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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    I've been updating the look of my blog, profile, avatar, and sig, etc., and I've added some content blocks. One showcasing some of my pixel work, and one dedicated to the Junkbot game on LEGO.com, because It's simply one of the greatest online LEGO games available, IMO. Feel free to use my Micro Kit for whatever reason, granted I receive credit.
    Junkbot Rocks!
    Anyway, now you can browse the various categories of my blog with "Categories of the Rainbow!" And be sure to check out the list of irrational fears in the "Words" block.
    Also, I feel I should mention, I occasionally add little easter eggs in select spots of my blog. Click in the right spot, and surprise!
    Well, I hope you like the new look. Oh, and the silhouette in my profile pic... yeah, that's me.
  2. HahliLavender
    Well, not much happened today. I had summer boredom, so I just played Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy most of the day. Anyone else have that game? I enjoy it.
    Two of my sisters packed their stuff today. They're visiting a friend in Arizona for a week, and they're leaving Monday. My other two sisters and my parents are going to... Pennsylvania, I think, around the same time, which leaves me. I'm staying at my grandparents house while everyone leaves the state. They have a nice computer though, so I'll still be on BZP.
    Also, I have this awesome leather journal, though I don't exactly write in it anymore, but I really want to do something with it. I was wondering if you have any ideas of what I could keep in it, or how I could use it, or something, because I can't seem to think of what to even write in there. I seem to be having some sort of creativity block. I need inspiration.
    Whoa, I kind of drifted off topic there.
  3. HahliLavender
    I would of posted this two days ago, but BZP wasn't working.
    Anyway, I'm back from this previously stated event! I met Superchick! Unfortunately we forgot our still-shot camera, but I have video of the event. And my sister got a phone shot of Tricia and Melissa Brock.

    Sorry about the quality; it was an old phone.
    I may be able to post a video of the event. Though I first need to edit it into a reasonable amount of time.
    At the event, we started with a mini concert (it was free!) then afterwards everyone went outside for a signing. I bought their album and had them each sign the insert. All but one though. One member of the band (Max) wasn't there for some reason.
    And my sister had her guitar signed.

  4. HahliLavender
    As you may (or may not have) seen in a specific past entry, I talked about a college I wanted to attend. But seeing as I'm moving even further from Florida, and as much as I'd love to go to that college, If I decide to go, It'll have to be when I'm fully (and legally) capable of living on my own. Not to mention, it's totally expensive!
    A more affordable school that I'm most likely to attend is the Art Institute of Houston. I'd be taking a course in graphic design.
    Oh yeah... I'm moving to Texas! Though I'm not sure of when. My family would like to leave sometime by summer. :/ This is the first time in a long time I've been excited about moving somewhere. I don't know what it is, but I can't wait! Houston has something for everyone in my family. That school for me, a ballet school for my sister, some sort of horse-related thing for my other sister who loves horses, and the conveniences of society that I can't otherwise find here! And there's like, three Imax theaters, which is always a plus.
  5. HahliLavender
    My Grandmother, I call her Mémère (pronounced MEM-ay) produced a play for her church several years ago based on the story The Day Boy and the Night Girl by George McDonald. My whole family got to take part in it, and it couldn't have been better cast.
    The story is about a Witch named Watho who takes two newborn babies, one a girl, one a boy, and raises them in completely opposite ways. Watho names the boy Photogen and raises him in a way so that he never experiences darkness, and knows nothing of the night. Watho names the girl Nycteris, who is raised in the darkest rooms of the castle, knowing nothing of light, or even outdoors. The only source of illumination she has is a dim lantern that hangs on her ceiling.
    I'll leave the description at that.
    Well, about my Mémère's play being (IMO at the time) excellently cast, she played Watho. My aunt who played Nycteris was goth, and her fiancé was a bright, red-headed, outgoing guy. They just really looked the part. My sister and I were wolves, (for ambience, I think) and my parents played the king and queen. Other people were involved, but I don't remember them. Except for one kid, who also played a wolf. Had a Mario obsession.
    I guess I like this story mostly for nostalgia, but there's something else that catches my interest. Though I can't quite figure out what it is.
    Well, this entry is mostly to reveal this. Some art I've made... Nycteris.

    If you want to read the story, you can search for it online. It's in the public domain.
  6. HahliLavender
    I just watched TLR yesterday. It was a lot better than I expected, and plenty of fun to watch. Being animated by a different studio, there were a lot of differences, as can be expected because of that. The textures and most of the animation are definitely better. But I think the sequence when Mata Nui's body arises out of the ocean could have been a lot more dramatic... or something.
    I loved the voice acting! And the "extended ending" was interesting. A little corny, but it made me smile.
    Y'know, Tuma seems a lot smarter in Empire of the Skrall.
  7. HahliLavender
    I saw President Bush!
    A short summary:
    We were invited by some friends to see President Bush land here in Air Force 1 to make a speech. It was pretty exciting! We got in the crowd (very near to the front, just behind the VIP section) at about 1pm to wait till he arrived. There were three bands, a country one, a school one, and a percussion one, and cheerleaders from two different schools. We waited and watched the previously mentioned entertainers until about 4pm until Air Force 1 finally arrived! Then President Bush walked on stage and gave his speech, which lasted about an hour. The speech, not the walking. After his speech we watched him board his plane and take off.
    Afterwards when we were leaving, the line for the shuttle to take us back to the parking lot was so long, we decided to walk. we walked for a mile or two untill we finally got to our car. Then once we got home, at about 6:30, we ordered pizza!
    It was a lot more exciting than I can describe right now. I might add more details later.
    Also, if you were there tonight (Arkansas) then I'd like to hear from you!
    Air Force 1

    Prestident Bush 1-2-3-4-5

    I took a lot more photos than that, but those are just some of the better ones.
  8. HahliLavender
    Just something I recorded a few days ago, and thought I'd share it with anyone who actually reads this. Roodaka's Laugh <<-- Right click and 'Save Target As' -->> Sorry, it's kind of a large file size for a short clip. 1.08MB
    I just think that laugh is totaly hilarious!

  9. HahliLavender
    My birthday is tomorrow! I'll be 18!
    Unfortunately It's not going to be the party that I described in a previous entry. We didn't really have time, money, or people to invite. So We'll be having a pizza party at Pizza Hut instead. Even though we did that last year for my birthday, there aren't many other nice places where you can eat, open presents, and not have to sit through an obnoxious song taken straight out of The Emperor's New Groove, being sung by a horde of employees. It's never happened to me before, but I intend to keep it that way.
    In other news, my parents are now considering Pennsylvania instead of Virginia. T_T
    I don't think they've ever been this indecisive before. Honestly, I don't really want to move to PA. The area they're considering moving to is at least an hour or so drive to anywhere I'd like to be. We'd be close to New York city! But you would have to plan a weekend trip if you wanted to visit. There's also Philadelphia! But it's about as far as NY city is. And DC would be even further.
    As you can probably tell by now, I'm a city/suburb person. And the only one in my family; everyone else prefers the country. They all want land. Lots of land. But I don't think it's practical for our lifestyle. I don't know how I would describe our "lifestyle", but we aren't farmers.
    I don't know, I'll see what happens. For now, back to thinking about my birthday.
    *goes back to thinking about birthday*
  10. HahliLavender
    The past week was... I don't know how to descrbe it, um... busy, boring, fun and tireing. We actually went to Vriginia, (I thought it was Tennessee.) We were right on the boarder of the two states though. We went for my great aunt and uncle's 50th aniversery. We stayed at a Holiday Inn to sleep, and durring the day we were at our cousin's house. They're my mom's cousins and their children, so my 2nd & 3rd cousins. Most of them are older than me, and they way they occasionally acted felt okward, but usualy it was fun just to watch them talk to each other. It was like watching TV. And before we left we lit a bonfire!
  11. HahliLavender
    I thought the Free the Band thing was passed, but I've just received something else! I didn't know it, but apparently I won 2nd prize! I got a skate deck, poster, t-shirt, lanyard, Inika Hahli, an AAR CD, and Bionicle heroes for PC!

    The poster is in much better condition than the last one I got, and this lanyard card has Nuparu on it. The only thing is the t-shirt is very small. I might give it to my younger cousin for Christmas. And since I already have Hahli, I might give it to someone else for Christmas.
    I would of posted this earlier, but BZP was down. (And Bionicle Heroes is just so fun! )
  12. HahliLavender
    watashi no konpyu-ta- wa nihongo o taipu koto ga dekimasu!
    Translation: My computer can type in Japanese!
    Macs are so cool...
    (That is how you say it in Japanese grammatically correct, right? )
  13. HahliLavender
    It's been sleeting all day today, and now it's snowing! Everything's coated in ice with a predicted 6 to 8 inches in snow. Almost everything's going to be closed tomorrow, so we can pretty much consider ourselves stranded.
    How do I feel about that?
    Look how beautiful it is outside!
    Duh,duh,bumm,bumm... ... Huh? What?
    All that in one.
    Oh, and check out this apple I made last night.

  14. HahliLavender
    I've been working on a team of Toa for a while now. Well, when I had time and was in the mood. I've finished two Toa, one of Air, one of Plasma. I say they're finished because I think they're awesome! Not only that, but they're quite durable and play friendly too! Kid tested, Air-Master approved!
    Air Toa - Front Back
    Plasma Toa - Front Back
    I may use the Air Toa for my self MoC.
    I have two more built, but I'm not too sure about them. One is stone (unless there's another element that's better suited for yellow), an the other is lightning. I like the Stone guy, but I think something needs to change. The Lightning girl, I just can't seem to get a balance of blue and white together that I like. And I don't have Hahli Mahri, so my blue pieces are a bit limited and that doesn't help. And most of Hahli Inika's pieces just seem to make it worse.
    Stone Toa - Front Back
    Lightning Toa - Front Back
    Maybe I should try an Inika torso on the Stone Toa.
    Anyway, I'd like to get some ideas and finish the team before I post it in BBC. Any thoughts?
  15. HahliLavender
    *Jumps on mattress*
    I've just seen Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (through NetFlix), and I was surprised by how much I thoroughly enjoyed it! I don't have much to say about it except that it's a wonderful movie, and lots of fun to watch. I recommend you see it if you haven't yet.
  16. HahliLavender
    Well their not "twins," but I needed a word that meant two in some way. (without saying two.) Anyway, yesterday I had the whole day free, so I basicly just MoCed all day. I made these two awsome beings that I must say, I think are my best MoC's to date. But I think I'm going to save them for the next BBC contest, if it fits into the catagory. If not I might post them. Well, I don't have anything else to say, so...

  17. HahliLavender
    I just moved my computer into my bedroom! Before, it was in a built-in desk center in our downstairs living room. I find it much more convenient here, since everything I need is is in one place. Now I can do stop-motion stuff without loseing LEGO pieces around the house.
    I've also learned the guitar solo for Fourteen by Hawk Nelson. I love that song.
    Well, I guess that's all I have to say right now, so... bye... or, something...

  18. HahliLavender
    Let's see... I'll start with Wednesday.
    Two days ago I got a haircut. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. (Before, it was just below my ears.) But I like how it looks now. Not too short, but I like it. I don't have a very good past with haircuts. For several years, everywhere I got a haircut, they either cut it shorter than I was comfortable with, or I just didn't like it in one way or another. But I like this haircut.
    Ok, on to yesterday...
    A family in our church gave us free guest passes to an amusement park in Missouri called Silver Dollar City. And we went yesterday along with practically our whole church. It's been about 7 years since I last went to an amusement park. I went to Six Flags in Wisconsin once before.
    I got to go off with one of my friends and go on rides and stuff. There are two major rollercoasters, and I went on them about 6 times each! It was so fun! There were many other rides as well that I went on, but those two rollercoasters were my favorite! I've never been on the back of a rollercoaster before this, but yesterday I did just to know what it was like. I'm never doing that again! I found out that if you sit in the very back of a rollercoaster, there's more pressure and afterwards you feel dizzy and sick. The front is much better. And for me it's more fun! So if you want to feel fast, scared, like you won't survive, or any combination of the three, ride in the front. But if you want to feel compressed with pressure and almost black out then feel sick and dizzy afterwards, ride in the back. According to my experiences anyway.
    My feet were killing me afterwards from all the walking. When we got home, I couldn't wait to get to bed. Fortunately it was a Friday night, so I got to sleep in. I woke up at 10:30 today! In fact, I went to bed at 10:30 last night. Whoa, I slept for 12 hours!
    Also, there was a huge storm last night. B) In case you wanted to know.
  19. HahliLavender
    The AC11 polls are open! I'm in poll #1 in catagory Other. Or you could say Poll 11. I'm so excited! Well, Vote here!
    Good luck to all who entered!
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