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Posts posted by Boidoh

  1. 2. No problem if you didn't understand what I was trying to say, I don't either...


    I think at the time I was thinking that the lazer thing from his kanohi was related to high altitudes.


    1. I'll probably go on the LMB and ask, but I don't know the likelihood of me being answered...


    2. So basically when they hopped off of their vehicles the form they took was the Karda Nui form in case of dangers. I would really love to believe this, but then why the Karda Nui form, does it revert to the 'last used form' if the current form would have no benefits in the current environment? The vehicle forms wouldn't, as all the armour was in the back.


    And quick question not related to the story. Was Pohatu taller in the vehicle form in the set?



    Sorry for the double post but I found something.




    Here it says on the table that the masks adapted to aerial, swamp and vehicle forms. Although I liked the idea of it being a high speed form after thinking about it, this seems to go against it.

  2. 1. The different styles of their armour, the Phantoka style, with all the huge flying stuff (Kopaka's wings, Pohatu's spinning stuff, Lewa's jetpacks) and then the Mistika with the tiny jet pieces stuck on them at various places.


    2. How about Kopaka's mask? It had that lazer thing from him lookers, which switched sides from his right to left eye...


    And you know what I realized from the end of all of this? I actually was fighting for something I didn't want. I actually wanted for them to remain in those forms... So here are some questions..


    1. Are they still in their Karda Nui forms now?


    2. When Pohatu and Lewa hopped off of their vehicles, were they back in their Karda Nui forms? If so how? They weren't in Karda Nui...

  3. 1. Well its odd that the 3 who were in the swamp got different forms than those in the sky... The phantoka masks seems more adapted to high altitudes and such like with the visor on Pohatu's mask and stuff.


    2. It may block his vision or foggy his eye sensors or something.


    3. -


    4. At this point where Lewa was in space are we both assuming he is in his phantoka form? Moving in space is different than in the air.

  4. Fishers64: 


    1. OK

    2. OK, I meant Karda Nui saga, made a typo. Didn't make a difference though you obviously knew what I meant.

    3. Well I supposed that when they have reached outer space their armour would be adapted to that space setting and there could be a feature to re-use the air or turn existing material into air. They could have breathing apparatuses also, like the Toa Mahri did.




    1. OK


    2. OK, but what about the Phantoka? Looking at the designs of the Mistika, now that you mention it, does look like high speed flight gear, but the Phantoka's gear does seem to be particularly high speed, it seems more of something for high altitude.


    3. OK


    4. OK


    5. Sandstorms weren't what I was implying. When there are about a thousand or so, probably a lot more, beings running around in desert sand, sand will kick up, the sand will be flying around and the sand will be in your face. I've learnt that from being in a sandy area with about 800 kids....


    Also, being a toa of fire, wouldn't he already be immune to the heat. Im almost certain that inside a volcano is hotter than being in a desert. The giant robots maybe even gave them some shade.


    6. So the amount of time Lewa and co. were in space was enough time for him to adapt?

  5. I shall walk into the store one day and say "OMG!!! IT'S OMEGA TAHU!"


    I really don't like huge sets just for the sage of being huge though. Toa Mata Nui had no story reason to be so big... I want something story related if Omega Tahu is real.


    This is just a weird thing of mines but I really wont want to buy previous version of a character if they have transformed. Eg. I wont buy Mistika Tahu because he devolved in story. Which is why I care so much about if the Nuva are still in their Karda Nui forms or not. I would use it for parts and build a rahi or something. So I really hope they don't remake the Nuvas. 

  6. 1. / 6. It could have at least reverted them to their default mode. They have all this huge unnecessary armour that they have just carrying about in a city. 


    But what about the comic...


    1.2. Well with SO MANY enemies all about wouldn't that be considered part of the environment. Unless those pictures from that Mata Nui Saga voice thingy aren't canon also and there were far less... And wouldn't it also adapt to the enemies? Weren't the blasters of the Nuva during the Mata Nui saga contained with light to fight against the Makuta?



    5. That wasn't exactly what I was thinking about it being activated by your mind. Let me reword it.


    Ok, say your at the thermosphere of Spherus Magna, its the last layer of the atmosphere before you have completely left the planet. Could it not provide an oxygen reserve and then by the time you enter outer space fit you for space travel?

    • Upvote 1
  7. Sorry if I will be replying in an unorganized manner by not using the quote boxes. I'm not using a PC to post, I'm using the Wii U internet browser. It would be hard for me to put it in that format.


    1. By that do you mean by that? Him not needing the swamp modifications or him being in a default form?


    If the first one, from what I have read about what Tahu did during Teridax's Reign, I don't think his swamp modifications would have helped him at all. His rotating fire blades appear to half low range. His Nynrah Ghost blaster seems to have some use though because it can control mechanical beigns and contained light which can be used against the Rahkshi, but I don't think it was ever written that Tahu used his blaster. I don't THINK. I may be wrong. Even if his blaster would prove helpful, his weird looking Hau Nuva and all those flying stuff stuck on him wouldn't. Why would he stay in that Mistika form.


    If the default form thing, he exited the MU as Mistika in the comics. I've seen a picture of Tahu in Mistika form in Metru Nui when the Mask of Shadows was in the skies as a constellation. Either the process of the adaptive armour takes really long to change, or only does so in dire situations.


    1.2. Further stability in the desert sand. A projectile based weapon suited for a warground in the desert next to two powerful giant robots having a fist fight. A larger melee weapon for taking out multiple enemies at once. Visors to enhance vision due to the desert sand.


    1.3. I worded that a little weird. Even I got confused as what I wanted to say after re-reading that. 


    So what you are saying is that the Ignika set the adaptive armour on Tahu Mata to the default form when he devolved?


    5. Well it seems to be able to create weapons, ammo and the sort out of nothing, or does it recycle the old protodermis or something. Even if it couldn't create air out of nothing, by the time Pohatu and Kopaka would have begin to leave Spherus Magna's atmosphere, it could maybe make out the obvious that they were going into space and store air for them.


    6. If the timing may have been a little too fast, how long exactly does it take for this thing to adapt. Seeing the scenarios the Toa have been through and only adapted about 3 times (Swamp/Air, Vehicle, Default) I wouldn't trust that thing as beeing a reliable back up.



    Valdabaoth: Yes, I do realize that. Let me tell a little story. A while back I used to frequently visit a The Legend of Zelda forums and was big into Zelda theories and the sort. When discussing things about the story, we theorized and spoke as if the developers of the game did not exist. For example : If a certain imagery looked similar to something else on another side of the timeline [The Zelda series has 3 timeline splits] we wouldn't say "Oh, the developers probably just wanted to reuse assets". We would stay discussing from an in-universe perspective. I don't know if it is any different here on BZPower. I haven't really posted a lot since I joined in 2010.

  8. Those look like how the Toa Nuva appeared in Mask of Light. I honestly never like that design as much because it never really looked like the actual sets. Especially the Matoran, they just looked hideous. 


    The way you talk about the aesthetics reminds me of The Legend of Zelda games where a lot of the games have different art styles [Normal-ish in Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, Cel-shaded in The Wind Waker, 'realistic' a.k.a shades of brown in Twilight Princess, Painting like in Skyward Sword (and the upcoming one shown at E3)], but their gameplay is relatively the same. You explore dungeons, you can Z/L/ZL-target, and so on. All canon games fit into the same timeline [including the three branches] no matter what art style they were in. So I guess BIONICLE would kinda be the same at heart. 



    The Tahu looks fine. The only thing about it is that it kinda reminds me of Furno for some odd reason, which is weird because I was never into Hero Factory. However, if BIONICLE were to return in that design I wouldn't want something as simplistic as that Tahu. I want a sort of gimmick. Like how there was the whole sea thing in 2007 and the swamp/air thing in 2008. I want it to have a cool blaster and a theme. I want it to have collectable ammo that isn't a zamor sphere recolor or a no good rubber squid. But all in all, whatever happens, I will be ok with because all I'm asking for is BIONICLE to return.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question in-depth. Looking at it, it looks really alien to me from what I have seen with BIONICLE. I've seen pictures of HF sets and I couldn't tell it was of a different building system. The parts look kinda complex to deal with, but that's probably because this is all new to me. I have almost no clue what any of the connector pieces would do, but again, it's probably because I never got into HF.


    If BIONICLE were to return with this style, I would have a sort of mixed feelings about it. It seems that it would work well Glatorian and Agori. IMO, that building system makes the sets look more organic looking than a mechanical robot. Maybe that is just me. I think they should bring it back with the MU inhabitants using the old build, along with any other robot sets such as if they released the Marendar as a set, to keep it in a robot looking fashion. And then they should release any Spherus Magna inhabitants with the new build system. I'd also want the Toa/Matoran to have the regular Toa heads...

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1. / 2. /3. I also remembered Tahu being in his Mistika form as he exited the MU. Since Tahu left Karda Nui he wouldn't need his Mistika stuff so why didn't the adaptive armour change to default form inside the MU. Tahu exited the MU into Bara Magna, which is a desert, why didn't he adapt to a desert form rather than to default. I always kinda assumed that only Tahu's armour changed, because when he devolved back into a Toa Mata, he would need new armour to fit his new build. It wouldn't make sense for him to be a Toa Mata Mistika. 


    4. Well the Red Star is in space with a bunch of revived MU beings. Maybe they could have adapted to the space environment.


    And I just thought of something as I was re-reading The Powers That Be. Here is a quote.


    Kopaka looked up. The star was in the sky now above Spherus Magna, and had been since the arrival of the Mata Nui robot on the planet. With the robot destroyed, the red star would not be summoned into use again. Yet still it hung among the true stars, waiting, waiting for a call that would never come.

    “If only we could get up there …” Kopaka said, more to himself than anyone else.
    “The hunting would be poor,” said Gaardus.
    “Not for what we’re seeking,” Pohatu said. “Doesn’t matter, though, neither one of us is equipped for space flight.”
    5. What is interesting here is what Pohatu says at the end. With their adaptive armour, why does it matter if they are equipped for it or not? Can't they just fly as high as the could by some means, either by their Phantoka flying stuff or another means, then have their armour automatically adapt to the space environment?
    Which brings me to something else I just thought of. Sorry for the bunch of questions. Things just seems to pop up about other similar stuff when I ask things.
    6. When Lewa was teleported into space with the others, why didn't his armour, to our knowledge, adapt to the space environment. He created air bubbles so I assumed he didn't adapt. Or was the time he was in space before Vezon teleported them too little time for the armour to react?
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  11. I really haven't kept up with Hero Factory at all, so when people talk about this building system from it, what exactly IS it? Is it found in all HF sets or in some later waves. I wanted to look up on them to see how BIONICLE would look if it came back in said building system.

  12. So, is she a toa of lightning with water powers or a toa of water with lightning powers? I'm confused.


    And going off your train of thought, does she become a toa of the green when she's a Mahri just because she's blue and green?


    This idea kinda came to me after reading your post. I always kinda assumed that Toa would be able to control the elements around them in a similar way to how bending works in Avatar: The Last Airbender. In that show, water benders could control plants, because water exists within plants. I assume Hahli could possibly do a similar thing with her control over the element of water. 

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