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CaT in Rogue

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Posts posted by CaT in Rogue

  1. New comic up! These are the very first versions of Kovastrin(AKA me) and Tahoni, from my very first comic series, using my very first comic making program, Kolourpaint, using the very first font. (P.S. I just HAD to put Herbie in there!)

  2. @BVN: They wouldn't have to be 'evil', exactly. Perhaps they would have programming malfunctions that caused them to go rogue. With the GB's track record, it's not a very far-out theory. (I heard they helped Microsoft create Windows Vista.)@SR: There is the possibility of a action-reaction type programming. In fact, scientists today have robots like that, and considering their superior technology, it's plausible. Besides, who's to say the MU inhabitants developed intelligence BEFORE the Shattering?

  3. Well, we haven't seen Zaktan since 2007, so if it were actually one of the two, it is possible that it could go either way, using just that. However, the amount of evidence pointing towards Zaktan is quite compelling, and I've always felt that if he wasn't a large part of the storyline for more than just one year, why would he have discovered Teridax's plot? Perhaps there was a scrapped story idea. Of course, Greg is all for plot twists away from the expected. This could be Berix all over again.

  4. Finale Dos, Part 1: Battle, Begin! Legend of the Stones! I was in the van, setting the coordinates. Time to take this back to the beginning, in the Walmart Storehouse. Of course, the 'hit 'em where they live' strategy is risky, but lately, risky has become normal. As the Toa piled into the van, I started the engine."Is everybody ready?" I asked. "Time to kick butt!""Butts are for horses." Lewa said."HAY is for horses.""Then what are butts for?!""Kicking! Now get your seat belt on!"After pressing a few buttons, I gassed it, and zoomed right to the storehouse.------------------------------------------After we got out of the van, I gave a warning to the Toa."There are probably traps everywhere. Watch your step, okay?""Or we could just use Kopaka." Lewa said."What do you mean by that?"Lewa promptly shoved Kopaka out into the gravel around the storehouse.BOOM!FWANG!FIZZ!SPARK!SPANGLE!PAINFULNOISES!, etc, etc."LEWA!" I yelled."On the bright side, now all the traps have been sprung."------------------------------------------ Lewa felt pretty good about himself. After all, thanks to his wits, they had sprung all the traps. Well, Kopaka had helped a LITTLE bit by actually being shoved into them, but whatever. Suddenly, there was a large explosion, sending the Toa, who weighed only about four ounces, flying. As the smoke cleared, they saw all of the Makuta standing in a group, brandishing their plastic weapons."So, we meet in battle once again." Teridax said. "However, the advantage is ours this time! The Secret Tyrannical Undermining Posse In Destruction will prevail!"Lewa snorted."What are you laughing at?!""You do realize what the anagram of that is, right?" Lewa said."Well, not really. Lets see...S..T..U..P..I-oh...""Told ya!""So? I can come up with another cool name! How about...Super Creative Rammers Entwined With Bad Acts, Legally Loathed Secretly!""Oh, brother.""Enough! Let's take this inside!"*TELEPORTATION NOISES*-----------------------------------------Inside S.C.R.E.W.B.A.,L.L.S. HQ, AKA the Walmart Storehouse: Well, this was certainly getting interesting. The Makuta had set up a series of traps inside, forgetting that crushers, impalers, squashers, poison gases, and lasers are only effective if one actually is forced THROUGH the traps. As it was, we just walked around everything and were now confronting the Makuta. Were we winning? Well, as long as getting our butts kicked defines 'winning', we were definitely doing that."This makes no sense!" Onua shouted. "They weren't as hard to beat last time!"Dodging a shadow blast, I replied "Well, last time, we had my sister and a chainsaw, though I'm not sure which is deadlier.""Not to mention we have those super secret power uppers that Mutran made!" Icarax smugly said."Well, they're not very secret NOW, you cool dude!" Chirox shouted."Hey! At least I didn't tell them that the power uppers are in that bag right behind them!""...Uurrrrrghh...""I did it again, didn't I?" I reached for the bag, only to get almost blasted by a chain lightning burst. It missed and hit a wall, evaporating back into distilled energy. I suddenly remembered a technique used by the Toa Inika."Kopaka!" I shouted. "I need a wall of ice, polished like a mirror!" Kopaka created the wall, and I reached for the bag again. This time, when I was fired at, all the attacks rebounded. I grabbed the vials and threw them to the Toa, just in time as it turned out. The Makuta used their shattering power on the wall, causing me to be showered in hail. Ignoring the stinging, I decided that if they wouldn't give up without getting too hurt, then it was time to bring the pain."I've broken Bionicle pieces just stepping on them." I said. "Lets see how much damage THIS does!" Then, I gave 'em the oldest move in the book of moves that is said to have the moves in. A big, hard, body slam. Cracked like eggs. Or bad jokes. One or the other. While they laid stunned, we searched for the Nuva Stones."Nothing." Tahu said. "He must have absorbed them already.""Guys!" Gali yelled. "Come look at what I found!"We rushed over, and found her holding a scroll a bit taller than the Toa. I took it and began reading."Guys...This is it! This scroll explains how the Toa Stones got to Earth in the first place! Not only that, it tells where the last one is!""Well, don't hold out on us!" Lewa said. "Read it!""Okay, here we go!"-----------------------------------------------It has been over a thousand years since our planet was changed. This experiment we are trying is to send the Power Stones we invented back in time, back to when our world was untouched by our foolish endeavors. Our hope is that people back then will find the stones and use them to prevent the disaster that struck our world from happening. However, I have my doubts that this will work. These stones seem suspiciously familiar to those that were responsible for enhancing the weaponry in that horrid war, and I am afraid that doing this will just start the cycle over again. I should make myself more clear. 1050 years ago, in the year 2012, a mysterious being, whose identity still remains a mystery, presented the concept of using special stones he had collected to enhance weaponry for the country in which he lived. The government, of course, jumped at this opportunity. This stirred up suspicions in other counties, and eventually started a third world war, the first one in which mass amounts of nuclear weaponry was involved. Enhanced by the power of the stones, the 'bombs', as they were called, did extreme amounts of damage to the environment as well as the intended targets, greatly putting a strain on the planet. Eventually, the planet struck back, and with extreme fury. Horrendous natural disasters literally warped the planet, turning it into a barely inhabitable wasteland. Somehow, we clung on, and over the course of 50 years, society had been partially rebuilt. However, most of the beings had been tunred into either small, resilient people called Agori, and taller, stronger people called Glatorian. Those of us not affected gathered together and built a tower larger than any on the previous form of our planet. We spent 1000 years inventing and studying in that tower, and now hope to stop this from ever happening. I am sending this back in time with the Power Stones, and hope that whoever reads this will be able to change our future.


    --------------------------------------------Lewa was stunned. This was just too much to think about. Fortunately, he had KFRD to do that. He glanced over to see if the Makuta were still KOed, but saw that they were gone."KFRD! The Makuta!""I know. I also know where they're going." KFRD said. "We need to get to Washingtion D.C. before they do!"End Part 1.(P.S. I promise the regular episodes of next season will be funnier!)

  5. WVUFan, you are one of the funniest comic makers on BZPower, and really have a knack for humor. I have been reading your comics for a while, and have decided to give you this badge. kfrdcomicbadge.pngKeep up the good work!

  6. This is You know, you're going to run out of swear words EVENTUALLY!-B6 hilarious! Although, to be honest, I didn't actually read most of it, my eyes just skimmed over to the parts in bold. Keep up the good work, you I swear to heaven, I'm going to BAN you all!!-B6 genius!

  7. Mine was replying to the 'Most Useless Piece' topic

    HA HA!! I Can think of uses for every single one of those pieces. For instance, Vahki eyes make good horns. ../forum/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

    Reading that now just makes me feel like a snob.
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