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Flying Mummy

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Flying Mummy

  1. The dude in your banner is epic!

  2. The maple-glazed kind. Or anything with chocolate.

  3. The quote in you sig is really funny.

  4. Um, Miraka Think revived one of me topic after 20 days

  5. Um, you asked me about my Personal Photo.

  6. Wait, this is all coming together, the 300 posts, the hints about something to do with Sparta in your comic topic, the "Spartan Inclusion", you're going to kick the Nuva into a pit!

  7. Wanna join my Pharaoh's Quest name fad?

  8. We have the same birthday, cool!

  9. We share a lot of the same interests, cool!

  10. We still doing the trade?

  11. Wecome to BZPowa, mista

    P.S. I'm not usually this crazy.

  12. Welcome to BZP, enjoy your stay!

  13. Welcome to Bzp, you get five stars

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