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Posts posted by Boidoh

  1. See the thing is, I learnt to stop asking those stuff on BZP. The only exception was my 'Vezok Bull Rider' topic. When I first returned back to BZP in July, I asked about if the Toa Nuva are in their Karda Nui forms, a question which could be CANONICALLY answered by Greg rather than hearing non canon fan theories. After I found out about LMB I knew I would never have to go through what seemed to be a never ending back and forth then Lehvak-Kal came. In fact, I'll ask Greg right now what that Rahi was.


    Also, do you really think that after spending ALL SUMMER on BS01 editing, making that MLNBC walkthrough, and intensely reading every page, that I wouldn't know that they were moons? It came as a shock to me too, but if Greg says the word, it is so.


    Edit: Physics are physics, Greg answers are Greg answers. Greg does what he wants because he has a Masters Degree in comicbook science, not real science.


    And no. I don't know what he was thinking. I asked that question as more of a clarification question, to see if the moon had a moon. I don't know about him... He says it was always like that... Nothing you can do really, just ask on LMB and hope for the best. But really isn't it being like this a LOT cooler?


    And where did AM's moon come from? I know it exists but what was the origin of it? A LMB post? The sky in MoL?


    All I can find is a one liner from MNOGII.

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    Re: Chat with Greg Farshtey

    LEGO General

    Was Reysa revived? - Killed by a tentacled monster


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    I was curious to see if a moon could have a moon, WEEKS AGO. Thats why.


    Boidoh wrote:

    ScribeGT6817 wrote:

    Boidoh wrote:

    A while back I asked you if Bota/Aqua Magna revolved around Bara Magna and you said no. Does this mean that they had their own orbit around Solis Magna?


    Was it always this way? Did it at one point orbit Bara Magna but then broke off from its orbit and began orbit around Solis Magna?

    To my knowledge, it was always this way, but it's not something the story team ever discussed.

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  3. Or real life physics don't apply... And isn't your sun a bit too tiny?


    Also, when I told Greg Yalda's stance on how Lehvak-Kal still SHOULD be in orbit, about how simple inertia shouldn't rip him out and what not, Greg gave the usual physics answer. Whatever is possible in comics is possible in BIONICLE.


    And how am I trying to trick forgetful authors? I had no motive of that. In fact, weeks ago when I asked the question, I WANTED them as moons, then Greg let me down. I wanted the moon to have a moon. I thought it would be cool...

  4. Once I was curious if the moons had moons, then Greg told me that they didn't orbit BM.



    Then this happened.



    On this case it is not really extorting answers. With Lehvak-Kal, that was days of torture, with this Greg simply answered ONE question from me without elaborating more. AND, it was good as confirmed weeks ago when I asked Greg if BM and AM orbited BM. So I don't see how this can be compared to what I did with Lehvak-Kal.


     Boidoh wrote:

    A while back I asked you if Bota/Aqua Magna revolved around Bara Magna and you said no. Does this mean that they had their own orbit around Solis Magna?
    See? Simple.
    I already made some follow up questions from before this extorted into a big argument asking him if they are only CALLED moons such as Venus being called the Morning Star. 
    I guess I'll ask that, but one question. The way you say 'clear my reputation', does this mean that on BZP and BS01 I'm practically hated for ruining all they thought they knew about BIONICLE?
  5. They may be close in whatever picture you saw, but if Teridax takes about a day or so to travel from Aqua Magna to Bara Magna, it sure isn't close. Plus, it might just be that they formed their orbit around Solis Magna very close to the orbit of Bara Magna's.


    2. It also said planet.

  6. No they don't.

    If I recall in the Mata Nui saga, it calls Aqua Magna the 'ocean world'.

    Real life physics don't apply in BIONICLE.

    Wasn't that just some fan theory? He said it makes sense. I could say the Big Bang Theory makes sense, but it still may not be true.


    No it isn't.

    Yes it does.

  7. i chose to try to take my old toa mata tahu stars and my hero factory collection can actually burn and i forgot y moc




    ... Yeah in the event of a house fire, I think I have more important things to save than my LEGO collection. Like my laptop, back up drive, sentimental items, etc.


    I agree wholeheartedly :D.


    But just for fun's sake, I would take my Toa Metru Vakama. He was my third Bionicle figure purchased, and the only one of the top three that isn't missing pieces/contain broken pieces.




    I would grab my 01 Tahu Mata set. It was one of the two Bionicle sets I first got, and even though the other one (Lewa) is cool, I like Tahu a little more. 


    Why nab Toa of Fire who are obviously resistant to it?

    • Upvote 2
  8. "That part of Aqua Magna was pointed away from Bara Magna, into a locked orbit like our moon."


    Aqua and Bota Magna did not rotate around Bara Magna, so they are not moons, they had their own orbit around Solis Magna. They are their own planet.


    I hate how stuff like the Mata Nui Saga keeps calling them moons.

  9. I was just reading Power Play and it described a room where you could learn to ride on wild rahi, or something like that. I immediately remembered the Piraka ad where Vezok was riding a bull looking thing. 




    So what was interesting was that it seems to be wearing a scarred looking Hau. What rahi is it?

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