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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Posts posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:FivaFiva bolted up after a while. He peered over at the Ta-Wahi topic and gasped in disbelief. "ZYCKEL!!!!" Fiva shouted in disbelief. "I'M COMING BUDDY!" he yelled, sprinting towards Ta-Wahi. OOC:Fiva to Ta-Koro.

  2. IC:NightingNighting caught up with the two females of the group which had no name and said, "Well there's this nice clearing near a volcano, that might work." He then turned to Dreenan, having not heard anything of what she had said. "Were you singing?" OOC:This would be where the three had their first battle in the RPG(Retcon Playing Game)

  3. IC:Nighting"Well I would hate to stand in the way of Dreenan's voting choice." Nighitng said, gesturing for Fehdran to go first. "So I'll let you pick where we fight." In reality he didn't want to fight Fehdran, as if he beat her she might be embarrassed. She also might get hurt, and he couldn't bring himself to hurt the one he lo- While he had been thinking he was left behind. He trotted to catch up. OOC:Something tells me Dreenan's gonna become a third wheel. She won't mind will she?

  4. OOC:Fiva's armor is one of his strong points. It can withstand a lot. Like really, a lot. IC:FivaFiva was blown back by the blast and slumped to the ground.IcarinIcarin ditched his attack and flew to Fiva's aid, grabbing the Toa and flying him to a nearby roof where the Toa could recover. He then flew back into the battle, having only taken a few second to move Fiva. He raced towards Kethrye's unconscious body, hoping to remove it also.

  5. IC:NightingNighting had waited for Fehdran to answer but she apparently hadn't heard Dreenan. "Fehdran? Do you like Dreenan's idea or not? Shall we decide like proper people, or fight to see who goes and asks Vakama?" Nighting asked, snapping his fingers in front of her. She's kinda cute when she's distracted like that... Nighting thought to himself.

  6. IC:FivaFiva grunted as he took the hits. He activated his mask to hold his aggressor in place, but wasn't sure if he had the concentration. NichouOr he would have found it impossible to avoid, if he had not been running away at high speed. Away from the Skakdi that was trying to murder him. Nimbly avoiding obstacles Nichou ran through the backstreets and looked for some help. IcarinIcarin noticed a small scuffle going on and went over to investigate. Noting the three vs one(Nichou wasn't there so it looked like Fiva was on his own) he decided to even the fight. He grabbed his scythe and swung at Zadron from behind, having snuck up on the assassin while he was distracted.

  7. IC:FivaFiva slowed down and threw a blast of fire at the blade that was unhindered and heading towards Nichou, knocking it away. NichouNichous barely dodged the first sword, the second having been knocked away by Fiva's bust of fire. OOC:Can you not attack Nichou badly? I'd hate to have him injured while controlling.

  8. OOC:Yeah... I'm still checking what weapons the matoran brought with him. :P What edit are we using for Fiva guys? IC:NichouHowever, although Aexias had gotten within striking range Nichou had been using that time wisely. He had tossed three nets onto the launcher thingy. He smiled as he launched three nets at Aexias at point blank range.

  9. IC:FivaBut just because Keythrye couldn't parry didn't mean that Fiva couldn't help. He activated his mask, stopping the sword mere inches from Keythrye's body. "You get the Skakdi! I'll handle shorty." he told Keythrye with a large grin. "As you may have noticed, your sword is reaching melting temperatures." he informed Zadron with a grin. "So you might want to do something about-" As he was speaking he had to jump out of the way of Cipher's attacks. "You know what Icy? You get this annoying guy!" Fiva called as he danced away from Cipher's hits. OOC:Didn't see that post Razgris1. Sorry. Also Ghost hands, a PM would've been more appropriate as no OOC only posts are allowed.

  10. IC:Fiva"Don't worry, we don't want to kill her." Fiva said, drawing his sword. "Just incapacitate her. Now let the Toa of Ice go." Fiva snarled angrily. His head then drooped. "Now I sound just like Shrakk and Zyck. I miss those two so much!" he sad sadly.

  11. IC:Fiva"Yeah... You know, you're right. I got the target!" Fiva called to his allies. "You guys get shorty over there." Fiva said, pointing towards Cipher. The mace did not stop like Cipher thought it did. Through Fiva's mask's power it continued, heading right behind Aexias. He turned towards Zadron, super-heating the handle way past anyone's pain threshold.

  12. IC:Fiva"Hey you!" Fiva called to Aexias. "Would you mind turning yourself in? I'll pay you if you do."He turned to Nichou, "I was ninja'd. I didn't notice battle had started." he commented, still in a calm and controlled tone.

  13. IC:FivaFiva just followed Keythrye and Nichou. "Axe... Cuted? Really? Even I don't stoup that low on the bad pun scale." Fiva said dryly. He then hung his head. "Zyck used to make fun of my jokes..." he said, depressed again.

  14. IC:Fiva"Fiva, Toa of Fire and comic relief for any team I join. And this is Nichou. The woodsmith." Fiva said, grabbing Kethrye's hand and shaking it like his life depended on how fast he shook it. He pulled out his mace and struck a heroic pose. "Now let's go!"

  15. IC:Fiva"Nah it's fine. I had the same problem once. And I'm a Toa of Fire! I can make light with my fire!" Fiva said cheerfully. He then drooped. "Zyck used to throw axes at me..." OOC:Let's get going before everyone tries to kill Aexias before us!

  16. IC:IcarinIcarin sighed. "Yeah. It's hard work calling everyone citizens and making flashy entrances." Icarin said with another long sigh. "See ya." and with that he started walking back to Ko-Koro. Fiva"And here we are my friend, welcome to Ko-Koro!" Fiva proclaimed with a large grin. His frown returned in seconds as he suddenly flashed back to his times with Zyckle and Shrakk. He sighed, "I did that with Zyck and Shrakk, it just isn't the same." he pouted.

  17. IC:Icarin"Kini-Nui eh? Well it would be right over there," Icarin said directing Trakuda in the right direction. "Is that all you will be needing today kind sir?" Icarin asked hoping the answer was yes. This heroic thing was hard!

  18. IC:Fiva"I don't know. We're supposed to track down and capture some Skakdi of Ice." Fiva said with a grin. "I say that we look in Ko-Koro first since that's where a Skakdi of Ice would feel at home. What do you think?" OOC:That would be Aexias.

  19. IC:Fiva"Whenever you're ready." Fiva said with a grin. This was just like old times with Zyck. Except this guy wasn't a blacksmith. He was a woodsmith. "By the way, I'm Fiva." Fiva informed Nichou.

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