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Axilus Prime

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Status Updates posted by Axilus Prime

  1. I need some cool new fight moves for the next Prototypes episode to have much gravity to it...

    1. JiMing


      Hmm..... How about Jalicax backflipping into Phoenix, who hits or throws Jalicax into Scythe? That's all I''ve got.

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'll put that in! Nice!

  2. My little brother jumped off a cliff in Halo 4, then hit a checkpoint. The result was an infinite loop of death. Hilarious.

    1. ~Shockwave~
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      True. But I would be extremely irked if it happened to me.


      Not that I would intentionally jump off a cliff like he did. It really came back to bite him.

  3. I just rented Halo 4! Nobody expect me on XBL though. Unless I own the game, I'm not using my highly limited Gold time.

  4. For some reason, I am absolutely TERRIBLE at co-op, and range from decent to epic in solo.

  5. I think I'm the only one who thinks Rahkshi heads look like clueless irritated puppies.

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye



      You're just referring to our conversation, aren't you? :P

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well, I haven't met anyone else who thinks that. XD


      Yeah, I am. But in a broader sense, for the above reason. No one at all who thinks that. Ever.

  6. Finally watched Forward Unto Dawn! That was almost too much epicness for my mind to handle.

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I figured that you'd like it... :)

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      You know me well. XD

  7. Aaargh I hate being sick. It screwed up my sense of direction so badly an Elite Minor killed me in Halo Reach. (Which, incidentally, is a terrible game compared to Halo 4.)

  8. Finally got an Xbox! I still need to buy Halo 4, but you guys can add me. Gamertag is Axilus Prime. (How Shocking.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye



      There's nothing wrong with that. :) Just as long as you don't drop out of school itself to make comics or play Halo. :P

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye



      There's nothing wrong with that. :) I just had the time to take German.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime



      I'd never drop out of school to keep up a hobby!


      Sounds cool. Can you translate "Der Blitzschnitt"? I saw someone with that username on here once.

  9. I just won Halo 4 on Heroic!

    1. Show previous comments  92 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Had to make it realism. And remember that canonically, all our multiplayer avatars in H4 are Spartan-IV's. Millions of them, but considering the population of humanity in 2552. So technically, IV's can be whatever you want, personality-wise.

    3. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      That's true, even if there could be some Spartan-II among them, though none has been confirmed to be.

      I just wonder, who'd want to be a civilian? I mean, there should be some kind of plot behind the choice of a civilian character.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well, civilians are just there for the people who like less combat and more "character development" or whatever they call it now. As for plot...

      They get bombed, glassed, and possibly Composed later. Fun, right? XD

  10. GIMP is trolling me.

    1. JiMing


      Comic troubles?

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      When I open it, there are two interface configurations it can go into. Usually it does the good one, but sometimes it trolls me with the terrible one.

  11. I just saw an ad for movie props called "TNG Props".

    1. Hexann


      XD. That's hilarious!

  12. I despise Halo PC's modded maps.

  13. My brothers always assassinate one guy, then run ahead in Co-Op and leave me to kill all the enemies.

    1. Hexann
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Not really, I just get all the credit. Except that my older bro doesn't care, and my younger bro pretends otherwise.


      I still feel like a boss inside though.

    3. Hexann
  14. I just got LDD. How do you guys normally design Bionicle?

  15. Don't worry, Prototypes fans! The comics are still moving. I just had to get through the holiday season and a sickness that had me bedridden for a day.

    1. JiMing


      YES! I wanna see Jalicax kick some Templar behind!

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Oh, trust me. Your moves are ridiculously epic.

  16. N0bdy xp3cttz teh no0bush imnquisint1on!!!!111

  17. Argh! Now I'm horrifyingly sick to the point of being nearly bedridden...on Christmas morning.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hexann


      Get better...THAT'S AN ORDER!

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'm better now. Mostly. XD

    4. Hexann


      Close enough.

  18. Watched The Hobbit without piracy! I agree with Wotz on the awesomeness of this movie.

  19. Never let a 5 year old play Halo. They will develop a lifelong fear of popcorn.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      What's happening to our world?? :P

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Not much, just that some Covenant remnant is attacking us and this crazy Forerunner wants to turn us all into Prometheans...while attacking us with Prometheans.

    4. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      LOL, that's not quite what I meant.

  20. The first panel of Comic 9 is ridiculously difficult. That overhead view of the mine with all those generics, Templars, and stuff is so hard to get right.

  21. I find vehicle boarding almost as hilarious as assassination. Halo 4 is awesome.

  22. "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"

    1. ~Shockwave~


      she turned me into a newt! ... ... I got bettah...

  23. I need 4 generics. Please support? XD

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I'll see what I can do. Maybe not 4, but I'll get you as many as I can. :)

    2. Axilus Prime
  24. I need generics again. 6 will do it.

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