our power was out most of the day, so we weren't able to watch the news. And we didn't think of trying the radio because we thought it was just a large thunder storm. Nothing deadly. I hope anyone reading this who lives in that area is OK.
    Appropriate song of the moment: Universal by John Reuben
    "This just in but I’m not paying attention
    Ignorance isn’t bliss but taking a break from it is"
    We've had the craziest weather this week. And I'm not only talking about the storm. 2 days of ice and snow, the next 2 days hot and humid, back to freezing, then massive tornados.
  9. HahliLavender
    Turns out that the costume project might not hit full speed until summer due to general life and such. (We might be moving in the spring.) But anything I accomplish on the project I'll be sure to post here.
  10. HahliLavender
    My sisters will be learning about the american pioneers for school, and will be making costumes appropriate to that era. I was invited to make a costume if I wanted to, but I don't quite fancy old west attire, so I'll be making a different costume. One I will enjoy wearing. I won't be doing the same lesson plans, so I'm not bound by a specific time period. I sketched out a general look I want for my costume & colored it. It's something of the Steampunk variety.

    This is just a draft to give me a general guideline as to what I want the costume to look like. Unfortunately my scanner doesn't work, so I had to take a picture of the drawing with my camera. That's why the sketch itself looks a little... off.
    I have a vest from a previous project that I plan to use in this one, my dad has a manilla-colored collar shirt, and the pants are no problem. I just need to get a hold of some combat boots (preferably these) and make a frock coat and some goggles. I have glass lenses for the goggles, I just need some leather, a small buckle, and some thick thread. As for the frock coat, I need advice as to what type of fabric I should use. I've made a frock coat once before, using a Jack Sparrow costume pattern, but the fabric I used was canvas. (like the kind they make Chuck Taylors out of.) XD It turned out ok, but not as good as I'd hoped. But at least I have a bit of experience.
    Any tips or suggestions?
  11. HahliLavender
    Since everyone seems to be handing out "approval" images for the blogs they enjoy reading, I've decided to make my own. if you are...
    Aanchir: Rachira of Time
    Danska: Shadow Master
    Jalina Taekwondo Toa
    The keyblade master of light
    Lady Kopaka
    Lady Ranna ~ Spirit Keeper
    Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
    ...then you may add this to your blog if you wish.


  12. HahliLavender
    I don't usually blog anything personal, but I just feel I need to share this. I realized this when I woke up this morning; but before I start, let me say that I know not all promises are about or for something or someone special, but those are the kind I'm talking about.
    Someone once convinced me when I was young and impressionable, that you should never make any promises, because you don't know if you'll be able to keep them or not. That it's just safer not to commit. And for a long time I believed that. But now I see how wrong that is. If you never make any promises, you can't be held responsible for anything, you have no obligation to take action, and that makes you lazy. I know that a promise made close to the heart, when broken, can really hurt, but you shouldn't be afraid to take that risk. It's the risk of losing what you may care for that makes the promise all the more special and gives you the determination to fulfill it.
    This was a very unexpected answer to a really complicated feeling I had for a long time, and I hope it can help anyone else who may relate to what I've just written.
  13. HahliLavender
    I just got back from the library. I got The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, Firebirds - an anthology edited by Sharyn November, Airborn by Kenneth Oppel, and a mammals encyclopedia for photo reference. I want to learn how to draw wild cats, and such.
    Also, I just got my first blog award! Thanks Arpy!
    I joust found out right now that one of the books I got at the library, Airborn, is going to be a movie! I had absolutely no idea of that when I checked out the book! What an interesting string of events!
  14. HahliLavender
    Wow, it's been almost four months since I've blogged last. I guess I just lost interest here for a while, but I'm back! And I make no promises of a regular blog upkeep. But right now I'm gonna work on updating my blog's look, and squeeze a decent title out of my brain.
    In the meantime you can entertain yourself with the words spoken typed below...
    I've got another baby sister, born in June; which makes makes her sister number five! Guess I'm still the only boy in this family. (besides my dad.) But I'm the oldest, and that comes with it's perks.
    I've recently gained an interest in playing the piano and have taught myself a bit of how to read sheet music! But slowly. It takes a while for me to figure out which note(s) I'm supposed to play. I've already made up two songs, but they're not complete yet.
    Also, I've been interested in The Books of Ember Series. The City of Ember is the first book in the series, and is gonna be a movie next year! I can't wait! The book is about two kids who attempt to save the people of a dying city where there's no sky. The only light comes from flood lamps mounted on buildings and lampposts. I've read the second book, The People of Sparks, as well. All I have left is to read The Prophet of Yonwood.
    Let's see, anything interesting I could tell you? Well, in July I went to Massachusetts for a family reunion of people related to me who I've never met, but spent a few days prior in New York (no, not the city) with some relatives I've known my whole life. I was much more comfortable there.
    Oh, and sometime in... april or june, i forgot when, we (my siblings and I) got a Wii! But we don't have any actual games for it yet. Unless you count Wii Sports and Wii Play.
    Well those were just a few significant things I could remember right now from the past four months. And hopefully I'll update this blog more often.
  15. HahliLavender
    Life on Mars was my favorite Lego theme when it came out, and now Lego is releasing Mars Mission, a theme almost identical to LoM, and I'm real excited about it! And as I was reding the descriptions of the sets on S@H, I started coming up with some ideas of how the Life on Mars story could tie into the Mars Mission theme. This is my favorite...

    The residents of Mars & Earth are friends, and together develop new ways of comunication, transportation, and energy efficiency. The Martians discovered a new type of energy crystal deep beneath the planet, and requested an elite space team from Earth to assist in the harvesting and technological development of these energy crystals. But their not the only ones who have learned of this crystal. Just as production is going up, aliens from an unknown planet invade Mars to take over production of the crystal harvesting and claim its technological possibilities for themselves. So the Humans and Martians team up to defend what's rightfully theirs. But the aliens hold a secret too valueble to be killed... Can the Martians and Humans discover the secret and reclaim their right to the energy crystals? Or will the aliens prevail?

    It's kind of like Life on Mars meets Rock Raiders. Tell me what you think, or post your own ideas.

  16. HahliLavender
    Today was rather eventful. We went out to Mimi's Cafe for lunch with my grandparents and aunt for Mother's Day. Not my favorite restaurant, but it's pretty good.
    Afterwards, we went to Borders which was right next door and browsed around. I got "Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid" by Lemony Snicket! There's lots of unusual analogies, and interesting things you don't usually think about in that book. And some are just funny. For example...

    So true... 
    Anyway, Mimi's Cafe & Borders were right next to a mall, so we walked around, browsed through some stores, and I bought this really cool "tricktack" wallet at Sharper Image! >stock photo< (on the other side is an ID card slot, and money clip.) I'm glad I got it... I really needed a wallet.
    Well, today was a good day (if not a little hot). Here's to another... woah, wait. I've recently had a dream of this exact experience!
    Cool! B)

  17. HahliLavender
    I've just noticed, that those Japanese characters on the packaging of Exo-Force sets that reads トクシュブタイ (or tokushubutai) are the Japanese words 特殊 (tokushu) meaning special, or unique, and 舞台 (butai) meaning stage, setting or scene. So tegether, they mean something like, "unique setting."
    I don't know if that was intentional or not, but I thought it was pretty cool so I thought I'd point that out.

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