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Ignika Warrior

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Status Updates posted by Ignika Warrior

  1. Thank you for adding me as a friend! I will accept your offer gratefully. Just refer to me as Ignika, as everyone calls me that. Look forward to see you in the forums, friend!

  2. Your epic is real good!

  3. Yo! Where'dya get the personal photo?

  4. We're both Toa-heroes now! Yay! (Rank wise)

  5. Hello there! Howzit going?

  6. Just wondering if anyone in another part of good 'ol Canada still gets 'em.

  7. Thanks for making the Poll for me!

  8. I live close to Vancouver!

  9. Lego better watch their backs . . . there's going to be hordes of angry Canadian BzPower members screaming at them . . . JUST KIDDING! :)

  10. I checked out the BMP. You've really got web site making skills! What's your secret?

  11. Thank you for rating me 5/5 stars everyone! :D

  12. Knock-knock! (Who's there?) Pecan!

    (Pecan who?)

    Pecan the cookie jar and see if there's any left!

    Hi. :D

  13. I will be, I just have been dealing with a couple of medical issues latley.

  14. I live relatively close to where they shoot Eureka (Chilliwack, BC, Canada). And I like Eureka as well! Wanna be friends?

  15. Do you still get the Bionicle comics?

  16. Wow, you just joined a month ago and you've already racked up 110 posts! Good job!

  17. Do you watch Eureka on Space channel? Or Battlestar Galactica?

  18. Well, it is only natural of me to use Canadian slang!

  19. How did you make it?

  20. You're born on April 29th, too?!

  21. Nice new personal photo! It rocks!

  22. Another name change!? :P

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