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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    Ok, it's been a long time since I last posted an entry, so I'll fill you in on what's happened so far.
    My dad and two of my sisters had a birthday at the beginning of the month. My sister Megan turned 15 on Sep. 30, and both my dad and my other sister had a birthday on the 1st! My baby sister Liana turned 1, but I forgot how old my dad turned, (though he'd probably appreciate that .)
    Let's see... I know, my current favorite songs:
    Not listed in any particular order.
    Song Name - Artist - My Comment
    Never Alone - Barlow Girl - (love the video)
    Whispers In The Dark - Skillet - (I just plain like it)
    Move Along - AAR - (nope, still haven't gotten tired of it.)
    We Live - Superckic[k] - (great message)
    Never Far Behind - Aly & A.J. - (what friendship really is)
    Technologic - Daft Punk - (believe it or not, I think I know all the words)
    Nuisance - John Reuben - (a nice rap with a melody)
    Hero - Superchic[k] - (the smallest act of kindness can change the lives of many)
    Ok, back to other stuff. In the past several months, my dad and the company he worked for had been working on a mall. It finished Oct. 4! The day it opened the Malco theater that was part of it was showing every movie for $1, and all popcorn & soda just 50¢! But they were showing movies that either are, or are about to be on DVD. Hence the "bargain." I wanted to see PotC2, but I saw cars again with my family instead. Which, in the end turned out to be best. Near the beginning, PotC2 started to go in slow motion, then started blinking, and went completely black. Everyone in the lobby was talking about it.
    Oh yeah, and I got Nuparu!
    Well, that's about it for now. Just assuring you all that I am indeed still alive.
  2. HahliLavender
    Well, today was kind of boring, like most wednesdays are. Seeing as it's the middle of the week, and nothing really happens. Except, for the fact that we got pizza for dinner!
    Anyway, I'm making up a team of Toa, and I just need to buy a green Kakama to complete one of the characters. I'm thinking of writing an epic in my spare time based around these characters. They find themselves on a jungle island with their memory wiped, and they go on a quest to find who's responsible, and to hopefully regain the knowlage they lost. I can give you a sneak peek of the characters. I made some profile cards that you can view below.
    Aure's mask is only temporary. I want him to have a green Kakama, as mentioned earlier. Which I plan to buy from BrickLink.
    I don't know when I'll start writing it, or if it will even be released. I've never written a story before. So I'm just going to find a pace I'm comfortable with, and try to write this story. I originaly was going to make a game based on these characters, which still might happen, but it might not. I'm not sure yet. It might be better to combine the two. I mean, you can't have a good game without a good story. I'll see what happens.
    I've also changed my Profile pic. Yes, that Silhouette is in fact me.
  3. HahliLavender
    My life seems to have been speeding up recently!
    Last week I was invited buy a family friend to work in his print shop in Dallas for a couple of days, to have an idea of what it'd be like to work in a place like that. He want's to open one near where I live, and would like my artistic skills. I accepted the offer and learned a lot while there. I learned the entire screen-printing process; It's pretty easy, just time consuming. And I also got to work with Adobe Illustrator, getting a t-shirt design ready for a client. It was pretty fun!
    Anyway, me, my parents, and that guy and his wife are scheduled to get together soon to talk about his business plans, and how they could include me. I'm real exited! I don't know where this could take me, but I think it's a good start for my future!
    As for college... I've decide not to go right now. Though I may attend some classes at a community college to learn some essential art basics.
    And, today marks the first day in BZP history where I reveal my face!

  4. HahliLavender
    Sorry for not being active for so long. We had some family visiting from New York for the past week!
    And I got Comatose for Christmas!
    Why does that relate to this entry?
    Well, for the new year, I present to you a piece of work I've done based on Skillet's song Looking for Angels. I really like that song, and after hearing it, I got inspired to make this. Click here for a wallpaper version. (1024x768)
    Happy New Year!
    Hard to believe '06 is over now.
  5. HahliLavender
    Well their not "twins," but I needed a word that meant two in some way. (without saying two.) Anyway, yesterday I had the whole day free, so I basicly just MoCed all day. I made these two awsome beings that I must say, I think are my best MoC's to date. But I think I'm going to save them for the next BBC contest, if it fits into the catagory. If not I might post them. Well, I don't have anything else to say, so...

  6. HahliLavender
    I just got back from watching fireworks at a local park. Even though it's currently the 3rd of July for me, it's gonna be the 4th in 20 min. I don't know why they held them tonight instead of tomorrow. Anyway, the fireworks only lasted about 25 min., and the car line to get out of the park lasted about a half an hour. When we were on a small hill, the line moved a little and so did we... right into the back of the person in front of us! Our breaks gave out, so we couldn't stop in time. Nothing serious happened. The guy before us just got a little scratch on his bumper, but he was ok with it.
    Later on our way home I saw an armadillo scuttle across the street in front of us. I've never seen a real armadillo before. Well, not a live one anyway.
    Well, it'll be tomorrow in 5 min. for me!
    Happy Independence Day!

  7. HahliLavender
    Yay, It's raining here!
    Ok, that probably sounded weird since most people don't like rain. But think it's an amazing thing to look at. It's so beautiful. In my opinion anyway.
    Well, I basicly just browsed the forums today, and started on a new kit I'm making. I'm not sure what I'll call it yet, but it's got Inika in it! So far I've only made Matoran and Inika bodies (with arms and legs), and all 2001 and Inika masks. I'm going to make the Toa Mata and Nuva next. Either that or the Turaga. Watever I feel like making. Also, they'll have poses! I'm finaly getting the hang of pixel pose-making! Here's a sneek peek at the kit.

    Like it? I think that's the best pixel art I've ever done! I don't know when I'll realese it yet. But It'll be out when I think there's enough stuff in it.
    So, tell me what you think!

  8. HahliLavender
    It's nice to be back on BZP, and with a new forum! I love it, and I haven't even looked around much yet! XD (Don't worry, I'll be sure to find something to complain about.)
    Wow, so much has happened since I've been here last, since the forums went down, I'm not even going to try to describe everything. For anyone who remembers me, (anyone? I am rather elusive around here.) here's an incredibly brief summary.
    I've started going to an art college to learn animation, turned 21, and finally gave in and started watching Doctor Who and can't stop! And that's just the superficial highlights.
    It's pretty neat seeing something so familiar (BZP) with a new face.
  9. HahliLavender
    I was reading Omi's blog, and I really like that whole "Pimp My Blog" concept. I thought that was hilarious, and it seems to be spreading already, so I made images for people to use when they pimp their blog!


    ^Like it?^ Another option is:


    You can use the banners below for your own purposes.



    Credit isn't necessary, but it's appreciated! Have fun!

  10. HahliLavender
    What a day!
    This morning starting at around 9:00 we were in a parade to pass these flyers out to everyone. They were for the state senator's campaign. He's running for Lt. Governor, so we walked the parade route to hand them out to everyone. A few others and myself took the left side of the street, and some others handed them out along the right. We walked about 3-4 blocks handing the flyers out, and then about 3-4 blocks back around the other way. I assume we walked about a mile, but I could be wrong.
    After the parade we went home to freshen up. Then around 3:00 we went to a BBQ party and played volleyball, lit off fireworks, and other random things. We stayed till like, 8:30, maybe 9:00, and left for home. By then my feet were killing me, (they still are) after all that walking and stuff. But we weren't finished yet.
    After we got home, we lit all our fireworks we got. They were mostly sparklers, but we also had 'Black Snakes', an exploding frog, and those white wrapped things that spark when you throw them on the ground. The sparklers were fun though. I took a bundle of six and lit them all together. The result was a big white orb of sparkly goodness.
    So now I'm here... typing this, with aching feet, and pleasant memories of volleyball, deafening noises and controlled fear.
    Oh, and ping-pong!

  11. HahliLavender
    Today is my sister's birthday, she's 12 now. Last night she and I browsed around Barnes & Noble while the rest of our family went to Toys R Us to do last-minute b-day shopping for her. She's a huge horse lover, and they got her a huge stuffed horse! She was so excited when she opened it.
    While at Barnes & Noble, I got BL3. I'm on chapter six right now. Greg did a good job on this book.
    Well, as much as I'd like to write a larger entry, that's all I have to say right now.
  12. HahliLavender
    Last night I was feeling sick of my crowded junk-filled room, so I decided to do something about it. For over a year now, my bed was resting on two saw-horses, my closet was filled with random junk, and things slowly piled up under my bed, on my desk, and all over my shelf unit. Well, I was up all night last night starting this daunting task, and I got everything out from under my bed, which was a lot. My bed was about 3 ft above the ground (I wanted it elevated then), stuffed with a ton of things underneath. So I pulled everything out! My entire room was then filled with junk, you couldn't even see the floor! ( well, you could, but you know what I mean. )
    Then I went to bed.
    I spent all day today cleaning and organizing my things. My closet was packed with who knows what, and now it's almost empty! Nothing's under my bed, and nothing ever will, because it's on a platform now... real low to the ground.
    I'm finally almost done! I just have to find a place for some things... and then vacuum, of course.
    So tired...
  13. HahliLavender
    Today I had to go help my Grandpa and members of our church move in my aunt and uncle's stuff into their new house. They just moved from Arizona. The work was quickly finished, and after that I had to babysit my cousins. Their around the 3 and 4 year old range. That was kind of tiring since they're so active. Last I saw them they couldn't even talk, now they don't stop!
    Well I'm finaly home and got a special surprise in the mail. It's a TNGM I ordered from eBay! I'm so excited! It's a nice feeling unexpectedly obtaining a rare mask in the mail!
    Well, that's about it for now. My legs feel like Jell-O, so I'm going to find something to eat before I get too tired to move.

  14. HahliLavender
    I'm going to "Pimp my Blog," so if everything is all jumbled up and stuff, don't worry and complain and all that suff that breaks out from strong-willed people who insist on their way of life. I'm working on it.
    Ok, I pretty much finished. But there's this anoying space of empty pixel in the navigation list, and it's not from any of the images. (I checked.) Oh well, maybe it's just a glitch.
  15. HahliLavender
    A few months ago, I think it was some time in February, I drew a picture of Maku sitting on her bed in Metru Nui remembering Hewkii, since he left and (though she didn't know it) became a Toa. So yesterday I wrote a short little story that goes along with the picture I drew. You might have to listen to some soundtrack scores to get into the moment. It helps. Beleive me. I listened to Resilience, One Last Look, and The Letter That Never Came by Thomas Newman (Unfortunate Events Soundtrack), For The Love Of A Princess by the London Symphony Orchestra (Braveheart Soundtrack), and stuff like that. But I think Thomas Newman has more songs that go along with this story.
    Anyway, just so you know, I've never actually written a story before. This is my first attempt at writing. So it might help if you have some tips that will help improve my writing skills. On to the story...
    Macku walked along a pathway which overlooked a silver expanse of sea, on which reflected the twilight glare of the sun. She was tired, since she — along with the rest of Metru Nui — were rebuilding their island home. But recently she was told to stop working until further notice. She didn't know why, but she didn't care at the moment. She just wanted to go to bed.
    On the way to her hut she decided to stop by Hahli's place, to see how she was doing. Macku stepped up to the door and knocked. No answer. She knocked again, "Hahli? Are you there? It's me, Macku." There was still no answer. She stepped into the hut, but saw that Hahli wasn't there. "That's strange," She said, "She's usually here at this time. Oh well, I'll try tomorrow." So she continued her way home.
    The next morning before sunrise, Macku awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. She groaned and slowly got out of bed. "who could that possibly be." She opened the door and was instantly filled with joy.
    "Hewkii!" She exclaimed. The two jumped into each others arms and embraced one another. "It's so early, what are you doing here?" Hewkii's expression suddenly grew a little sad. "I... I have something to tell you," He said, with a little reluctance. Macku's smile faded. What could be so important for him to come all the way from Po-Metru to tell me? And at this hour. She thought.
    They both sat down on a nearby sofa. "You know that mission the Toa Nuva went on?" Hewkii asked. "Yeah, they've been gone for weeks! I'm starting to wonder if something happened to them. I don't even know why they left." Hewkii paused for a second, then said, "Well, I just talked with Jaller, and he knows. He said they need to find a special mask. One that could save Mata Nui." Macku was a little confused. "Save him? What do you mean?" Hewkii hesitated. "Well, Mata Nui isn't just asleep. He's... dying." Macku's heart sank. "What?" Macku's voice was shaky. "I'm not supposed to tell you this," Hewkii said, "And I don't want to worry you, but I think you should know." Macku didn't say anything. Hewkii continued, "Jaller's going to the island the Toa Nuva went to so he can help them, and he's bringing a Matoran from each Metru to assist him. They're leaving at sunrise. And he asked me to go." Macku couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you going?" She said wearily. "They need me." He replied. Macku didn't say anything. Hewkii stared into Macku's eyes. "You know I might never return." Macku took a deep breath. "Yes."
    There was a long silence, until Macku said, "Do it for Mata Nui." Hewkii stood up, and headed for the door. He stopped, and quietly said, "Goodbye." Then slowly walked away, glancing back at his one true friend.
    Macku stood by the door, "I love you," she whispered. And watched him walk off into the distance, hoping that the day will come when they can see each other again.
    The End
    Well, how'd you like it? I know it's very short, but I just wrote it all yesterday. Oh, and here's the picture I drew.


  16. HahliLavender
    Just so you know, that's not a scream.
    It's such a nice day out today! I opened my bedroom window a wile ago and now is smells so good in here! So fresh!

  17. HahliLavender
    *Jumps on mattress*
    I've just seen Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (through NetFlix), and I was surprised by how much I thoroughly enjoyed it! I don't have much to say about it except that it's a wonderful movie, and lots of fun to watch. I recommend you see it if you haven't yet.
  18. HahliLavender
    I got Age of Empires III! I love that game! It's so much fun! We also got the LarryBoy PS2 game! It's fun too! What short sentences I'm speaking! And all with exclamations!
    OK, I'll stop now...
    I so want a Mac! (sorry, that will be the last time.) My PC can't handle anything I like to do. ;_; I want to make movies and create music! But everything I try doesn't work on my computer. Except Roxio, which is the only media suite I can get to work on my computer. It's good, but not perfect (like iLife). My dad said we're going to try to 'switch' sometime this year. I hope that's soon.
    *get's hopes up*
    My dad wants to get an iMac for the family, a MacBook for himself for work, and I totally want an iMac. Seriously the best personal computer invented! I just have to be patient.
  19. HahliLavender
    Ok, I finally entered the art contest! I wasn't sure if I was going to... I didn't have any ideas of what to do. But this morning I finally thought of it. And now I'm finished! Click the banner below to go to the topic.

    If you want to say something about the entry, please do so in the topic.
  20. HahliLavender
    This afternoon my family and I visited some sort of cavern. It was cool see all those strange rock formations. And there were may ancient fossils of ocean creatures. That was cool. The tour wasn't what I expected. Our guide was a girl who was probably between 14 and 15 years old. It was a very small, almost run-down place. We were expecting something a little more arousing. But it's a privately owned cavern, so...

    Anyway, on our way there there was a sun shower. But not any normal sun shower. This one poured and poured while it was still sunny! That was totally refreshing, since our car's AC is broken. Then the rain stopped before we got there. On our way home however, it was completely cloudy and poured even harder! I think it's still raining.

    In other news... My website got totally "pimp'd!" I completely changed the layout and added some CSS features I've recently learned. Go check it out!
  21. HahliLavender
    The AC11 polls are open! I'm in poll #1 in catagory Other. Or you could say Poll 11. I'm so excited! Well, Vote here!
    Good luck to all who entered!
  22. HahliLavender
    Turns out that the costume project might not hit full speed until summer due to general life and such. (We might be moving in the spring.) But anything I accomplish on the project I'll be sure to post here.
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