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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. I must say I can't wait to see how this turns out. Especially since Makuta has all of his canonical powers. I wonder if shape shifting could play a part in this. Feel free to steal that idea.All of my favorite quotes have already been nominated. I think. I'm too lazy to check.

  2. Concerning Melee weapons.In RuneScape, Melee weapons have factors that affect their potential to inflict damage. Prominent among these are strength and speed. Faster weapons tend to be weaker and slower weapons tend to be stronger. ignoring accuracy, RS melee weapons basicly are measured by how much damage they do in a certain amount of time. So in other words quality=strength/speed. Roughly. Remember, this is ignoring accuracy. You need to find a range of damage per second that each weapon will inflict on the average foe and keep all weapons in this approximate range. Good Luck. You'll need it. Or of course time and dedication instead.

  3. Concerning Hero Factory.I have watched HF for a while and even seen a few sets in the... flesh? For lack of a better word we'll go with that. HF has its ups and downs. It is not the same as BIONICLE and in some regards it is unfair to compare the two. I rather like Hero Factory. It has some interesting new parts (of which I intend to eventually obtain some) and some acceptable sets. There are good characters in the story. It has a simple story, which, though shallow, is not all that bad. The story of HF tries something different than that of BIONICLE.So I like HF. Does that mean I don't want BIONICLE back? No. If I could sacrifice HF for BIONICLE's return, I would do it. Just remember, you can like both, just be civil about it. Oh, and Rarity. The way I see it, BIONICLE is not dead. It's simply on life support.

  4. Anyway, I think it's unfair to say that Greg is a bad writer. He's produced so much that I sincerely love, and beyond that he's also a great, hardworking guy. His main flaw is that he often chickens out and fails to live up to his potential.

    Yes, he must find the golden weapons of Spingitzu and unlock his true potential.On the topic of... well... this topic. We have no way that I know of to judge what opinions are popular and which are not. Aside from polling, but not everyone is going to enter a poll. You can, however, say that some are more vocal than others and that can indeed be tested.
  5. Definitely the mid-late 2003 setup. It told everything about every character we had been introduced to at that point (except Mata Nui, who was meant to be mysterious anyway), it had the old online animations, and it had some of the most fun games ever, like both Mata Nui Online games!

    You beat me to it. I will always remember the black background with the Nuva Cube in the background. To me, the site contributed to the mystical tone of 2001-2003.
  6. 4) I concur with Sumiki in that this substance is likely a catalyst and not likely to be found on earth.

    Just swallow a bit of sea water and a nice amount of iron oxidation catalyst pouring down your throat. :P But now, in all seriousness: Isn't it pointless to discuss whether Oxidium is or is not likely to be found on earth as it is a purely fictional substance, meaning that it does not exist, neither on earth nor elsewhere?~Gata. ;)
    By that statement, I meant that it is not likely to exist, nor anything very close to it. I think that there is a point in discussing it.But not much of one.

    2) As we don't know what the Heroes' armor is made of, they may be more vulnerable to oxidation than we think. Considering how much we know of the properties, it could be anywhere on the scale. Or off of it for that matter.

    You have a point there, although I think it would be quite short-sighted of the Hero Factory to use a material which is vulnerable to oxygen corrosion, even if underwater operations are not part of the every-day missions.
    It would be shortisghted, now wouldn't it? But keep in mind that, as I see it, Heroes are nearly always given unique gear for nearly every mission. While I would not likely choose a metal which could oxidize easily, it is possible that the designers at Hero Factory decided to implement one in the thought that "in the unlikely case of contact with water and a catalyst, we will simply provide them with unique gear to deal with it." Unlikely, but possible.EDIT: No, I don't know how often Heroes are given unique gear, so correct me if I am erroneous on that account.
  7. I would like to make a few statements which may or may not be relevant.1) Based on what knowledge I have of chemistry, a catalyst changes the speed of a reaction. While we are talking about a catalyst which would speed, and not slow, a reaction, I would like to note that anyway.2) As we don't know what the Heroes' armor is made of, they may be more vulnerable to oxidation than we think. Considering how much we know of the properties, it could be anywhere on the scale. Or off of it for that matter.3) It is highly debatable whether humans contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect. This isn't the place for that discussion, but I thought that I would mention it.4) I concur with Sumiki in that this substance is likely a catalyst and not likely to be found on earth.

  8. I used BXPWE so far to train myself to 76 firemaking.Do not comment on how nooby that sounded.I also borrowed a dragon hatchet and I'm going to try for 68 woodcutting. Got 67, so it's doable.As for dungeoneering, I must say I intended to do some, but I don't want to have to get a team together.Concerning the new armor update.I dislike many parts of it, but overall, the detail is improved which was Jagex's goal. Though I will miss the old appearances, I think I'll get used to the new eventually.

  9. I think I know who the green Ninja is. Came up with this on my own.

    It's little Garmadon.


    Most of us had already come to that conclusion, since Toy Fair revealed that the Green Ninja spinner set is called "Lloyd ZX". And many of us had been thinking along those lines already, since all the pics we'd seen of the Green Ninja clearly had Lloyd's eyebrows visible behind the mask.


    But Lloyd is such a shrimp. How did he suddenly get ten years older?


    Aliens.Yeah, Lloyd doesn't really show up again until the following happens:

    Lord Garmadon helps save him!!


    I can see it now. Sensei brings Lord Garmadon back to Ninjago in order to rescue Lloyd only to discover that Lloyd doesn't need the help. Then the Serpantine face off against Garmadon in a battle to see who the ultimate villain is and the winner gets beaten by the Ninja and...Yeah, not happening.


    Not like that it isn't. We have the plots for the rest of the season already. See here for all of them.
    Ooh, we know it all? Well, I must say I'd rather not peek.But the temptation!Resist!Temptation resisted.
  10. I think I know who the green Ninja is. Came up with this on my own.

    It's little Garmadon.


    Most of us had already come to that conclusion, since Toy Fair revealed that the Green Ninja spinner set is called "Lloyd ZX". And many of us had been thinking along those lines already, since all the pics we'd seen of the Green Ninja clearly had Lloyd's eyebrows visible behind the mask.


    But Lloyd is such a shrimp. How did he suddenly get ten years older?


    Aliens.Yeah, Lloyd doesn't really show up again until the following happens:

    Lord Garmadon helps save him!!


    I can see it now. Sensei brings Lord Garmadon back to Ninjago in order to rescue Lloyd only to discover that Lloyd doesn't need the help. Then the Serpantine face off against Garmadon in a battle to see who the ultimate villain is and the winner gets beaten by the Ninja and...Yeah, not happening.

  11. My thoughts on the series: they failed.We were supposed to have a successor to the amazing story of Bionicle, instead, we get candy corn that I can only compare to Adam West's Batman. As others have previously stated, the word "hero" is heavily overused and the scripting is otherwise bleh. The fight scenes consist of the hero doing a couple "cool" flips and then getting swatted out of the air by the villain.I just can't bring myself to stop wincing every five seconds when I watch them.

    How would you have the fight scenes play out?
  12. Looks epic but for the legs, but there isn't much you can do about those. Custom pieces perhaps would do the trick. Theoretically, anyway. I'm not experienced in that area. Otherwise, you did an excellent job. Very good looking. How tall is it?

  13. I would change my name to join the fun, but then I'd be stuck with it for a while.All the same, I might change to "the fear of fads"Because they're everywhere. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/fear.gifPonies. Fears. Help!

    Now you speak my language.Down with the ponies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If you're so scared of ponies, why do you still have one in your avatar?
    But that one has no symbol over it to show his hatred from them.Unless you can tell him what the opposite of a pony is, I think it's the best solution. :P
    Looks like he already has the opposite of a pony in his avatar. At least, that's what I think. Disagree at your discretion.
  14. Who's going to summon a million Toa? No one's going to do that. Period. If they do, how hard would it be for someone to knock out the army? I'm never going to have my power multiplied by more than 20 or so. Even if I get my power multiplied by more than that, how hard would it be for you guys to lower my opponent number? And I don't think you do understand my motives. If you did, then why did you comment upon my actions as being a boss every round? And I most certainly will say that you don't understand something If I think you don't understand something. You don't get that my power is quite allowed and not overpowered. Further, only my elemental power is affected. Kanohi, melee, and non-elemental projectiles are completely unaffected.I think that anyone who invested enough credits can be my equal easily. Like, for example, if someone chooses to get or upgrade a special weapon to provide full fire immunity, then I cannot use fire on them, even if I faced 3 Million opponents. If so, they could match me in that event.NujaniiNujanii telekinetically activated the aklini field once more. Nujanii's newly made iron spikes ought to make this interesting. Anyway, Nujanii melted anything anyone had summoned before sending fire at all other Bionifighters.

  15. JiMing, you just don't get it do you? Every once in a while I want to exert my full power to the greatest extent that I can. If that means multiple targets, then I'll go for multiple targets. And no I am NOT trying to make every battle a Nujanii vs everyone battle. Furthermore, if I did choose to do so, I see no rule preventing me from doing so. Now, I wouldn't because that would be bad roleplaying. That's a moral constraint, not a legal one. Oh, and by ignoring me, you leave yourself very little room to maneuver should I choose to attack you.Oh, and I just got back from a hike. Nice to be back. Usually.NujaniiNujanii flew into the air (if he wasn't already) and created iron spikes on the floor of the arena. All over the arena. Hitting everything not able to quickly get off of the floor."That should make things more interesting."

  16. NujaniiNujanii reached out with his limited omniscience and located the emergency control panel deep beneath the floor of the stadium. Nujanii turned off the Aklini field, then toggled all control booths 'off.' Nujanii then used his iron powers to seal Zakaro inside the booth with no way out.Nujanii had obviously forgotten the First law of Bionifight.

    Sleeping people have insane luck.

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