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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Status Updates posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. Sorry my Boutique topic is dead. But I will be sure to finish the ponies! I will update the first post and update my status when I get a pony finished. Summer break! Whoo!

  2. Thankfully, the fire near my house has been put out. ^_^

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      That's good to hear :)

  3. The sprite in your avatar reminds me of Mo from Wall-e. ^_^

    1. Henning


      Ha, I just realized that XD

  4. There are songs about love, there are songs about nature, and there are even songs about war. People sing about things that mean something to them. It's no wonder there are no songs about calc >_

  5. Ugh ...

    1. I love pie

      I love pie

      Something wrong?

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      College ... restricts ... freetime ...

      And it's also a bummer when I don't agree with my professor. :P

    3. P~M


      Just do away with sleep and BAM-- 8 more hours of free time! :P

  6. What did Larry do? Hit Bob with his invisible arms? XD

  7. What does "nope.avi" mean anyway? My BZP experience is much too inexperienced to understand. :P

    1. ~Allegretto~


      It's from a Team Fortress 2 video. If you Google it you should find it.

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Ah, I think I've seen a gif file around BZP. A hard hat guy's neck grows like a giraffe?

    3. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Ya'know, I just realized that I ask more questions that I originally thought. :P

      I guess that's how I learn.

  8. What's up with this sudden outburst of phobias? O_o

    1. bioniclehero01


      Maybe we've all finally snapped our lids.

  9. Where did your avatar come from? It's certainly a lovely beast. *hugs icy dragon*

    1. Calvirick


      LOL it's not an ice dragon. It's a bone dragon, or more stony than bone. I photoshoped the image a little. I got it from this blog where this guy posted 45 epic dragon drawings. And believe me, some of those drawings were indeed epic. Wanna link?

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Yeah, I began to wonder if my calling it an ice dragon was wrong ... and he'd probably eat my head off if I tried to hug him. ^_^

      Nah, that's fine, I don't need a link. I've seen plenty of dragons all over the internet to be satisfied. :P

  10. Why can't you receive messages?

    1. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Well anyway, here's another award you can wear with pride (the comic with Joland's Seal of Approval made me laugh) :D (Let's hope links will work in profile comment things)



    2. Calvirick


      I'm spying on your post Luminescent! :o

    3. Dragonfly the Luminescent
  11. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~Allegretto~


      She didn't want to in the first place.


      Why didn't Smartypants cross the road?

    3. Utah


      She (he?lolIforget) was being mobbed by adoring fans.


      Why didn't Tank cross the road?

    4. ~Allegretto~


      Because Rainbow Dash was on the same side as he was.


      Why didn't Twi cross the road?

  12. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. P~M


      Because I replied to your comment.

    3. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      No, because he was stapled to the chicken. XD


      Why did the turkey cross the road?

    4. P~M
  13. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Too many answers, not enough time ... But it's always fun to see what people can think of! :P

    3. Soran


      The real question is why did the road cross the chicken? Since the earth rotates, and as we all know, chickens are affected by gravity so it was actually the road moving underneath the chicken.

    4. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Well, you answered your own question. :)

  14. Yeah, Autodude forst told me about the banner being too big. LNU got it fixed for me. ^_^

  15. You don't have a name O_o

    1. Parazan


      OOH,SO SCARY...

    2. BBBBalta


      what is this I don't even

  16. Your location made me laugh. :D

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