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Status Updates posted by Deadalus

  1. Taking a stab at one's social life eh? lol

    I still believe kids like you are lazy. Instead of taking the two seconds to look things up, you instead go to others, seeking the answer, having them do the work for you. My point of you being fickle still stands as you can not defend yourself with as poor as excuse such as that.

  2. Also note that we are in a technology oriented society nowadays. I'm in a copmuter-based major, so it is of utmost imprtance that students like me stay on top of their game. If we don't keep up with technology and science, we're obsolete.

  3. Gah, they need to make more space for these.... Anyways, you're also one to talk. I do believe that you're more obsessed than games than me. I stick to one of two things, yet you show a die hard fascination for such things as Resident Evil. I do believe that you're quite the game junky yourself.

  4. One more thing, beta testing doesn't just refer to video games :P Grow up and start learning things for yourself.

  5. She's what people said she was all along: either a robot, an android, or a cyborg.

  6. I miss you. I miss our chats. *insert emoticon of disappointment*

  7. I really thought we'd be rid of that guy when Omi and I got him banned. Didn't know he'd resort to this MIB trash. Come back soon, buddy.

  8. um... thank... you?

  9. Not really. Who are you again?

  10. Banana King? Pfft... Just stick a banana in your ear with the Choo-Choo Shoe!

  11. I FOUND IT! His dA user name is takeru-san, the link to the web comic is found in the Artist's Comments section of one the related deviations.

  12. I was just saying that it seemed too similar to my half-baked idea for me to consider it original.

    That doesn't mean that it isn't well done and cool looking.

  13. Very to good to see that your art is improving.

  14. My avatar? It was from a neat t-shirt design an artist made over at deviantArt.

    I just cropped the images and strung them together into an animation.

    The original artist did all the hard work.

  15. You are a triumph, I'm making a note here: Huge Success.

    You, sir, are win.

  16. "Rantipole" isn't a word...

  17. Ah, I remember you. I was thinking about working with a colleague on a comic but we can't use GA because she's not comfortable working with such a dark storyline and characters.

  18. On deviantArt, some guy started a webcomic of his fan-based sequel to the events that happened in Sweeney Todd and guess what? It's done in MIKE MOGNOLA'S stlye! It looks fantastic!

  19. Actually, I used this avatar briefly before I switched to the BB one.

  20. Enjoying that gift of yours?

  21. Those sprites are different from the smaller ones that'd be used in the Overworld mode.

  22. wOwz, liek uz a clonez

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