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Status Updates posted by fishers64

  1. My brain feels so thickly comprised of lameness.

    1. Ghidora131


      Someone who is like me! :o

  2. F5! F5! F5!

    1. Ghidora131


      ~10 days l8r~


      So... You broke your keyboard yet?

  3. I have 64 lives.

    1. Ghidora131


      Let's see... 63, thanks to Extermination. :P

  4. HF Fall 2014: Stringer minifig. With guitar, and speaker-system cockpit.

    1. Sybre


      Wouldn't that be something? :D I guess we'll have to cross our fingers!

  5. Working on Categorical Greg Reference...run, check, find& replace...rinse, repeat...

    1. fishers64


      Status: Official Greg Quotes - Done, Official Dialogue - 80% complete, Official Discussion - 60%. Worked on Discussion today, from 20% to 60%, tired. Hope to finish this stage tomorrow, which is the most arduous.

  6. 4477 single paragraph blocks and counting.

    1. fishers64


      Down to 4418 now, but it looks like there is no end in sight.

  7. Welcome to BZPower!

    1. Timageness


      Hi! Thanks. Sorry it took so long; I'm still trying to figure everything out.

  8. I'm just going to hide under this rock right now.

  9. Computer programming is pure agony.

  10. You know what, I always find the Greg answer to resolve a S&Tdiscussion AFTER the discussion is over when I'm looking for something else. Always. *shakes head*

  11. Rahkshi Conquered. I love rank irony.

  12. Late night on BZP. Don't do this, kids. Hapori Tohu will appear with a big sleeping hat and an alarm clock.

  13. Google Chrome for iDevices came out! Yay!

  14. People can only mess with you as much as you allow them to.

  15. Amethyst: Fixed of formatting errors. Slowly digging through everything else...

  16. Like your cool av/sig. :)

  17. The meaning of life is not a toaster.

  18. Does anyone notice a pattern with Lego's good themes? They always cancel them, and bring them back.

  19. And now, we can all have pie.

  20. Somewhere between good and weird, I think the icicles are exploding and the hole in the wall just got 20% bigger.

  21. *bangs 2x4 against metal pole*

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