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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    I saw WALL•E yesterday, and personally, it is the single most spectacular movie I've ever seen! And I'm not just saying that. I've gone through fanatic stages with many other movies before, but the feeling I have with this one is different. A good different. It's not a fanatical feeling, it's something really deep, but I can't quite tell what it is. Many movies I've enjoyed left me with a "hungary" feeling. Not literally, mind you, but I'm sure you know what I mean. This one "filled me up" in more ways than I can tell. It might sound strange, but that's the only way I can describe the way it felt.
    The best part of the movie is definitely the story. The relationship that develops between WALL•E and EVE is so pure and beautiful, it touched my heart in a way no movie ever has. Truly a poetic masterpiece.

  2. HahliLavender
    No matter who wins the next US presidential election, (meaning each presidential candidate currently running has stated that) within the first 100 days of being in office, the next president will put a tax on carbon. Supposedly, it's supposed to help cut down on carbon being released into the air so as to stop global warming. But a carbon tax would raise the prices of food, clothing, oil, gas.. literally everything.
    Oil has recently gone up by $10.75 a barrel, and as a result, the entire stock market plunged quite significantly. You see, this not only hurts us citizens, (assuming whoever is reading this is a US citizen,) it also hurts the economy. And my family is noticing this in the products we buy. For example, we always buy Saltine and Ritz crackers. They are now half the thickness they used to be. The packaging is thinner as well.
    And the thing that annoys me the most, is there is a simple solution to the "oil crisis." We (The United States) should use our own oil reserves. We have enough oil in our country to last over 200 years. By then we may not even have a use for oil. But instead of using it to help ourselves, we're being greedy, and there have been laws set to forbid the harvesting of oil in our country to protect the environment. The only thing that could be harmful by mining here is if there's an oil spill, which the US hasn't had in any of their overseas harvesting operations for a significant amount of time. And with outdated equipment. Now, I'm for caring for the environment and all, but I think it's a ridiculous excuse to keep our oil hidden away for "the sake of the environment."
    The United States of America is supposed to be an independent country. But relies so much on other countries for oil, product manufacturing, and food, that as a result, we seem to no longer be in charge of our nation. The rest of the world has control over our resources, and should something go wrong, or someone get evermore greedy, our resources could just as easily be cut off, or harder to get to; making them more expensive.
    Or we could switch to an alternative fuel, like water, or steam. Something everyone can benefit from.
    Now I know there may be points in all this that I may not have seen, or may not know about completely. I'm just throwing around what I've learned so far. It just annoys me, is all.
  3. HahliLavender
    Because that's what it feels when you get serious about moving to one place, but then suddenly decide on a completely different location in the opposite direction.
    Turns out we might not move to Texas after all. Instead we're considering Virginia! Go figure.
    I don't know what made us decide to look into Virginia, but it might actually work out better than Texas. See, we have family living in New York and Florida, so we'd be just a day's drive from either state. And there's a collage, Liberty University, in Virginia that my cousins from New York are planning on going to, so I'm looking into that so we may be able to go the same school!
    I'd like to live right outside of Washington DC, but we might have to live a little farther. I don't now.
    Hey, I may even be able to go to BrickFair this year!
    Well, I'll keep you posted on what we decide to do. Life is crazy.
  4. HahliLavender
    I just realized... I like books. I never really noticed that before.
    Lets see... I like mystery stories, old-looking journal-type stuff, and fun facts-type things. Oh, and info books on fictional universes. Prefrably Star Wars and Bionicle.
    Also, I think this is my first entry where I just typed stuff. The rest was when I had something useful to say.
  5. HahliLavender
    My sisters and mom left for Tulsa Oklahoma, where my sisters friend's family will pick them up and fly them to Arizona. That leaves me and my other sister home for the rest of the day.
    No, we're not gonna have a party.
    I woke up at 10:30 today, because I stayed up all night making a wallpaper. Personally, I think it's the best wallpaper I've made to date! It's a wallpaper of Vakama with a vintage, journal-type look.
  6. HahliLavender
    All day yesterday (and today until about 5:15) we had no Internet! That was rather hard, due to the fact that we have Vontage. (An Internet-based phone service.) So we couldn't even use our phone! But I'm back again! In case anybody noticed I was gone. *sees that nobody noticed* um... well, it felt like a long time.
    Anyway, I drew a Bionicle-Christmas-themed picture a while ago, colored it up in Photoshop, and it just needs to be uploaded. But I'm wondering if I should wait till it's closer to Christmas to post it. Or should I post it tomorrow?
    On a random note:
    I was bored, typed Vakama's intro from MoL and recorded Microsoft Narrator narrating the said typed content.
    >Download & listen<

  7. HahliLavender
    Ok, it's been a long time since I last posted an entry, so I'll fill you in on what's happened so far.
    My dad and two of my sisters had a birthday at the beginning of the month. My sister Megan turned 15 on Sep. 30, and both my dad and my other sister had a birthday on the 1st! My baby sister Liana turned 1, but I forgot how old my dad turned, (though he'd probably appreciate that .)
    Let's see... I know, my current favorite songs:
    Not listed in any particular order.
    Song Name - Artist - My Comment
    Never Alone - Barlow Girl - (love the video)
    Whispers In The Dark - Skillet - (I just plain like it)
    Move Along - AAR - (nope, still haven't gotten tired of it.)
    We Live - Superckic[k] - (great message)
    Never Far Behind - Aly & A.J. - (what friendship really is)
    Technologic - Daft Punk - (believe it or not, I think I know all the words)
    Nuisance - John Reuben - (a nice rap with a melody)
    Hero - Superchic[k] - (the smallest act of kindness can change the lives of many)
    Ok, back to other stuff. In the past several months, my dad and the company he worked for had been working on a mall. It finished Oct. 4! The day it opened the Malco theater that was part of it was showing every movie for $1, and all popcorn & soda just 50¢! But they were showing movies that either are, or are about to be on DVD. Hence the "bargain." I wanted to see PotC2, but I saw cars again with my family instead. Which, in the end turned out to be best. Near the beginning, PotC2 started to go in slow motion, then started blinking, and went completely black. Everyone in the lobby was talking about it.
    Oh yeah, and I got Nuparu!
    Well, that's about it for now. Just assuring you all that I am indeed still alive.
  8. HahliLavender
    I haven't been active on BZP for about... three months? Seems longer than that. Anyway, I've decided to change my name back to Air-Master. Just thought whoever cares should know.
    As for life, It's fine. I've decided I'm not going to college, but if I ever get the money, I may take some art and language classes. As for a job... I don't have a "real" one. I'll be helping my dad in a family business my family is starting. I'll mostly be doing the graphic and web design for everything. But I'm still going to work on my own art. I just need to learn how to sell it.
    I don't see myself as a very good entrepreneur, but I know that if learn, I'll be unsoppable! Muahahaha *cough* ...excuse me.
  9. HahliLavender
    I've just noticed, that those Japanese characters on the packaging of Exo-Force sets that reads トクシュブタイ (or tokushubutai) are the Japanese words 特殊 (tokushu) meaning special, or unique, and 舞台 (butai) meaning stage, setting or scene. So tegether, they mean something like, "unique setting."
    I don't know if that was intentional or not, but I thought it was pretty cool so I thought I'd point that out.

  10. HahliLavender
    I've been recently studying Japanese more, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of the language! It's not as hard as everyone says. Maybe because I enjoy it! The hardest part for me is probably putting words in the correct order. The sentance structure is "Subject, Object, Verb." I can put together small sentances though.
    Props to the first person to correctly translate this...
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