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Posts posted by Boidoh

  1. If they did do collectible Matoran, what would they be like?


    I'm imagining them using the 4-length bones for their limbs, maybe 3-length, and then using either the XT4 torso or the smaller hero torso. They'd have to at least have coloured limbs since they aren't going to be long enough for armour to attach.


    McToran. Nuff' said.




    Now I know the LMB Greg topic doesn't usually means anything but as of recent, he keeps pulling out the excuse that LEGO pulls out ideas, and then makes concept art and stuff for new/returning themes. What he is getting at is that even though we may have a picture, and it may be real, that doesn't mean it may be returning.


    Don't mean to slow down the hype train but, that worries me a bit.

    The pictures we've seen were more than mere concept art. Those who know the source and nature of the leaks know this, but we can't really discuss those things here.


    All things considered, Greg is going to try to discredit the hints we've gotten in any way he can short of saying "no, BIONICLE isn't actually coming back next year". It's basically his job. Don't read too much into it.



    Oh, well if Highly Suspect says it's more than concept art, I shall combine my Kanohi Kakama with the Hype Train to go into overdrive, again.

  2. I love compexity in BIONICLE, but there is a clear difference between being complex, and being complicated.


    For example, the simple definition of 'Matoran' is complex, if I give one meaning, I would have to explain several words like Kanohi, elemental prefixes, and other stuff.


    Complicated would be things that are just too hard to understand. I'd say how to build a car from scratch is complicated. And math... 



    Erm, I'll just fetch some meanings.


    com·plex   [adj., v. kuhthinsp.pngthinsp.pngm-plekskom-pleks; n. kom-pleks] Show IPA
    composed of many interconnected parts; compound; composite:a complex highway system.



    com·pli·cat·ed   [kom-pli-key-tid]  Show IPA
    composed of elaborately interconnected parts; complex:complicated apparatus for measuring brain functions.
    difficult to analyze, understand, explain, etc.: a complicatedproblem.
    OK. Erm... They seem to be synonyms... I prefer number 2 for complicated.
    So for the sake of sanity in this thread.
    Complex - Positive Connotation
    Complicated - Negative Connotation 



    And please, please, please don't go around picking out every time I mistakenly used the word complex in a negative fashion in my first post. I was just typing what came to me.

    • Upvote 1
  3. OK, In the poll, when I mean complicated, I mean it in a negative connotation. Because obviously any new thing in BIONICLE makes a story more complex, which in itself is a synonym of complicated. So when I use complex, it is positive, complicated is negative. 




    I was bored today. I already finished reading all the serials, and comics I could find online and was just randomly clicking around BS01. I saw the link to HS01 and said, "Hey, I wonder what's going on with HERO FACTORY." So I decided to check it out. I typed in a couple names I recalled, I never got into the series. So I typed in Furno. I said, "Eh, not as fleshed out as BIONICLE character pages, but whatever." So then I got to the bottom of the biography...


    'Alternate Universes'


    I'm assuming these came from the books, cause only Greg does these kind of things.


    Anyways, my point here is, why all the hate about the AUs in BIONICLE? The most common one is that people say it makes BIONICLE confusing. I WOULD have agreed with you, if it was me before July 2014.


    Before then I never bothered reading the serials, checking out the comics, or even read a single BIONICLE book, I never even knew they existed. I never even played MNOG then. I never even knew what it was. Then I did some simple stuff. I rewatched the movies to get back into BIONICLE. The only reason I got back into was because of those rumours. Then after that I found the comics online, then I read all the serials. All that stuff that looks complicated, is only complicated because you probably don't know where they even came from. After indulging my self with the books and stuff, I could probably fully explain the AUs and more without even pausing.


    See, when I was looking at that HF page of Furno, the only complex part to it was the AUs. I said what the normal AU hater would say about them. Oh, this makes HF so complicated. I mean, look at the name, Reality 3232323242.5, Reality 342423432434554786.8. What were these, Greg pressing random keys? I had no idea where they come from, no idea whats their purpose, and wouldn't care if they lived or died. My point here is, it probably only looks complicated to me because I KNOW NOTHING about HF. To the HF fan, these probably expanded the universe or whatever, but to me, it just makes some unnecessary complexity, because I don't know about HF a lot, I probably watched the first couple episodes when I was 10 or 11, but other than that I have no idea what's happened and would never waste valuable time looking up, buying or reading a HF book.


    Oh, and here is just some food for thought. In HF, according to HS01 (which should really be called HS10 because BIONICLE was released in 01' and HF in 2010...) there are 5 AUs, and in BIONICLE there are ALSO FIVE! 5, FIVE! The SAME AMOUNT.


    Of course there are the other little pocket dimensions, like the City of Silver, or Field of Shadows and the the barely useful ones that never got a story like the dimension where Annona was banished, the one Brutaka was talking about with the light creatures, the one where the Makuta extra stuff goes, and the one where the order locked up Tuyet. And those are just the ones off the top of my head. I don't know if there are any more. And those little ones are just irrelevant, but make the story more interesting and allows for more creative fanfics.




    1. In my OPINION, the only reason I THINK is why people call AUs complicated, is because they PROBABLY never read the serials. All AUs were featured in serials. (not counting pocket dimensions)


    2. HF's AUs are complicated to me because I never read any of the books, nor did I care for the little details. I never even cared for the story at all.


    3. HF has the same amount of alternate dimension as BIONICLE, 5.


    4. HFs AU names are stupid. Let me make up one. Reality 29934378.3. or maybe Reality 23423535235789987654321.4?


    5. AU is a shortened term for Alternate Universe, if ya didn't know...



    *NOTE* This is not meant to be a hate message to ANYONE AT ALL who dislikes AUs. This is just me voicing my opinion on the matter. If you don't like them, and you read all the serials and may be a big BIONICLE fan, then OK. I respect your opinion. I by no means dislike or will dislike anyone just because they share a different opinion than mines. This is just me, sharing what I think. 


    This note is probably unnecessary but is just a reminder to make sure no arguments break out in this topic, but none probably will.


    Edit: I wanted to change the topic name since it was cut off. Can any mods change it to "How can AUs make BIONICLE Complicated if HF also have?" Thanks.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Why does everyone hate the alternate universe? They are amazing!

    The only reason people may think it makes everything 'too confusing', is because they obviously never took the time to read all the serials/a couple books , and the sort, and instead probably just read the character pages and saw something they didn't know about and couldn't understand because they never READ THE SERIALS!


    It's real simple. Takanuva gets sent through a portal created by a broken Olmak, he goes to City of Silver, helps out the city-building creatures, goes to the Kingdom, helps defeat Teridax, and then went to the Toa Empire and took part in an epic revolution.


    Then there are the Vezon ones which are all explained in one serial.


    Point is, just read the serial, they're fun to read.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Now I know the LMB Greg topic doesn't usually means anything but as of recent, he keeps pulling out the excuse that LEGO pulls out ideas, and then makes concept art and stuff for new/returning themes. What he is getting at is that even though we may have a picture, and it may be real, that doesn't mean it may be returning.


    Don't mean to slow down the hype train but, that worries me a bit.

    • Upvote 1

    Why don't we ask Greg? How/why/etc?


    Because we've tried that in the past and gotten no conclusive answer. I think his go-to response is "That was Bob Thompson's idea, not mine", or something along those lines.



    Because you all ask Greg a question like "Hey Greg, does Kapura have the ability to teleport." rather than a different question to trick him into confirming it.


    Boidoh wrote:

    This is probably a ridiculous question but...


    When Kapura was in space with the others, could he have teleported himself out? I mean, It is as Vakama said, he practiced and became skilled, and he now knows the secret art of travelling great distances by moving very slowly . It is only a small matter for Kapura to be where he is not. It is a useful skill. Where Kapura is, is cold and has no air. Where he is not is overtaken by Makuta and is a city. Could he have been where he was not by moving very slowly?

    1) The problem is, we do not know the range of his powers, we do not know if he needs to be standing  on solid ground for them to work, we do not know if he needs to be in line of sight of where he is going ... so it may not have been possible for his power to be of any use.
    • Upvote 2
  7. I went ahead and asked Greg about some stuff brought up here. But I know he will give me some generic answers.




    Boidoh wrote:

    1. Where was Marendar's prison? Bota, Aqua, or Bara Magna?

    2. Would Marendar have the ability to cut off a Toa's mask/elemental powers? Since the GBs already created a device that can do that before, why not add it in the Marendar?


    1) Bara

    2) I did not define Marendar's abilities. I was going to decide on them once he was active in story

  8. Wow, someone accused of "working for BS01, or BS02, or whatever". Looks like the mods deleted his post. :P


    Edit: Marendar's prison was on Bara Magna.


    Boidoh wrote:

    1. Where was Marendar's prison? Bota, Aqua, or Bara Magna?

    2. Would Marendar have the ability to cut off a Toa's mask/elemental powers? Since the GBs already created a device that can do that before, why not add it in the Marendar?

    3. If it does cut it off, would Tahu have an advantage to defeat Marendar? After all Tahu has the golden armour, which wouldn't count as Toa power.

    4. Earlier, before his post was removed, a user accused me of "working for BS01" and said that this isn't the place to find out information. Would you mind giving your opinion on that? Isn't asking BIONICLE story questions better than trying to get you to spill beans over an alleged BIONICLE 2015 revival?

    1) Bara

    2) I did not define Marendar's abilities. I was going to decide on them once he was active in story

    4) I would think the point of this topic is to find out information - that's why it's called what it is. I know, for example, that there are people who report back to BZP what gets said here, which is fine, since I can't post there anymore. How else are people going to find things out, if they don't ask?

  9. Greg's and Sahmad's opinions are of the same worth, because he wrote Sahmad's Tale.

    He never said Annona was female, he said he considers Annona female.

    I asked Greg why is it he wrote in Sahmad's Tale that Annona was a 'he', and he considers Annona a 'she'. Greg's said because Sahmad considers Annona male, he doesn't.

  10. Greg once again doesn't want to give any info on Lehvak-Kal. It seems he wants him to be thrown out of orbit so bad, but doesn't want to confirm on deny.


    4) Like I said, if he wasn't ripped out of orbit, he is. If he is, eventually  his orbit will decay and he will burn up on re-entry before crashing into the planet. One way or the other, he's toast. Can I ask why this is so important to you? He hasn't appeared in story since 2003.

  11. "Unfortunately, depending on the disks used, these duels could have very serious repercussions, exampled by the fact that once one Matoran was shrunken to such a small size that he was never found, while another was transformed by a Reconstitute at Random disk into something so grotesque he nearly ended up on exhibition as aRahi in the Archives. In Metru Nui, disk dueling was highly illegal and guaranteed to bring prompt action from the Vahki."


    Are all temporary, or just the shrink? If they are temporary then why could duels have very serious repercussions? 

  12. I hope there are more than one Marendar. That could have really made BIONICLE epic, again, again. It just sounds really awesome, Toa killing machines.


    I forgot what Sentinels are, care to give a brief description? I remember them from that Wolverine show on Nicktoons, but that was a long time ago. I do remember, they were epic.


    The description was awesome they gave of Marendar though. He broke out of (I think) 3 feet of protosteel, and no toa or a Toa Team can even hope of taking it down. What if all 50-something Toa go against it? Would they have a chance?

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