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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. Erm- Pirok? Your pictures appear to be... well... upside down. Is this an intentional thing?Anyway, I like all but the colors. The colors are great except for that BIG [censored] LIME WHEEL. Oh, and I would rather a bit less gray. That would also be nice.

  2. Nice review. I had considered getting the set and this will help me in my decision.Oh, but this is so very sad:

    This certainly won't be our last LOTR review, so keep checking back for more, as well as all the latest Hero Factory and LEGO news!
    BIONICLE wasn't mentioned. I got another reminder that we don't get much of that news any more. :crying:
  3. After a short inspection of the beta, I have mixed feelings. While it does make combat more interactive, it just doesn't feel like Runescape. I like dual wielding... kind of. That'll be neat. I also like some things they did to re-balance combat. However, I dislike how abilities and stats have been affected.If you can't deal with lag, try Falador. The gear stores are there with far fewer people.

  4. took a little break. This chapter was indeed brutal. I gotta say though that no one is invincible, not even Maxilos. He can be melted.
    How did you read my mind?! :o Torch was melting bits and pieces off of him in the Chapter 4 draft!
    Limited omniscience. :P
  5. Way ahead of ya there. ;) A Metroid top-down shooter is a project of mine that is well underway, but it stagnated because I couldn't get the multiplayer working. Now that I am getting there, so might Metroid and BIONICLE Fighter both.

    Better: make both. At the same time. In the same game.Metroid + BIONICLE... IT MUST HAPPEN.
    Put that on the "Must force Katuko to do" list. Maybe after he's done with Bionicle Fighter...
  6. Hero Factory is a much less structured theme than BIONICLE was. There are many things what could be dome with it. It has a large potential for failure, but I think it can be avoided with relative ease if we have the right people making it. I heard Veggie Tales mentioned. I think that Big Idea (makers of Veggie Tales) does, better than anything else, adult humor. If this movie is made, they need to make it something that people of all ages could enjoy. Cheap jokes aimed at the younger audience ought to be highly restricted and accompanied by the sort of mature joke that surfaces every once in a while in Veggie Tales. Someone above me mentioned adding BIONICLE references. I think this would be a terrible idea. Remember, if this is in theaters, most people watching are not going to be BIONICLE/HF wise. The references would be targeted at the minority of the audience. Most people would be confused, if affected at all.The voice actors ought not to be entirely replaced. Personally, I want Von Nebular, sorry, Von Nebula to make an appearence just so we can have Mark Hamill involved. Certain characters have poor voicing, though. Like Surge for example. As others above me have said, the HF characters must retain the focus. Otherwise, this thing might not meet expectations...

  7. My, my. This is an interesting tidbit of news. I have long been a supporter of the "Bring Back BIONICLE" movement, but I care about HF enough to hope this goes well. My hope is that they use motion capture for the Heroes and few or no humans. As someone above mentioned, people might be more inclined to identify with a human than a robot.As to a BIONICLE movie, yes, it would be better for a HF movie to fail. Perhaps this will be a test by Lego in preparation for releasing movies that we might be more interested in? (Hint hint)That said, I hope this goes well. It has a great potential for failure, which may even outweigh its potential for success.

  8. I loved it. I got such a good feeling about doing a quest on the day it came out. :biggrin:As to the quest itself, it was a neat little thing. It was nice to see our mysterious friend the Raptor.I won't be 120 combat for quite some time; could you guys who are post videos of your QBD encounters on vimeo and link?

    Just so you know, 120 combat isn't a concrete requirement. 60 summoning, however, is a requirement, so you may want to consider getting that as well. But as long as you have decent stats, such as 80 strength, defense, and attack (Maybe higher, not sure how difficult the QBD is), a good constitution level, and a fairly good bank, you might be able to pull it off. I'm not sure if the QBD is a multi-combat boss, but if it is, you could always get the 60 summoning (Unless you already have it) and find a good team of players to help you out.-Rez
    For reasons I have forgotten, I think this boss will be single-combat. I am almost 95 combat with about a 3.5 mil bank. Unless Guthan's becomes spectacular overnight, I don't think I'll be fighting it for a while. Unless it turns out to be a teamable boss.I can't wait to see woox16 kill it barehandedEdit: got 70 strength today, making me 95 combat in members' worlds.
  9. I loved it. I got such a good feeling about doing a quest on the day it came out. :DAs to the quest itself, it was a neat little thing. It was nice to see our mysterious friend the Raptor.I won't be 120 combat for quite some time; could you guys who are post videos of your QBD encounters on vimeo and link?

  10. Teal sets are awesome. THERE A POST!! I JUST-- GAH! TAHU STOP HITTING ME! FINE!! I'LL STOP USING ALL CAPS JUST GET AWAY!!!Tahu is a little overzealous. Anyway, I love the usage of the throwbots in this comedy. Will there be any guest starring anytime soon?

  11. Don't worry, I haven't posted in my comics in longer than that. I think. I need to rework the entirety of my comics, though. I guess I'll get it done over the summer.If I get around to it...Oh, and could you have something violent happen next comic? Please?

  12. I think the inconsistencies born of multiple writers, as summarized by Zestanor, is one of the more major things. That and 2010. That last year was cool, but it had potential for SO MUCH MORE. It probably would have achieved its high destiny had it been given enough time and better sets.Though for what the Stars were, they didn't do an atrocious job.The giant robot fight was great, but I wish they could have dreamed up a better ending for it than a chunk of rock taking out one of the greatest villains of all time.

  13. You guys can expect Chapter 18 by Friday, before I vanish from the face of the Earth for eleven days.-ibrow

    He is disappearing off of the face of the earth because a few muscular Taipu fans hurled him to a nearby galaxy where he must spend 11 days building a spaceship to return in. It all could have been avoided...
  14. Halia Jallerque sunt bonus. Halia et Funous sunt non bonus.Just saying...Anyway, I love capture the flag. The purpose was humor and for me that didn't mix well with capture the flag.The character interaction was a redeeming quality, though. The Maku/Huki action was good. The characterization of Huki was completely and utterly different from the canon. The Po Matoran were characterized by strategy. I would have given the character you gave Huki to Taipu. That however is not a critisism. The utterly opposite nature of Huki was interesting. Which is one reason I read this stuff.

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