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Posts posted by Boidoh

  1. I forgot to mention I also saw all four movies, online even.


    And obviously I know BS01 has all the BIONICLE info, but I would want to read maybe a story in full or play a game I never knew about.


    Edit: Wait, they are on Netflix? I checked it on my Wii U and I don't see it...

  2. I recently wanted to go through all canon BIONICLE stuff I could find online.


    So far I have:


    * Serials

    * BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa

    * Maze of Shadows

    * Online Animations (Bohrok/Kal/Mask of Light)

    * The choose your own adventure thing on MoL.com

    * MLN BIONICLE Campaign (in fact I'm recording all the quotes from it into a saga guide like thing, http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/My_LEGO_Network_BIONICLE_Campaign_Walkthrough

    * Comics

    * Journey's End


    Is there anything else? Have I really exhausted all there is for BIONICLE without buying any books? I need MORE BIONICLE, BEFORE 2015!


    And I've heard the messy fan-fic Expanded Multiverse is semi-canon, explain how. 

  3. People shouldn't have to watch The Last Airbender to find out who in the world is this 'Toph' or 'Chief Sokka' or 'Lord Zukko' or what was this war that keeps being mentioned in The Legend of Korra. They WORSE didn't have to read through obscure comics to find out how the United Nations (or something like that) was formed.


    But should they want to know, go ahead. If you don't know, then thats OK too.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2010

    No competition at all.

    The best ever.


    When is the GoTY edition of Agori Defender coming?





    Those big Toa, no one has anything on them.

    The evil menacing rahkshi, don't need no kraata.

    The best rappers in the MU, the Piraka Nektaan!

    Servants of the biggest tumour in the world, SKRALL! or Atakus with a Kopaka sword. Still awesome.


    Best story.

    Awesome ending.

    Nothing can compare, and you know it. You just don't want to admit it.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I'm sorry if this comes across as insulting but.

    Why is it that every post of yours is like.




    I mean, are you like trolling us or something? This has nothing to do with any alleged leaked pictures nor is this related to the BIONICLE 2015 leaks. It was funny at first but now it's kinda annoying...

    • Upvote 4
  6. In the poll were the Iron/Earth tribes there? If either ones, the ones who voted for fire were not thinking, we could have gotten more members of the other tribes.


    [Please don't bypass the word filter. -bones]

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