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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Kex

  1. Kex
    But .png is.
    As you know, we have this thing called the BBC Forum, which is run by BBC Empire. In this forum, members share their MOCs. Most of the time, a digital photograph of the MOC is provided. Now -- in order to get this photograph onto BZPower, you're going to have to save it to your computer in order to upload it. But what file extension do you use?
    Most members choose to use the .jpg format. After all, it's the most commonly used file extension on the internet. However, there are some who choose to venture outside the world of .jpg. That jolly, merry place just wasn't their thing.
    So they go and see the Devil -- .png.
    Using .png as opposed to .jpg in photographic images does absolutely nothing but increase the filesize -- often five to ten times the size of the .jpg. To make it even worse, there is minimal gain in quality.
    Back to the BBC Forum. When you use .png, less people view your MOCs. When you enter a BBC contest, you lose votes. Just because of the file extension and long load time of your entry picture. Not everyone has high-speed internet. I for one still use dial-up. Pity me.
    In fact, the BBC contest staff have discussed banning .png images from the contests.
    Use .jpg. Let the Devil be a Devil outside of the BBC Forum.
  2. Kex
    So I'm leaving my neighborhood. At the second stop sign, there's a bunch of kids playing around crossing the street. Playing around and taking all day... I mean it's not like there was a car waiting to go or anything. Eventually they move and I started to go, but I did accelerate a bit faster than you would normally. Okay, so the tires squealed and the engine revved when I started going. As I do this, I glance in my rear view mirror, and lo and behold -- a cop! He followed me and eventually turned down a street a few blocks away.
    A sigh of relief is what my body naturally let out.
    My destination was Wendy's. I was meeting my friend there. As I pull into the plaza it's in, I make a sharp left and pull right into a parking spot. It wasn't exactly illegal, but still. There was a cop about 100 feet away.
    Nothing happened.
    After leaving Wendy's, I was driving to an office building my friend cleans. I was going around 60 in a 45 zone, and guess who I see lurking on the side of the street! I either slammed on my brakes in time, or the cop wasn't paying attention.
    But again, nothing happened.
    There's a lesson here, folks. Follow all the road rules and you don't have to worry about getting a ticket. I can't exactly afford one of those right now.
    Oh, and by the way, I managed to consume 45 chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Sure, it's stupid, pointless, unhealthy, and kind of disgusting. But I did it anyway.
  3. Kex
    Yeah, I've been doing that a lot lately. But I just want to discuss one of the many things I have swirling around in my mess of a mind.
    I'm thinking about getting my ears gauged.
    Nothing too big, though. Those are ridiculous looking.
    I haven't decided if I really want to do it yet, because I haven't found something specific that I like.
    What say you guys?
  4. Kex
    As you would know if you read my recent Vezon & Fenrakk Review, I managed to track down a few new 2006 sets: Vezon & Fenrakk, Brutaka, and Toa Inika Matoro. I have proudly displayed them for several days now. And I must say -- they were worth that $65 I spent. (or blew?) Just yesterday, though, I had an urge. An urge to MOC. So I stripped down Brutaka of his gold pieces, leaving his unornamented body to rot on my floor. I then gathered up my other KK pieces of the same gold shade. Originally, I wanted to use a traditional color scheme: gold and white. I built a torso, and limbs of both the arm and leg variety to go with it. I really just wasn't completely satisfied with the results. I wanted something better.
    So I started sifting through my old Brickshelf for any kind of inspiration, and saw Lyrxic. I loved some of the basic design elements I used on there. I decided to make another version of it. Only, this time, I'd lose the light blue and replace it with the new gold. I'm going for an armored style mecha look, which should be fun, seeing as the pieces I have in gold are perfect for creating an armored look. I'm currently working out issues with the torso, and trying ever so hard to come up with a working head design. I'll think of something, eventually. After all, I am in the hands of gold.
  5. Kex
    Well, yeah. The party was shut down tonight: BZPower's fifth anniverary officially came to a close. As the staff sweep up the confetti and mop up the forum, the members just stare in amazement asking themselves where those blasted rank images went off to. Short answer? Janus ate them.
    I hope everyone enjoyed their premier perks while they lasted. But now, I laugh at each of you who shoved my blog to the back pages, and can now no longer access your blog.
  6. Kex
    Will be such an awesome day.
    Tool concert in Duluth, GA at the Gwinnett Arena.
    Two of my friends are flying up here to go with me. (I'm already up here visiting my mom.)

  7. Kex
    Why can't I say no? It's just a little two letter word. It's one of the first words you learn and understand.
    But sometimes I just can't say it. It's so hard for me.
    Kindness isn't something you come across too often in this world of ours. You know why? Then you get taken advantage of.
    Nice guys finish dead last. Every time.
    I say this now, but I'll do it again. And again. And again.
  8. Kex
    As I mentioned in a previous entry, my house is currently being renovated. Not just something minor. I'm talking transforming a 2-1, living room, kitchen, and porch into a 4-3, living room, family room, kitchen, 2-car garage, porch, and pool.
    There's a lot of work going into this. My dad's doing the entire thing himself, only receiving help when absolutely neccesary. I don't think you realize how frustrating it is when you tell people to move the pile of dirt on the left side of the house to the right side, and they end up moving the pile on the right to the left side. It's ridiculous. Things always turn out better if you do it yourself. You can't rely on people who don't take any pride whatsoever in their job. As a matter of fact, they don't even speak English, or care to try and learn it. And around here, you can't find anyone else to do the job.
    So yeah. The sledgehammer. Loads of fun. Take a look at the room in the upper right of this picture. And, here it is after I finished with it.

    Here are some more pictures.
    The two people you see in a few pictures would be my dad and my stepmom. There'll be more pictures at a later time, definitely. Look at the disaster. I look and smile at it. D:
  9. Kex
    It's no fun...
    Now, some people over-exaggerate on how awful they are... It's true they're ugly and annoyoing, but that's all, I promoise. Even the so-called 'pain' experienced is more annoying than hurtful. Your mouth is a bit sore for a few days after your visit, eating can be unpleasant, but that's about it. I promise. Life goes on. I've had them for 3 years now. Luckily I've only got a few more months left with them.
    But is it ever so unconfortable to sit in that reclinable chair (it's evil, I swear) and have these people (are they even human?) yank and pull on various pieces of metal attached to your teeth. For me, it's the worst part. I can't stand doctors, especially the ones who are constantly touching you. And I especially can't stand it when they don't tell you what they're about to do next. It's your right as a patient to know. See, the thing is, they really don't care. Which is quite sad.
    Having that said, I must tell you the benefits of braces outweight any possible drawbacks... So if you need them, get them, no questions asked.
    And now I'm off to a nine o'clock fun-filled orthodonist appointment.
  10. Kex
    Is an amazing band. <33
    I'm going to a concert of theirs on November 3, and I can't wait.
    If you live and South Florida and want to go, send me a PM or something. Tickets are only $14 and I can supply transportation if it's needed. The show's at Revolution.
  11. Kex
    Sorry guys.
    I've had no room for BZPower in my life for the past few weeks.
    I apologize, but I'm back now.
    And feeling better than ever.
  12. Kex
    Yes, my blog was sinking into the bloggie abyss of bloggie dung. Or something of the sort... I didn't want to get too close, dunno what exactly that stuff was. Anyways, figured I'd pull it out before he comes down with one of them diseases. Last thing I need is for my blog to be high on those Fleming meds. That pharmaceutical stuff isn't cheap, yanno?
    If all goes well, I should be updating this here blog more frequently (every day, almost?) starting tomorrow.
    Also, I need to pick a song for the new Short Stories Contest 3. Any suggestions?
  13. Kex
    Well, it's kinda not. Mainly because it's technically not my dog. Of course, I end up taking care of it. He's potty trained, but then he's not. He makes messes. He runs away. He's annoying. He drools. Just look at it.
    In other news, I'm starting to actively MOC again. I have quite a few things I'm working on. One of which is for my 3 year aniversary on BZP. It's nice to be back in the swing of things. Haven't posted a non-contest MOC in who knows how long. Funfun.
    Bah, now some crazyed puffin-lady is going berserk on MSN again, so please excuse me while I find the tranquilizer darts. You'd think three would be enough, but no, it's just not.
  14. Kex
    I've been busy. Busier than I've ever really been. Strangely, I'm also enjoying myself more than... well, ever.
    Firstly, I have a lovely ladyfriend -- Christine. She's basically more amazing than you or I ever could be. And she's mine. : )
    I've been working a fair amount... it varies by week. I work at Winn-Dixie, on the front end. Christine also works there, but she usually helps with the pricing (making the signs and test scanning stuff). Oh, and her father is the assistant manager. Hahahahaha. He's a cool guy, easy to get along with and he shares my sense of humor.
    I bought Saw V when it came out on DVD a few weeks ago, and I've watched it four times since. I can't wait for the sixth installment of the series in October.
    I got four new classes at school... they're very boring, and there's a lot of work. Which sucks. On the bright side, I'll be graduated in four months.
    Oh, and I also got a new receiver and set of speakers for my car. They rawkkkk.
  15. Kex
    So I was a bit bored one day, and decided that my username needed a little spice. My solution? Add a dash to both ends of my username. I was pretty unexpectedly made an ST before I got the chance to remove the symbols myself. So I just stuck with them... Until today. Decided to ask one our friendly neightborhood admins for a name change, as staff members don't even have the option to change their name in their CP, to avoid confusion. And since it was just a matter of removing two little symbols, it wasn't a big deal. I was still Kex all along. I lol'd everytime someone called me -Kex-.
    Just a heads up.
  16. Kex
    Natural Life - Breaking Benjamin

    Hold still
    All of my life
    All of my time
    I don't wanna come back around tonight
    And all that I need
    Is serenity
    I don't wanna feel your new disease
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life
    You're wrong, you're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life's a lie
    All of my lies
    Swallow your pride
    I don't wanna come back around tonight
    And all that I need
    Is serenity
    I don't wanna feel your new disease
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life
    You're wrong, you're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life's a lie
    You're right
    I can never lie
    Let me go
    Try to find a home
    I can't wait
    Try to stay awake
    Dead inside
    Bothered by the lie
    You're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life
    You're wrong, you're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life's a lie
    A lie...
    This is the song I try to base my life off of. "You're born, you die..." All there really is a beginning and an end... It's what happens in between that makes up your life. Your emotions and your personality make the natural life a lie.
    That said, the lyrics should make a lot more sense and the awesomeness should be more apparent. I've listened to this song so many times, and I get something new out of it every time. It can be interpreted in so many different ways, and you really have to listen to it and decide for yourself. I named my blog after this song some time ago. It fits so perfectly, and now you see why.
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