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Status Updates posted by Deadalus

  1. How goes the college search?

  2. A 14 year old drinking shardonnay?!?

  3. wOwz, liek uz a clonez

  4. Ah, I remember you. I was thinking about working with a colleague on a comic but we can't use GA because she's not comfortable working with such a dark storyline and characters.

  5. Not really. Who are you again?

  6. um... thank... you?

  7. Not really. I've either been too lazy, too busy, or at parties.

  8. Got a hold of RPG Maker VX. It's pretty sweet... and pretty frustrating.

  9. Those sprites are different from the smaller ones that'd be used in the Overworld mode.

  10. As I've mentioned before over at dA...

  11. You think any programmers and other artists might be interested in working on an RPG that based around those sprites?

  12. Currently working on some Mecha Musume Trasnsformers sprites. You can check em out at my dA account. I've done some Bionicle stuff in the past.

  13. Looks very well made, like something you'd see in a video game.

  14. V is" for Very Violent Violin"... and "Vendetta".

  15. owo

    Audrey Hepburn?

  16. I miss you. I miss our chats. *insert emoticon of disappointment*

  17. You know what they say about those that assume things...

  18. She's what people said she was all along: either a robot, an android, or a cyborg.

  19. H Boy 2: The Golden Army.

    Be ready for the awesomeness!

  20. His constant whining can a bit unnerving at times. Wouldn't mess with a robo kid that has massive Dinobots as friends though.

  21. Wheelie? *shivers*

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