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Mayeur Donz

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Status Updates posted by Mayeur Donz

  1. Jade Skywalker? Hello! :)

    I didn't know you were on here!

    Actually... pretty much everyone I knew from before is! :P

  2. Just so that you know, I rated you 5 stars!

    I felt you deserve it.


  3. Meh, don't worry, we all go through phases.

    Though I see your rating has actually gone down a star now!:D

  4. My favourite character?

    Well, I've only seen so far as Ep 137, but my current favourite would be Kenpachi!

  5. Not really. Only seen the manga occasionally, either in WHSmiths, Waterstones or School. They're great though!

  6. Oh, and I just read your profile... I'm glad to find someone else on ehre with enough sense to hate Hannah Montanna!XD

    How about others like iCarly, you hate them too? 'Cause I HATE thats how!!XP

  7. Oh, I think I get you! ;)

  8. Oh, yeah. I remember.

    'You like?

  9. Oh! Thanks!:)

    ... Have I read your comics? I think I have... Have I posted?

  10. Oh... DARN IT!! You mean you checked?:)

  11. Oh... DARN IT!!

    You mean you checked?:)

  12. So, I suppose it's not a matter of liking Bionicle then? :P

  13. Sorry I wasn't more clear...

    Say, I scanned one or two pictures onto my computer? How do I get a piocture off "My Documents" and use it as an avatar?

  14. Sorry to be bothering you again, but brickshelf won't let me join. I think I can't join 'cause my E-mail address doesn't have a " in it!

  15. Spring, eh? Grand!

  16. Thanks! That's how I look in my own comics. :)

  17. Thanks.:D

    The obsessives stuff is a cliched personality in BZP comics... there's often a character who's obsessed with some sort of food!

  18. The "best" BZP member needs a 5 star rating!

    I hope my contribution helps!:)

  19. Well, dayum. All you guys are still alive. I'm freaking out, here.

  20. Well, now that you know, I'll leave our communication to PMs, to relieve our servers of some stress... :P

  21. What do you mean you can see why I got rejected!?:D

    No, really, thanks!

  22. What's that in your avvie?

  23. Why would I be left waiting?

  24. Would you mind leaving a comment about it? :)

    The warrior will be explained later on.

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