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Status Updates posted by GLaDOS

  1. Duuude, DH, have you gotten around to reading The New Age yet? I'm really interested to know what you think. >.

  2. Hey man. So, has Sabba disappeared into thin air or what? What's going on there I haven't been able to keep up to date. :P

  3. Sure, if you can think of a good reason as to why he would meet a Shadow Admin. :P

  4. That sounds like a decent reason. I'll do an OC of Buzz summoning you ASAP.

  5. Well, I will if it comes out, but it might not even get made, they're having lots of problems, so it isn't looking good...

  6. "It's been a long time.

    How have you been?"

  7. Haha thanks, I'm changing back as soon as I can,

    Just felt like a bit of a change.

  8. No it's not! There will be cake.

  9. Thanks! I can't rake much credit for you, it was done by lewathetoa for my Epic, he's really good. I only coloured it (really badly I may add).

  10. Oh yeah, it was to do a character from the Pokemon RPG. :P

  11. That was awful, I meant 'I cant take much credit for it'

  12. Haha, that IS weird... :P

  13. Oh yes, aint nothing like it. :P

  14. Haha, thanks! ^_^

    I would compliment yours back, but something tells me you didn't draw it... :P

    And I'm not really a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog.

  15. Um, sure, just one last thing. You see that deathly fire over there? Just go through it, don't worry the cake is on the other side.

  16. I'm making a note here, huge success.

  17. Lol, not much at all is new.... Anything new with you?

  18. Aah, I'm a PS3 guy. :P

  19. Certainly, I'm about to work on them some more now, not sure when they'll be up, but I'll let you know!

  20. *Does the same.*

  21. Haha, cheers man.

  22. Cheers, if you can guess who it is, there will be cake.

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