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Status Updates posted by Deadalus

  1. Appreciate all the feedback that I'm getting from you.

  2. Riiiight, that means so much coming from the one that hangs out with banned miscreants. I suggest the subject be dropped, since discussing that chump is against BZP's rules.

  3. Good sport? Obsessed with video games? lol

    You're sorely mistaken, child. Just because I'm a fan of Pokemon doesn't make me obsessed with video games in general.

    I was telling you to use Google because we modern day people are fortunate enough to have something called "the Internet". We use it for such things as research and entertainment. The fact that yo

  4. Gurren Lagann sprite lolz

  5. Ello there, Kex.... Exactly how do I add friends with this new-fangled technology upgrade thingy?

  6. Hope you're enjoying ComiCon, Red.

  7. If you're on good terms with Mana Leader, you've got some bad taste in friends.

  8. Sweet, I'm waiting for the special Prowl to come out, which includes his sidecar/samurai armor from "Fistful of Energon?.

    I have Blackarachnia and Racthet, though I'm kinda annoyed that my 'Screamer got backordered though.

  9. V is" for Very Violent Violin"... and "Vendetta".

  10. Why, hello there yourself! :)

  11. I didn't know you knew stuff about TF, Omi.

  12. Hey, Khote. It's been a while since I last saw you.

    How're things?

  13. Got a hold of RPG Maker VX. It's pretty sweet... and pretty frustrating.

  14. How goes the college search?

  15. Rock on Al, rock on.

  16. ... I thought we were talking about the Transformer thing...

  17. You know what they say about those that assume things...

  18. The fact that you couldn't take the time to google "beta tester" just proves that you're lazy.

    That was the point of my whole post.

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