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CaT in Rogue

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Posts posted by CaT in Rogue

  1. Well, equipment or not, we still don't know exactly how long it would take to make a Matoran, so there might be a period of time where they're still trying to make new Matoran, but it's taking so long that they might go into extinction before another is made. This is, of course, assuming numerous factors, and is far from a solid theory.

  2. Welcome, one and all to the new forum postings of B+M=C! The old topic is right here.S2. Chapter 5: Bermuda TriangulatingIt was just another day, at least, as 'just another day'ish in a house you share with both family and living Bionicle sets. (And annoying ones, at that!)Anyways, as I was saying, it was just a regular day until Lewa got a Brain Shock. See, a Brain Shock is when Lewa actually uses his brain, which shocks us, so to speak. I was reading a book in my room, when suddenly, I heard random flushing noises from my bathroom. Gali was probably just playing in the toilet. AGAIN. I got up and stormed into the bathroom, finding not Gali, but Lewa, who was apparently trying to figure out how the toilet works. By taking it apart. Without turning off the water. I had to wade over to the toilet and slam the lid back on."LEWA!" I yelled. "WHAT are you DOING?!""Um, duh." He replied. "Taking the toilet apart. I see we're not fully loaded in the knowledge artillery compartment today, KliFfoRD kid.""Don't call me KliFfoRD!" I snapped. "You're messing around, while I'm reading up on places in the world where weird disturbances might be occuring because of a Toa Stone!""Down, boy. For your information, I had a Brain Shock while I was 'messing around'. There's probably a Nuva Stone in that weird area of the ocean where things keep disappearing, you know, the Hawiian Octagonapus or something?""The Bermuda Triangle.""Whatever.""Of course! Why didn't I think of that earlier?!""Well, some people just can't be as smart as me, I guess!"And then Lewa promptly slipped on the floor and fell flat on his face after doing 37 backflips, which is probably some kind of world record or something."Lewa, did you bump your head as a child or something?""63 times."-------------------------------------------------At the HQ of the Secret Tyrannical Undermining Posse In Destruction:Teridax: I'm sick and tired of those stupid Toa always being one step ahead of me! I mean, shouldn't I be some kind of awesome super manaical genius that has back up plans for my breakfast's back up plans?!Krika: That's just in the storyline, sir. Out here, you're something of a wimp.Teridax: Am not!Krika: Riiiiiight... Teridax: Where's Icarax? He was supposed to have my Dora The Explorer doll here an hour ago!Krika: *sigh*-----------------------------------------------Lewa was a bit nervous. Sure, going to the Bermuda Triangle was HIS idea, but he still wasn't very comfortable with water, and even less comfortable with the horrible idea of actually SWIMMING. It was like some kind of nightmare. Plus, plastic rusts easily. Or was that steel?As they piled into the van, KFRD punched in the coordinites and punched a new looking blue button that Lewa hadn't noticed before. There was the usual flash of purple as the time-space continuum bended, and then everything was blue. Well, not everything. Just everything outside of the van. He looked out the window, finding that the wheels were now functioning as propellers.But...But that meant...They were UNDERWATER!Lewa told himself to calm down. There was no way the van could really be underwater. Not even KFRD could airproof every nook and cranny of the van.That's when the shark swam by.----------------------------------------------On Mars:Martian 1: And so, I was THIS close to catching that Ditto, Eh, when-*far away scream*Martian 2: Sounds like some living Bionicle Toa of Air set is underwater, Eh?M1: Poor thing, Eh?M2: Eh.M1: Back to my Pokemon game, Eh?M2: Moo.----------------------------------------------I was trying to get Lewa to calm down. Not easy when you're stuck underwater in an Automarine."Cool it, Lewa! You're probably interrupting some poor martian talking about how that Ditto got away at the last second or something!""When I thought we were going to the Bermuda Triangle, I didn't think that we were going UNDERWATER!!"Well, where did you expect the stone to be? Honululu?!""Kinda...""Lewa, you're hopeless.""And you're about to pass right over the Nuva Stone! Look down!"I hit the brakes as fast as possible and glanced down. Sure enough, there it was!"Okay, Gali, time for you to do your stuff."I lifted up my seat, revealing the engine workings."Just jump into that tube, and you'll be able to climb out the exhaust pipe. Okay, go!"Gali jumped down the tube and I slammed down the seat to keep water from getting in. After she retrieved it, I started punching in the coordinates for home. As I was doing so, Lewa grabbed the bag holding the Nuva Stones and dropped the latest catch in."One more left, and we'll be rid of Makuta forever!""I wouldn't be so sure, Lewa. That guy's persistent.""You bet I am!"We whipped around to see none other than Makuta Teridax, evil wimp, floating in the air. Before we could react, he grabbed the Nuva Stones and teleported away.--------------------------------------------Lewa couldn't believe it. All that hard work for the stones, and Makuta just teleports in, grabs them, and teleports out. If he could get his hands on him, he would..."Hey, Lewa!" Pohatu shouted. "Cheer up! It's not like Makuta has ALL the stones. We just need to grab the last one, and we win, so it's no big deal!"Actually," Said KFRD "It IS a big deal. Get ready guys, the final battle is waiting!End chapter 5.Sorry it wasn't funnier, I'm working up to the 3-part season finale.

  3. You may or may not remember my comedy 'Ask Lewa' on the old forums, but I figured I'd continue it. Don't worry, B+M=C and the others will return sometime or another. Anyways, let's get started! (P.S. If you remember Skirmix and Ratty, you get a cookie.)Chapter 1: Cupcakes.Lewa: Hi, everybody, and welcome back to 'Ask Lewa'! I've done a lot during the downtime,Computer: Translation: I've sat on the couch a lot.Lewa: Including adopting two new pets, Skirmix and Ratty!Computer: Translation: A Rock Steed to carry me to the kitchen when I get hungry, and a rat to keep me company while sitting on above mentioned couch.Lewa: So, let's start awnsering questions!Computer: Translation: Gimme stuff to awnser before I punch a hole through the wall.Lewa: Shut up, you piece of ####!!Computer: ....I think it's better I DON'T translate that....Lewa: Good! Bring up the first question!

    : Dear Lewa:Do you like My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?

    Lewa: Huh? What? (Quickly hides Twilight Sparkle toy) Of course not! What kind of girly person would like that?!Computer: You.Lewa: (Whispers) Shut up, you overglamorized toaster oven!Computer: Lewa is a Brony! Lewa is a Brony!Lewa: When I get my hands on you-!!Gali: (Walks in) Lewa, are you threatening the computer again?Lewa: Um...no?Gali: (Sighs and leaves)Lewa: Well, now that you've made a fool out of me in front of Gali, could you just give me the next question?!Computer: Maybe. Maybe not.Lewa: What do you expect...an apology?!Computer: Yes.Lewa: I'm not going to apologize to a-Computer: Uh-oh, I put it in the Trash folder by accident. Would be a shame if it were to accidently get deleted forever..,Lewa: Okay, okay, I'm sorry!Computer: That's better. Here's your question:

    Dear Lewa:Could you look up and read 'Cupcakes'? I'm sure you'll enjoy it...BWAHAHAHA!! erm, I mean have fun!

    Lewa: Well, sure! I don't have any problem reading about Cupcakes!Computer: Um, Lewa....Lewa: Nonsense! I'm sure it's just a nice, non-gory story about yummy cupcakes!Later, after actually READING 'Cupcakes':Lewa: That was definitely NOT a nice, non-gory story about yummy cupcakes!Computer: I'm not going to say I told you so, but I SAID TO YOU ACCURATELY!!Lewa: Oh, shut up...I think I'm going to be sick...Computer: How can you tell? You're green all over anyway!Lewa: Ooog, I can't do this...Skirmix, Ratty, you take over and awnser the last question...(Walks off)Skirmix: Is he gone?Ratty: I think so.Skirmix: Well, then, welcome back to The Skirmix Show!Computer: Oh, may heaven help us!Skirmix: I'm your host, Skirmix, and this is my co-host, Ratty!Ratty: We're going to take over 'Ask Lewa' for the last question of the day because of Lewa being stupid enough to read 'Cupcakes'!Computer: Stupid is right...Let's get this over with.

    Dear Lewa:Why on Earth would you be stupid enough to read 'Cupcakes'?!

    Skirmix: Well, it's quite simple. You remember those scenes where the Lewa was swinging through the trees on Mata Nui? Well, he fell a lot.Ratty: You could say he bumped his head as a child.Skirmix: 63 times.Computer: That's it for today.Skirmix: Well, okay then. Have a good day everybody, and thanks for reading! Remember to send in lots of questions!Ratty: And to never read 'Cupcakes'!Word count: 578
  4. TWO new comics up! The first was inspired by Darcsyde's 'The Net is Slow' song. The second announces my discontinuation of WaterWorks by instead integrating it into MSPT Comics, and my new use of GIMP. (P.S. If you don't get the joke, you've never had Nutella before.)

  5. This is something I drew a while back, but hadn't gotten around to posting, so I can't exactly fix anything. It's a drawing of Makuta Teridax in his Mata Nui Titan form.



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