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Status Updates posted by BioCry

  1. I really wanna release a comic... D:

  2. Thanks. 1000 awesome points for thinking sym-bionic titan. :D

  3. I rated you five stars. ;)

  4. Ah, I see. Well, Glad to see you're back. ;)

  5. Woah, hey Mr. wiki bossman.

  6. What's up with everybody's avatars being from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?

  7. Pre-ordered Lego Marvel Superheroes. Yah boi. :3

  8. XD Love the .gif animation in your signature, Ven.

  9. Hey man. It's good you're back. :)

  10. Oh, and Happy Birthday!

  11. Woot! Woot! Calvin and Hobbes!

  12. Thnx! ^_^

    LOL on your's.

  13. I just saw the strip you made for Shad's comics and I have to say that it's pretty good. You should make your own comics. :)


  15. Yo Yo Yo. Wassup

  16. Well, for starters, cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals and a cryptid is a creature unknown to science but has been sighted several times. Something like that. :D Plus I got the inspiration from my brother who is a cryptozooligical maniac. I, myself, am not so interested in the subject. :)

  17. Are you excited yet?

  18. Oh, cool. You and I are the same age. :D

  19. On the Summer Olympics thing, it appears as if I have misspelled my name in my entry. Maybe could you fix that on the post with all the comedies on it?

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