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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Posts posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:Odhran Odhran walked away from Knidia and headed towards the nearest Inn, which happened to be the Black Spot Inn. He walked in and ordered some food. After eating like there was no tomorrow he started to leave. But as he was leaving...

    Crew Wanted

    Previous sailing experience helpful but not essential

    Fighting, stealing, drinking involved

    Water/Air elemental powers particularly welcome

    Apply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro

    He saw the poster and calmly grabbed it from the wall. "Hey you! Old man!" he called to the bartender. "Where might I find the person I'm supposed to talk to if I want to join this crew?"

  2. IC:Nighting"Oh would you look at that Fehdran? A brakas monkey that talks!" Nighting quipped with a large smile. Miha"So now what do we do?" Miha asked as they started walking back towards Virthee's house.

  3. Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message:

    Crew Wanted

    Previous sailing experience helpful but not essential

    Fighting, stealing, drinking involved

    Water/Air elemental powers particularly welcome

    Apply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting...

    Odhran won't like this at all.
    Looks like he won't make his stay in Ga-Koro nice and peaceful like he promised... :P
  4. IC:NightingNighting walked until he saw Fehdran. "Hey Fehdran!" he called, walking over to the Toa of Water. Miha Miha just watched Virthee do his work as he extracted the bug from the pedestrian.

  5. IC:Miha"You probably should..." Miha said still chuckling. Nighting Nighting took a few short breaths. He couldn't get into a fight with Dreenan again. With a sigh he said, "Look, I shouldn't have over reacted, sorry for any offense." He turned to the bartender and tossed some widgets. "Keep the change." he said as he strode out of the inn. He looked back. "You coming?" he asked Dreenan.

  6. Ok, TFL, but I made Lohkar before anyone else made any Jack Sparrow-inspired characters. So really everyone's plagiarising my plagiarism XD Right, messages have been pinned in inns in the most sailor-frequented Koros, with a message:

    Crew Wanted

    Previous sailing experience helpful but not essential

    Fighting, stealing, drinking involved

    Water/Air elemental powers particularly welcome

    Apply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro If you want a character in the crew of the Infernavika, now's your chance! Lohkar is waiting...

    Odhran won't like this at all.
  7. IC:Miha"Yeah..." Miha said with a chuckle. "But that was kinda funny..." she said as she tried to hold in the laughter as the pedestrian flailed on the ground, trying to cough up the bug. Nighting"I started it my bow!" Nighitng said angrily. "You shouldn't have wagered it if you didn't want to loose it you little..."

  8. IC:Odhran Odhran followed Knidia as she swam towards Ga-Koro. "Thanks, and just because you have been so nice, I'll try not to make trouble in Ga-Koro."

  9. IC:Miha Miha turned towards Virthee to tell him she would be careful but as soon as she turned away a hand slapped the bug and it flew out of her grasp, and landed right in a pedestrian's mouth. He gagged and accidentally swallowed. Nighting Nighting lifted the cup to his mouth and... "OW!" he cried, dropping the cup on the ground. "What was that for you dirty little...!"

  10. IC:Odhran "Okay." Odhran said with a grin. "Doesn't matter either way, I'm gonna get the best pirate crew ever, then become the best pirate ever!" as he said this his stomach growled. "After I get to Ga-Koro that is."

  11. IC:Odhran "Ta-Koro actually, but I can most likely make it there if I get to Ga-Koro." Odhran said, his arms tiring from treading water all around the island. He then stopped and started thinking about Knidia's showy use of her mask. "OH YEAH! I WANT YOU TO JOIN MY PIRATE CREW! DO YOU ACCEPT?" he yelled, excited again. OOC:Odhran is not the best person to show off in-front of. Just for your information. He likes recruiting "Awesome" people into his crew.

  12. IC:Nighting Nighting sighed. "Fine." he said, handing the shield over to the Toa of Plasma. "Now could you please stop yelling? You might disturb the other residents." he said calmly as he took a sip of Bula Berry Juice. Miha"I'm going to go show it to those people over there!" Miha said, rushing over towards a large crowd of people which dissipated when she came near, shoving the bug into many people's faces.

  13. IC:Odhran "THAT WAS SO COOL!" Odhran shouted a bit awed at Knidia's show of speed. "I want you to join my- wait, did you say something?" Odhran asked, thinking for a bit. "Oh! Weary, traveler? Well yes, I guess you would be weary after moving that fast." he said his face beaming.

  14. IC:Fiva Fiva grinned as he walked though Onu-Koro. He was looking for a buddy as his last buddy, Zyck, had been erased with the RPG restarting. And he knew it too. "I miss old Zyck. And Shrakk. We had fun beating up people. Mainly each other." he said to himself sadly as his frown turned upside down. "I hate not having a friend anymore..."

  15. IC:Miha"Look! It's a purple bug!" Miha said, poking the beetle with a stick. "I've never seen this before!" The curious Le-Matoran was cheerful, although she had not lived on the island all her life like most locals, the Le-Matoran was hopeful that Makuta would be vanquished and that order and would be restored. Alongside this hopefulness, was also curiousness. There were few animals that she had not observed before, so the fact that she had not seen this species of beetle was quite strange.NightingNighting's Bula Berry Juice trembled in it's glass as Dreenan came through the door. He looked up to see Dreenan come in. "Uh-oh..." Nighting said with a grimace as Dreenan came closer. "Yes Dreenan?" he answered cautiously.

  16. IC:Odhrán Feliciano Weald Odhran grimaced as he swam about one hundred feet away from the shore. The oh so helpful Matoran from Le-Wahi who had given him directions to Ta-Koro must have been incorrect. They told him if he followed the coast due east for a bit, then due North he would find Ta-Koro. So far all he had managed to find was an Ko-Koro, a land which he guessed was Onu-Wahi, rocky Po-Koro, then Le-Koro(he had no idea how he ended up back where he started,) the Volcano, and now he couldn't seem to find Ga or Ta-Koro! "I hate Le-Matoran." he mumbled as he continued swimming, heading further out to sea. OOC:Would someone help this directionally challenged person to Ga-Koro?

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