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Thracia 776

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Status Updates posted by Thracia 776

  1. Also my best friend. His name is Kevin and he's afraid of my history teacher.

  2. Actually, I just did. *goes to comment*

  3. Indeed. Remind me to put it up when I finish the next comic, I don't typically edit the post for any other reason.

  4. You also gave me your award.

  5. Yay!

    Of course, I gave you one back :)




    confused me into thinking you were a noob for a second there :wacko:

  7. If you really wanted to insult me with your blog title you'd change it to pentagons and combustix. Nonagons are cool.

  8. I would very much like you to make a new BZP Live comic and repost it thanksverymuch

    Also, Vacoom just does not realize that purple octagons are living flamethrowers. Tsk, tsk...

  9. If you're interested, I just made a new TWORAS comic with you and your grey octagon in it.

  10. Are you aware that yesterday's date, 10/10/10, means 42 in binary code?

  11. Just saw your comics banner...

    I've never been in a movie before BD

  12. I just earned some newfound respect for you after reading your arguments about Orde's gender.


  13. One of the most terrible sets ever bears your name...HF 2011 sucks...


    How do we break this to him...?

  15. One of the 2011 HF sets has the name of someone you know. And it isn't me.

  16. i vote for u for presdient kk? liek it sayz in ur sig

  17. After I bestow upon them the finishing text and stuff.

    (aka when I want to)

    And don't rush me. You took a month to make one, I have ten million or so.

  18. I don't have to wear a soul guard. Green octagons work better.

  19. If you go by number of replies, you're the 12th most successful comic maker with an active topic (not counting movies and MASes)

  20. One day over the summer I wore blue and green.

    That means I'm you.

  21. They am my friends :)

  22. y hallo thar, ravvy

  23. I dunno, your sig looks like it might violate the politics rules. You've already gotten scolded for that :/

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