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Status Updates posted by Deadalus

  1. I believe that I don't follow your deaf/mute comment.

    Mind elaborating on it?

  2. I didn't know you knew stuff about TF, Omi.

  3. I FOUND IT! His dA user name is takeru-san, the link to the web comic is found in the Artist's Comments section of one the related deviations.

  4. I miss you. I miss our chats. *insert emoticon of disappointment*

  5. I really thought we'd be rid of that guy when Omi and I got him banned. Didn't know he'd resort to this MIB trash. Come back soon, buddy.

  6. I was just saying that it seemed too similar to my half-baked idea for me to consider it original.

    That doesn't mean that it isn't well done and cool looking.

  7. I'm glad you like it. It's just frames made from successive screen caps I took of BB in "Rise of the Constructicons".

  8. If you're on good terms with Mana Leader, you've got some bad taste in friends.

  9. Krang? Ah, that brings back memories.

    You are full of win. Krang and his freaky man suit were the best!

  10. Lemme know if you ever need any nice Pokemon. I can trade some clones to you for next to nothing.

  11. Looks very well made, like something you'd see in a video game.

  12. Muchas gracias :D

  13. My avatar? It was from a neat t-shirt design an artist made over at deviantArt.

    I just cropped the images and strung them together into an animation.

    The original artist did all the hard work.

  14. Not really. I've either been too lazy, too busy, or at parties.

  15. Not really. Who are you again?

  16. Oh really? My grammatical skills are actually quite excellent. I just get rather lazy when I'm communicating with others through the web, such as with the use of AIM.

  17. Oh, that's right. You're a fan of JollyJ's work too, right?

  18. On deviantArt, some guy started a webcomic of his fan-based sequel to the events that happened in Sweeney Todd and guess what? It's done in MIKE MOGNOLA'S stlye! It looks fantastic!

  19. One more thing, beta testing doesn't just refer to video games :P Grow up and start learning things for yourself.

  20. owo

    Audrey Hepburn?

  21. Riiiight, that means so much coming from the one that hangs out with banned miscreants. I suggest the subject be dropped, since discussing that chump is against BZP's rules.

  22. Rock on Al, rock on.

  23. She's what people said she was all along: either a robot, an android, or a cyborg.

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