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Everything posted by Boidoh

  1. I hope there are more than one Marendar. That could have really made BIONICLE epic, again, again. It just sounds really awesome, Toa killing machines. I forgot what Sentinels are, care to give a brief description? I remember them from that Wolverine show on Nicktoons, but that was a long time ago. I do remember, they were epic. The description was awesome they gave of Marendar though. He broke out of (I think) 3 feet of protosteel, and no toa or a Toa Team can even hope of taking it down. What if all 50-something Toa go against it? Would they have a chance?
  2. Greg said no. :'( "This is the sort of thing that works well in fan fiction, but in main story opens a can of worms. So answer's no, this has not happened." Dat Greg.
  3. There are tiny Matoran. The one that was hit with the kanoka disk and become so small no one knew where he was.
  4. My real favorite is the Turaga that went mad and sent everyone to Karzahni. But, eh. Nuju I guess. Probably Akhmou too, just because.
  5. The only problem I have with the stars are that they are agori/av-matoran size. You could mistake Skrall for Atakus.
  6. Would you mind also sending me the file?
  7. OK, some small little cool stuff, IMO, kinda got confirmed. First of all, Agori/Glatorian are mammalian/close to. https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/m-p/10759609/highlight/true#M247179 3) Finally, are Glatorian/Agori mammalian/close to mammalian ? 3) I would guess so. A couple posts below that one says that the Makuta in the Melding have Peace and Courage rather than Fear and Anger. helixman101 wrote: Instead of Anger and Fear, did the Makuta of The Melding Alternate Universe have Peace and Courage (the opposites according to Mata Nui Online Game II)? Would make sense, I guess Tuma will never regain control over the skrall. 7) Is there any chance at all of Tuma regaining command over the Skrall? 7) No. In a culture like that, once you are publicly humiliated, you don't get to be leader anymore. You're an outcast. Now for the usual pointless and obscure stuff I ask Greg. Boidoh wrote: 1. Can all rahi wear masks? 2. Is the orange Pakari on the Fikou's back a mask or a shell? 3. If it is a mask, whats the head piece thing? Like a shell? 4. How exactly are Fikou dangerous? BS01 says they are dangerous when threatened but all I see they can do, besides the ones from the Southern Continent, is make some strong webs. Do they have any other abilities? 5. It is stated that there are several different Fikou each adapted to life in a different region. Black is Onu-Metru/Wahi and Orange is Le-Metru/Wahi. Could it be possible for blue Fikou to be related to the water regions, Red to the fire, brown to the stone, white for the Ice? 6. As the Fikou have emmigrated to Spherus Magna, would they migrate to an area that is similar to the region they have already adapted to, or will they just simply adapt to whatever environment they are in now? 7. What would be the conservation status for the Fikou? Would they be common, uncommon, endangered, what? 1) I would say no. There are a number of Rahi who would be too small (even microscopic) to wear Kanohi. 2-3) Looking at the model, I would think it would be intended to be part of the spider's body, not a mask it wore. 4) Spiders bite, Boidoh. 5) Yes, it is possible 6) They would try, but depending on how long it takes to get to such a region, they might perish during the migration. 7) I think Fikou were fairly common. I'm not sure if it was confirmed or not before if some rahi can't use Kanohi or not. Now I know that what I thought was a cool spider Rahi wearing a mask, is not so cool to me anymore. I learnt spiders bite... I guess I confirmed the colors of the Fikou in different regions. Now we know what a population of Fikou are doing after the MN robot shut down. And we can now change the conservation status from unkown to fairly common. And then some other stuff like when Teridax was a Matoran he wasn't really wearing a Hau and stuff. And other generic answers.
  8. If BIONICLE comes back I want some Rahi to populate my world. And not just not-to-be-mentioned spiders.
  9. I'll copy and paste your post into the LMB Greg topic. This is interesting.
  10. I downloaded the one that autosaves from BMP but when I re-open the launcher I begin from the opening cutscene.
  11. Just did that. And when I reopened the game I was at the beginning cut scene.
  12. Oh goodie, one of these threads already existed. So just yesterday I got some money and I said, hey, since BIONICLE is coming back, I should buy a couple of the old sets from this store that had, like, A TON. A lot of Toa Hordika, Phantoka, Mistika and Barraki sets. Well, the last set I bought from there was in 2012, and that was a Pohatu Phantoka set. I remember I was deciding between Pohatu and Lewa, and I eventually said I'd buy Lewa later to have all 3 Toa Nuva Phantoka. Little did I know that back in 2012 was the last BIONICLE decision I would make. So I went to said store and apparently, the section where they had all the BIONICLES was now filled with some dump truck toys. I eventually decided to look around and see if they moved all the LEGOs. They did, so when I found the LEGO section, I was saddened to see that the only BIONICLEs they had left, were some bootleg Vahki from this Enlighten Assembly brand... I asked the person who was working there where were all the BIONICLEs, and she said they were sold out a long time ago... I always assumed I could always go back to that store and buy whatever Toa Hordika, Phantoka, Mistika or Barraki set I could want, but that was 2 years ago... I have never truly felt that BIONICLE has ended until now. I could always go back and buy the older sets I thought, but truly there no where that sells them where I live, so technically BIONICLE never ended for me, until now. sad face...
  13. Toa Nuva would be Turaga Nuva if transformed. 4. In case that Toa Nuva transform into Turaga, will they become Turaga Nuva or just ordinary Turaga? Will they have some extra powers or abilities? 4) They would become Turaga Nuva and be able to share mask powers.
  14. I downloaded MNOGII and it said it has some built in save thing. I don't know how to save or if it saved it self and I don't want to close it because I don't want to lose all my progress.... Anyone knows how the thing saves?
  15. Had no idea I was mentioned in a video. I'm really just mad that Greg will never reveal if Omega Tahu can beat the Lord of **** *******. I'm assuming I can't talk about lord of you know who here. I get the impression that the Lord-Of-Not-Meant-To-Be-Discussed is a translation of something else, like the way "Master" is probably meant to be "Toa". So I would imagine that when the sets are released, that particular set that we aren't meant to talk about will have a more Bionicle-esque name. On a 'certain image' it shows a certain picture, and on that certain picture the word Master can be seen, but its blurry.
  16. Had no idea I was mentioned in a video. [removed]
  17. So I guess we should change Sidorak's status from Revived to Deceased...
  18. In an effort to try to get out of the spam discussion: Do you all think we will get new Kanohi? And what happens if the hype train goes through Energized Protodermis?
  19. Quick somewhat unrelated question: Can any Toa Team with the same elements used to seal can unseal a seal?
  20. Now make a picture of someone destroying the Mask of Braking.
  21. I don't remember where, but I think some other forum had that idea for newbs to the forum to get a hang of stuff and how the site works, ect.
  22. When it returns, we should have a sort of adopt-a-newbie thing, where a member who is more experienced with the old BIONICLE lore and stuff, can 'adopt' a member who is new to BIONICLE.
  23. An old question with an easy answer -- they didn't combine their powers in 2001. So what did they do?
  24. He had an extra 'the'. You guys know by now that even for lines... Thats what he meant.
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