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Blog Entries posted by Obsessionist

  1. Obsessionist
    -Tahu costume
    -Minifig scale Clock Town from Majora's Mask
    -Every Link at about the scale my OoT link is in
    -Cohesive Zamor roller coaster dioramas as a tribute to each year of Bionicle (these have got to be BIG, detailed, and functional)
    -A working instrument
    -Something I can ride around on
  2. Obsessionist
    So OCRemix just released a really cool album you should all download. It's even better than the trailer makes it sound. It was released yesterday and I've already listened to Peach's House Party far too many times.

    Also, Link and Ganondorf were featured on the front page, which is pretty neat! If you haven't, you can still check out the topic here.
  3. Obsessionist
    So the unannounced 3DS title wasn't Majora's Mask 3D. I know it was a long shot, but I still had my hopes up.
    Still, apparently it's a steampunk strategy game with cel-shaded graphics and a lot of action elements. It's set in London and according to one source somehow involves Abraham Lincoln. Which is all pretty neat, I'm hyped for tomorrow's more extensive reveal.
  4. Obsessionist
    Finished up Super Metroid just now. Clear time 11:47, 63% item collection. Which tell me that I really need to play it again, because if there's that many items I missed somehow, I want to explore this place more.
    Apparently I started playing it in late January. That's a little less than six months ago. This is what IB does to you. This is sad. Although, to be fair, I played Twilight Princess in the interval.
    Next up: I got the Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle, which means Mario Kart, Wind Waker HD, and the (GLORIOUSLY RELEASED) Minsh Cap and Metroid Fusion games on VC. I've got 1,000 words of English paper and Exam Week between me and Summer Break, but after that it's game time. Also that Bionilug collab stuff I'm supposed to make. I should probably build that too.
  5. Obsessionist
    So I was researching how to make my Simic evolve/counter doubling deck better, and I was amazed at all the awesome counter-adding cards I had no idea existed.
    Then I realized that many of them were $10+ a pop, and those were the cheaper ones.
    ...You know, Magic is expensive. I think I'll keep my deck casual for now and be content with my two Vorel of the Hull Clades. Although a Kalonian Hydra would be about the best find ever.
  6. Obsessionist
    So I commented on this great post by Aanchir and realized, first, I wrote a lot, probably more text than my last couple months of BZP activity combined. Second, it would make a decent post here.

    I'm all nostalgic now. The Rahksi and Vahki were just so cool.
  7. Obsessionist
    Come Friday, I will have a Wii U. I currently have a Wii with game saves and virtual console titles on it. The Wii does not read disks. I may make further efforts to fix it, but at this point it's looking pretty dismal. I would like to transfer the game saves onto the Wii U so that I can use them. We wouldn't want hundreds of hours of Super Paper Mario to go to waste, now would we?
    The issue is, I want to keep my virtual console games on the Wii so I can play them with the Gamecube controller. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask just feel so good on it. I'm also not about spend however many dollars on a Wii U pro controller that isn't even preferable to the Gamecube's. It sounds like the transfer tool is all-or-nothing, all of your VC games and save files are transferred whether you like it or not. Is there a way to keep the VC games on the Wii? Can I re-download them (for free) after the transfer? Can I move them to an SD card or something and re-download them from the SD card to the Wii after transfer? What's the deal with VC game saves, are they bundled with the VC games themselves or what?
    Also Minish Cap is coming out on VC, Hyrule Warriors is looking iffy but interesting, and Zelda U is scheduled to be discussed at E3. I have no regrets.
  8. Obsessionist
    Stab wound.

    It's by no means the most dangerous. It's not the most OP. But even if other cards completely destroy you, turning that one creature you got out into a time bomb with no way of getting rid of it is probably as infuriating as it gets. You can't even voluntarily sacrifice the creature or anything, you just hope you opponents takes out the creature it's on.
  9. Obsessionist
    The last few weeks of school are upon us. I've got the AP Psychology, IB Physics, and Science Fair done, and I think I did pretty well on all three. Tomorrow I take the APUSH exam I'm expecting to bomb, but I can deal with that, as it's a bit redundant anyway since I'll have to take the IB US History of the Americas exam next year anyway. Frankly, History is not my subject. Thursday's AP Calculus AB test should go well, and then I'm out of the Era of Testing and into the Era of Year-End Projects.
    The weekend after next, though, my grandparents, who were on the other side of the country, are moving near us. So between that and the Wii U it's a weekend to look forward too.
  10. Obsessionist
    I just realized that Summer Games Done Quick is really close. The bad news is that I'll be away from the computer for almost all of it, including an LoZ Oracle speedrun, a Four Swords speedrun, and worse of all, a Skyward Sword speedrun! Auhgggg! The good news is that I'll be back just in time to watch the ALTTP and ALBW speedruns!
    Anyone else hype? I always look forward to these things every year!
  11. Obsessionist
    The derivative of position is velocity.
    The derivative of velocity is acceleration.
    And apparently the derivative of acceleration is ###### (a censored mean person) (or jolt or surge or lurch).
    The derivative of the ###### is the jounce (or snap)
    The derivative of jounce is sometimes called the crackle.
    The derivative of crackle is pop.
    But what comes after that?
    My suggestions:
    Power Slide
    Hyper-Extended Super Slide
    And then what?
  12. Obsessionist
    when the titles of pictures sound like something from Sumiki's profile feed.
    "An Isopod Subjected to Forced Conglobation by a Dental Rubber Band"

    (I should be writing an IA on this right now)
  13. Obsessionist
    It's coming out on Wii U VC in Japan, at least, which means it's bound to be available to the rest of us eventually. Here's hoping! Also, it would be perfect timing for me if they could get it out during June. Please?
    Also I just had a mini heart-attack. I had removed my 3DS SD card to get some pictures from it, reinserted it, and all of my downloaded icons were gone. GONE. (Except Four Swords.) It was a very long minute before I restarted the system and everything was back.
  14. Obsessionist
    It's hard enough to stop distracting myself and get down to work on actual assignments, but studying? That's so vague and with such indeterminate benefits it's nigh impossible focus on.
    In related news, this week is AP Psych and IB Physics test, next week is the symposium that's my one big extracurricular thing, and the week after are the (late) APUSH and AP Calc AB exams.
    Then there's one week of regular school, in which I hope to complete Super Metroid, and on the 30th I'll get myself that Mario Kart 8 bundle and no-life Wind Waker HD.
    All things told, I'm much less stressed than others I know and have some awesome games to look forward to. Life is pretty OK.
  15. Obsessionist
    I'm going to buy one, the question is, when?
    I don't feel any urgency at all. The big driving reason to get one would be Zelda U, and that's presumably significantly in the future. I have other really great games to play in the meanwhile- I still have to finish Super Metroid, I want to play Super Mario World, I want to get Ocarina of Time 3D at some point (I don't care if that's before or after Wii U). I don't have ton of time for games right now, nor will I have as much time for games this summer as I would like. So there's no rush, I'll take the Wii U games whenever's most convenient.
    I'm definitely getting Mario 3D World and Wind Waker HD; Mario Kart 8 looks great; DK Tropical Freeze and New Super Mario Bros U are appealing but not as tempting as the others.
    So my issue is: what bundle will be the most worth it? The Wind Waker HD bundle nets me the game I most want to play, and a sweet Zelda Wii U (a very tempting perk).
    The upcoming Mario Kart bundle, for thirty extra dollars, nets me a Wii plus controller and basically a free Wind Waker HD, but the system isn't the sweet Zelda one and the controller is a goofy Mario one.
    Or I could hold out for the probable Zelda U bundle and place my lot with it for better or worse.
    So... Suggestions?
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