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Everything posted by ~Xemnas~

  1. IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula “Yes, please, show us the way,” Whira said to the strange living rock. The thing was kind of... endearing in a way. OOC: @Unreliable Narrator let’s follow the rock! @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro Atamai blinked, wondering why he had been dragged into the situation. “I don’t really think this calls for an arrest,” he said. He watched Skyra as she flew up. “Let her go, save arrests for people who are seriously looking to cause harm.”
  2. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro Atamai followed after Stannis, continuing to elect to not saying anything.
  3. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro Atamai said nothing, but continued to listen to the conversation. Viltia was giving him valuable information. IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula The rock-Rahi spoke. Whira blinked in surprise. "Er, well, my companion and I," she began, gesturing to Cravious, "We are here searching for pure energized protodermis." She then gestured to Tekmo. "Tekmo here has become separated from his friends, two Toa and a being known as a Zyglak." OOC: @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui @Unreliable Narrator
  4. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro A Great Disk? Now Atamai was intrigued. The only other person besides Dume who had succeeded in making a Great Disk was Sidra. "A Great Disk? You wouldn't happen to know Sidra, would you?" he asked. @BULiK @Kal the Guardian IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula "I.. do not think that this Rahi understands speech," Whira said to Tekmo. @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui
  5. IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula "This region is known to be host to mysterious circumstances, simply from the natural pooling of Aspects past and future," answered the Aspect. "I do not think it's out of the question that the mist is playing tricks on you, on all of us. However, I do not think Irnakk necessarily would be involved here, his power does not extend down here, as far as I'm aware." @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui
  6. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro Atamai stood awkwardly next to Knichou and listened him talk to the stranger, just as Stannis was approached by Taja. IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula Whira noticed Cravious looking at something. A rock. "What is it, Cravious?" she asked. "Is there something peculiar about this rock?" @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui
  7. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro "The Avohkii... the Archives never had such a mask, but there were rumors that Artakha had created one. I believe that it was simply an elemental mask. Would such a mask have knowledge-granting properties?"
  8. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro "Do you also happen to know what Miserix's Grand Wish specifically is?" asked Atamai, adding on to what Knichou had asked.
  9. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro "Miserix... I only know, or know of, a handful of Aspects, Stannis. I can count the number on one hand. Miserix isn't one of them. But if she's as powerful as you say she is, Korruhn is in danger, right?" @EmperorWhenua
  10. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro "A hold on him? What sort of being could do something like that... an Aspect?"
  11. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro The Far Shore? The place that Nuju wants people to journey into? thought Atamai. Interesting... Atamai opened his mouth to ask how Stannis and Korruhn had become separated, but Knichou's words gave him more info to go on. "Taken away? By who? Warskaks?" he asked. @EmperorWhenua @BULiK
  12. IC, Atamai: Kini-Koro Atamai blinked. "...really?" he said as he processed the information. "Then what happened to him? Do you know where he is?" @EmperorWhenua
  13. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui Atamai glanced at Stannis. "Leklo's living here in this village, but... I don't know if you're aware, but Korruhn is dead." @EmperorWhenua
  14. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui "It is a lot of strength to be bestowed; do you feel it is appropriately yours? And, who else among you has been given this honor?"" "Well, that depends. Malhukuraia claimed I'm its chosen pilot, yet I never intended to have all this power, this responsibility, for myself. I previously assumed that all my friends would get power, but it turned out not to be the case. Whether or not I feel it's appropriately mine now, the power is mine, and I intend on using it to protect those who fled from the Great Skull. "As for your second question, there is one other person who has gained the NUVA power. Sidra. The Dark Hunter who killed Turaga Dume. Before I had gained this power, I might have been angry or accusatory toward her. But the NUVA power comes at a cost. For me, it took away my emotions. Sometimes it's a burden, but it has also granted me clarity in certain situations. When I spoke with Sidra, I could tell that her time here has changed her. I am confident that she'll also use her powers for the benefit of others, not just herself. Leklo also trusts her. I had actually given him a Great Disk to use, but him and Sidra had arrived at the Ice Temple at the same time, and since each of them had a Great Disk, they decided to use one of the disks together. Didn't really work out, obviously." @EmperorWhenua
  15. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui ”Well, my elemental powers have gotten much stronger,” Atamai began. “The Po-Metru Great Disk has also become a part of me, as did my Haonga. The most important thing, though, is that I’ve become the chosen pilot of a kaita ACR, named Malhukuraia.” He continued walking with the Wanderer, his spear making light thuds on the ground. “It seems like the main purpose of the Great Disks was to designate who would pilot the six mechs. The mechs themselves were designed for combating giant Rahi born from the volcano. We’ve already had one show up, and I’m sure there’ll be more on the way.” @EmperorWhenua
  16. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui Atamai followed after Stannis.
  17. IC, Atamai: The Ambling Alp Atamai followed everyone else out of the airship.
  18. IC, Atamai: The Ambling Alp "Hello Nale," Atamai said. He turned to Stannis. "If those Wheaties are made of energized protodermis, then you'd be correct. And I see you've been busy as well. What exactly have you been doing since the last time we saw each other, Stannis? Not just shopping around for a new ride, I assume." @EmperorWhenua
  19. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui Valley Atamai nodded. "Cool," he said. Without so much as moving a finger, Atamai used his elemental powers to reach out and open the main hatch to the Ambling Alp. He turned to Knichou. "You know, if you need any help fixing anything, I could probably lend you a hand," he said, before climbing onto the airship. The airship was different than what Atamai had expected. Compared to the Taku, the Alp seemingly put more emphasis on comfort rather than efficiency. He heard voices coming from another part of the ship. He walked over, his spear lightly tapping the floor as he went, and peered through a doorway. Stannis was there, as was Nale, just as Knichou had said. Atamai couldn't hear what they were saying. The Toa of Iron said nothing and leaned on his spear, waiting for the two Toa to finish their conversation. OOC: @BULiK @Tarn @EmperorWhenua
  20. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui "Well good luck to anyone who finds themselves on the ship with Stannis at the helm, then," said Atamai. He pointed to the ship. "Is he in there right now?" @BULiK
  21. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui The Toa NUVA cocked his head slightly. So Stannis was back. Atamai would have to speak with him; he hadn't seen the old Toa of Stone in a month, so he wanted to know what he had been up to. "I didn't know that Stannis could fly a ship." @BULiK
  22. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui Atamai eventually found where he had seen the airships descend. There was the Taku, and next to it was an airship of a slightly different design. Atamai didn't recognize it. But he did recognize the Toa hovering around it. "A new toy, Knichou?" Atamai called. OOC: @BULiK IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula Whira, Cravious, and Tekmo continued to search for either energized protodermis or Tekmo's friends. OOC: @Unreliable Narrator @Toru Nui @Kal the Guardian Hey UN, would you mind sending us somewhere neat in Kumu? Thx
  23. IC, Atamai: Kini-Nui Atamai was sitting down on a spot overlooking Kini-Koro, eating a sandwich. Behind him was Malhukuraia, sitting in a lotus position. The mech was shackled by its arms and legs to a large metal floor that had been stuck into the ground. Atamai had been forced to take that precaution when a few weeks ago he had found out that Malhukuraia could move on its own; when that happened he had to scramble to get into the cockpit and move the ACR back. As the Toa chewed his food, he contemplated on what had happened the previous month. He had released Malhukuraia from its bonds, helped relocate refugees from Metru-Koro, and finally took a look at that memory crystal Knichou had given him. In it he had found a lot of information, Nuparu's musings on the Kanoka machine, and designs and blueprints for inventions created by the Nynrah Ghosts. As a practice for his newly expanded elemental powers, Atamai took up a side hobby of replicating one of the designs he had seen in the crystal, a nanite that could communicate and work cooperatively with other nanites. It took a while for him to figure out how to create the materials, but once he got the hang of it, he was pumping out nanites like nobody's business. He was able to make enough to create a nanite cloak for himself. If he could still feel emotions, he would probably have been proud. Atamai looked up and noticed two airships in the distance. He could tell that one was the Taku, but he didn't recognize the other one. The vehicles began to descend. Atamai scarfed down the rest of his sandwich and stood up, lightly dusting crumbs off himself. He picked up his belongings and began to make his way over to where he had seen the airships land.
  24. The Spirit of Iron Name: Atamai Nuva (ah-TOM-eye NEW-va) Species: Toa NUVA Faction: Refugees Description: Before his transformation, Atamai had already been slightly taller than the average Toa, but as a result of being exposed to the light of Tren Krom, Atamai now stands a full head over even the tallest Toa. His physical strength has also increased, and his eyes have changed from quartz blue to gold. His mask now has an organic appearance to it. The most noticeable change, however, is his armor; once silver and burnt orange, Atamai’s armor is now completely silver. Additionally, Atamai wears a cloak made out of rippling nanites, which serves not only as a disguise, but as a defense as well. Background: Originally an Archivist from Onu-Metru, Atamai’s adventures have found him stranded on the island of Zakaz, along with many others who were in Metru Nui when the robotic head of Mata Nui was severed from its body. Upon learning that there were ancient ruins on Zakaz, he felt that they could have something inside them to help protect the refugees. He put his old Archivist skills to use, and, along with the Odd Company, sought out and found the Ruins of Stone. After completing several puzzles, the Company found that the final room in the temple required a Great Disk to unlock. Atamai hatched a plan of forging new Great Disks from the remnants of the Disks of Time that were used to give Tuyet powers over Time. But upon returning to the grotto where the machine the Disks were used in was held, he found Tuyet herself there. After a brief conversation, she offered to take Atamai to the distant past, shortly after the Great Disks were forged. Atamai accepted the offer, and the two found themselves standing in front of a fiery temple on a past version of Zakaz. Atamai entered the temple, and found the past version of Dume, in his Toa prime, as well as the six Great Disks. Determined to take the Disks, Atamai fought and defeated Dume, claiming the Kanoka as well as Dume’s hammer. When Atamai returned to Tuyet, they attempted to travel to the past, but an unwanted hitchhiker came with them: Axonn. Axonn wanted the Disks returned, so Atamai took him back to the ruined Skakdi fort where he and the Odd Company had spent a night, in order to show the titan what would happen to his home. Axonn was deeply troubled by what he saw, but did not change his mind, and instead attacked Atamai. As they fought, three other Toa came to Atamai’s aid: Leklo and Korruhn, who were made Toa the same day as Atamai, and Ultan. As the three of them fought, Korruhn died in a shadowy explosion, and Atamai downed Axonn using the combined power of the Great Disks. Before parting ways with the others, Atamai gave Leklo the Great Disk of Freezing, as a way to honor Korruhn’s memory. Atamai, ready to unlock the Nuva room, sought out the Compaions, and found them in the ruined village of Po-Koro. After helping move the inhabitants back to the Ruins of Stone, Atamai and his friends entered the Nuva room, where Atamai slid the Great Disk into place, and fell into the light of Tren Krom, emerging as Atamai Nuva. Atamai has also released his Kaita ACR, Malhukuraia. He generally keeps this ancient machine in the Hidden Valley. In the meantime, Atamai has busied himself with helping the refugees improve and defend their villages. Flaws: Atamai’s transformation came with a great price: he no longer feels emotion. This psychological issue is bound to cause some trouble with interacting with others. He now additionally will ignore consequences in order to accomplish what he feels is right (“the ends justify the means” sort of thing). Atamai retains his inability to swim. While he can no longer feel fear of the ocean, he will still avoid going near large bodies of water as often as possible in order to minimize the potential for drowning. Prior to his transformation, Atamai would hold grudges and not work well with those he held grudges against. Because he has now lost all emotion, Atamai no longer holds grudges, but he will still have difficulty working with others whose values or goals do not at least work with his. Powers: As a Toa Nuva of Iron, Atamai’s elemental prowess is now greatly increased. He is almost like an embodiment of metal. He can also conduct effects that are delayed. His former Kanohi Haonga, the Mask of Conjuring, is gone, its powers a part of him. In order to use them he will verbally begin an input by stating “[insert deity here], grant me…” followed by the power of choice, with at least one weakness of the selected power. If he inputs the power incorrectly, he will experience intense psychic backlash. If successful, he will hear the phrase “Prayer accepted”. He will then be able to use the selected power for 15 minutes, after which he will need to program another power. As part of his transformation, Atamai now has access to the power of the level 9 Kanoka of Weakness. Like all other Nuva beings, Atamai can share all of his powers with up to two beings in his line of sight and elemental range. Equipment: Atamai now wears the Kanohi Matatu Nuva, the Nuva mask of telekinesis. Like other Nuva masks, its power can be shared with up to two beings. During the interim period between SK:R and SK:A, Atamai was finally able to take a look at the memory crystal that Knichou had given him. In it he found a plethora of blueprints for technology designed by the Nynrah Ghosts. Atamai decided to put his expanded elemental powers to the test, and over the course of a few weeks, was able to successfully create nanites based on the blueprints he had seen. The nanites form a rippling cloak around Atamai, but unlike the nanites that make up Knichou’s armor, Atamai’s nanites do not have any fancy programming; indeed, the nanites can connect or disconnect from each other, or otherwise be manipulated, only when Atamai uses his elemental powers on them. They do not provide Atamai with any environmental information, but he may use his power to shape them into a shield, for example. Atamai’s other equipment includes a satchel holding his personal effects, a spear (created from his baton) with an elaborate tip on one end and a small metal ball on the other, an axe-hammer, and a Kanoka hammer that once belonged to Toa Dume. The powers of this hammer are as follows: It is an elemental weapon, similar to the weapons found in Zakaz's suvas. This hammer is an elemental weapon of fire, meaning it can do things such as ignite itself, shoot fire, and create columns of fire (which is easier in hotter environments) When thrown, it will return to the user's hand If the user so chooses, the hammer can bestow a level 3 Kanoka power to any object. This power is chosen at random The Great Kaita of Courage Name: Malhukuraia (mal-HOO-koo-rye-ah) Faction/Homebase: Builders/Kini-Nui Primary Pilot: Atamai Great Disk: Great Disk of Weakness Physical Description: A lanky, towering giant of metal, glass, and other materials, Malhukuraia stands 100 feet tall, towering over all normal ACRs. Its coloration is brown with red highlights, owing to its affiliation with the Ruins of Stone. As with the other Kaita ACRs, Malhukuraia has six eyes rising up on its forehead. Onboard Weapons Systems: As with other Kaita ACRs, the pilot(s) of Malhukuraia can choose up to three powers or breed quirks (excluding equipment powers) at a time from the combined powers of all onboard pilots. Malhukuraia may use the chosen powers as if they were its own powers or breed quirks, and these abilities are increased in strength and power to the level of a kaita, three times the strength of a normal toa. Pilots can choose and switch to a different set of three powers or breed quirks at any point. However, players can only change one power or breed quirk per post, and cannot use an already exchanged power or breed quirk until all other powers and breed quirks have been exhausted. Alternatively, all pilots exiting the Kaita ACR will also reset this. In addition, the cockpit must be fully sealed for Power Amplification to work, and unconscious or deceased pilots do not count towards the available list of powers and breed quirks. Malhukuraia’s standard physical weapon is a great chakram. However, Malhukuraia is linked with the Suva Kaita, and is able to swap out this weapon for others from the structure. Up to two one-handed weapons or one two-handed weapon may be summoned at a time. Weapons must be returned in order to summon different weapons. The drawback of this ability is that the ACR must be within 4 hexes of the Suva Kaita to be able to do this. If Malhukuraia enters a different plane of existence, it loses this ability, and must re-establish its connection to the Suva Kaita by being within the 4-hex range once again. Malhukuraia’s left arm can transform into a Great Disk Beam, which can shoot powerful mid-range blasts equivalent to the Great Disk of Weakness. Physical Flaws: Malhukuraia will refuse to obey pilot commands if Atamai is not onboard. While they can be put into a slumber while unmanned, Kaita ACRs are living machines and cannot be turned off. If not restrained, they very well may just wake up and wander off in search of a rite-born kaiju to kill (read: GMs may start writing your mech randomly when you are not piloting it). If Atamai falls unconscious or dies while piloting Malhukuraia, the kaita inhabiting the machine itself will take over and go on a berserk rampage until it is destroyed or Atamai is removed. Kaita ACRs do not allow MCs to be pilots. They can tell that MCs are secondary characters, and not heroes in the narrative. Psychological Flaw: Kaita ACRs are inhabited by the conscious spirit of a Kaita, a spirit of great power. Kaita are proud and vicious beings, and have an incredible hatred for all rite-born kaiju made by Irnakk. If given the opportunity, Malhukuraia will pursue the death of a rite-born kaiju without concern for any collateral damage to its surroundings. [That was quite a lot lol, let me know if I forgot anything]
  25. IC, Whira: Kumu Peninsula The Aspect nodded. "My goal is to find a source of the substance and collect a small sample of it. I will not be taking any unnecessary risks with it." She looked around. "My companion and I have come from this direction," she said, gesturing off to one side. "I assume you found no energized protodermis in the direction from which you came. Since we have not seen your companions, I suggest we go this way." Whira pointed to a different direction that none of them had explored yet. OOC: @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui
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