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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. Uh-oh... You might want to keep a copy of this version hidden so that if your laptop can't run it, you can just use the current one. Ahh... Well yeah, but what about when it needs to be updated? You'll be stuck out in the middle of nowhere without any idea where your house is.
  2. Ahh... Then go find some pumpkins in the plains biome, they occasionally spawn there...
  3. IC:Kai ~Escaping Prison?~ He wants to talk privately. Or, that's what he wants me to think. His body language indicates that he believes me, but is this because he works for... them,(I seriously need to name them. The Piraka? Nah, too mainstream...) or because he's realized that I'm telling the truth and wants to know more? Either way, whoever this guy is, I can't read him, and thus I don't trust him. "You were willing to kill me just a few seconds ago. I'd like to keep my armor, if only to make sure that I have a chance to be alive once this conversation is over." It was a reasonable request. In Kai's mind at least...
  4. IC:Kai ~Talking his Way out of Prison~ "Well, they have access to technology almost as good as mine," Kai said, drawing out his sentences. "And very powerful allies, both politically and physically." Well, now's the moment of truth. If he attacks, I'll know that the Ko-Koro guard has been compromised. If not, then I think I can trust him to at least tell me the truth about what's been going on outside Ko-Koro.
  5. Redstone update? Is that the next one? (Obviously not been paying attention to many updates.) Ahh, so you're just copying everything he did? You been making sure to make occasional landmarks to make sure you find your way back?
  6. ...what a unnecessary waste of blocks. Have a narrow bridge over lava, with snowgolem sentries on either side of the lava moat, so that they shoot mobs into the lava?
  7. No, I'm pretty good at working electronics and circuits 'n stuff like that. Redstone will NEVER make sense. NEVER. What I've seen of it, yeah. Jeeze, just go find an extreme hills biome already.
  8. Yeah, but it is a pain to have the front wall of you house be three blocks thick instead of the usual one...
  9. It never does make sense. Ever. No matter how much experience you have with it. Yep, and I'm only 3% through. True...
  10. Yep. Although you could just use two repeaters and delay it so that it opens the door as soon as you reach it. You could do that with a piston door, but then the wall would have to be thicker than one block.
  11. Well, to a redstone expert like me it's simple. [/fakeamazingness] Yeah.
  12. Repeater is so that the current goes into the block, instead of connecting with the redstone right next to it. If by 'normal set up' you mean a pressureplate right next to the door, then no. You would need at least one buffer block. It does...
  13. IC:Miha ~Talking~ "Wait, the Ga-Koro hospital messed up again?" Miha shook her head and sighed. "Alright, never go to that hospital ever again. They stink."
  14. Yep. Pretty simple. Oh, yeah. You're only up to episode 50. *rolls eyes* Yeah...
  15. This is a picture that shows how to accomplish what you were aiming for. I could've made the door on the same level as the pressure-plate, but then part of the redstone wiring would be underground and you couldn't see it.(Spawned world just to show you. Get snow biome. Rages because of so much time lost attempting to spawn snow biome yesterday. > )
  16. OOC:Spear tackled/hugged? ...ouch. IC:Miha ~Killing Zealokan~ "Oh, sorry." Miha said, picking herself up, and brushing herself off. "I just really missed you and the rest of the group." She glanced around. "I mean, I heard that you guys disbanded the team, but I would've thought that at least you and Payigas would've stayed together." She paused a moment. "Unless of course you guys are still hanging out together, and you just came here by yourself." She paused for yet another moment, and it looked like Zealokan would be able to speak, but yet again she opened her mouth, denying him the chance to speak. "Wait a second, you and her haven't gotten married yet, have you? 'Cause if you got married and didn't invite me I'll..." Her thoughts trailed off, and she shrugged. "I'm sorry, I'm talking a lot aren't I? It's just I've been in a jungle for a month and the moment I exited it I've been swarmed with social interaction, and... I'm doing it again aren't I?"
  17. Oh, I hate piston doors, they're so complicated to hook up in a small amount of space. Unless of course you meant iron doors connected through some fancy-smancy redstone wiring. Ahh, okay. Yep, until they stopped accepting those trades. Darn auto-improving AI.
  18. IC:Miha ~Leaving the Whirlpool Inn~ Miha had just left the Inn when she heard, 'Hey, uh, Havon. I'm not.... I'm not interrupting anything, am I?' Cue abrupt 180 degree spin, and bear tackle/hugging the Toa who had spoken, all with a cry of, "ZEALOKAN!"
  19. A revenge driven Pa-Matoran, having escaped his unjust imprisonment in Karzahini, attempts to journey back to his island, and overthrow the Turaga who rules over the island with an iron fist.

  20. IC:Kai ~Escaping Prison~ "And I will do anything to keep the island safe from..." You know, the story would be so much believable if the group actually had a name Kai. Kai berated himself mentally. "...the group that bombed both Le-Koro, and the Islets." He would've mentioned Po/Pala-Koro's bombings but he has yet to hear about them. "As to who would continue the attacks, a shadowy group of individuals I've been attempting to investigate. I personally thought that Ko-Koro would be their target, so I struck first, allowing you guys to build up your defenses before the real threat hit. But it seems that I was mistaken about that part." Idiot! Why are you explaining yourself? They could be a part of... that group of people who don't seem to have a name. Karz I need to come up with a name for those people.
  21. Ahh... Quarantine all necessary parts so that they won't burn then BURN IT ALL! (I love how my solution to everything is quarantine it, and if that fails, then burn it. ) Ahh, I'm actually on the episode where he goes and investigates said noise I believe... Yep. And the best part is the villagers in the aforementioned village have this great deal. One emerald for 7 apples, and 5 apples for one emerald.
  22. IC:Kai ~Escaping Prison~ They were skeptical. He hadn't expected any other reaction, but for some reason, the Guardsmen's reactions disappointed him. He glanced at Alrin, quickly scanning the Toa. Distrustful and eager to kill prisoners that stepped out of line. "Whether or not you believe me doesn't matter, what does matter is that I am telling the truth, and there will be more attacks on the Koros if nothing is done." He pointed his sword at Alrin, not in a threatening way, but just to establish that he was talking to him and not Thliveros. "You seem quite eager to kill the guilty in order to save a few innocents. The only difference between you and me is that I kill a few innocents to save both the innocent and the guilty." Meanwhile, it seemed that the-Toa-that-Kai-suspected-to-be-Jest was not quite done with his work, as the bars of Krian's cell began to bend open as well, allowing the De-Toa to escape, if he had the strength to move into the closest hallway, where the-Toa-that-Kai-suspected-to-be-Jest had discreetly left a mask on the floor when he had been talking to a guard about Le and Xa.
  23. IC:Kai ~Escaping Prison~ Kai stared right back at Thiveros, but not in the eye. Kai was analyzing Thiveros, something that he had gotten very good at while evading the Ko-Koro guard. He wears a large cloak, but hasn't shown any traces of being cold. This suggests that he is hiding something underneath his cloak. But what? It could be a large weapon, but if he is in a position of authority, (which he apparently is, based on the fact that the Skakdi seems to be following his lead,) he would be toting it around in plain sight so as to intimidate prisoners. The two don't seem to know each other very well, so that suggests that he doesn't interact with other guard members often, as they don't seem to have all that many Ko-Koro law enforcers anymore. Conclusion: Keep an eye on large bump under cloak, and exploit their lack of experience working together. "I'm flattered that you care so much, but I'll be fine on my own." "You were in that cell for three days, Kai. Why leave now? If you take one footstep in any direction without my command, you'll become a dartboard." "I left because there is a group of very dangerous people on the loose, and if nobody but me is willing to do what it takes to rid the island of those people, then I guess that means that I'm the one who is going to have to save us all."
  24. CleanBurn it all. It must be cleanedburnt. It's much quicker that way. Coe's Quest. Yep. Basically how it works is that you spawn in a river biome. On the left side of the River Biome there is a snow biome filled with Christmas cheer. On the right, a forest biome, filled with diamonds and lapis.
  25. IC:Kai ~Escaping Prison~ ...and inside the ajar door stood Kai, wearing gloves, goggles, and some kind of shirt and pants made out of a soft looking fabric. In his hands was an electro-chute blade and attached to his back, where his guns used to be, an empty zamor launcher(empty of course.) "I don't want to kill anybody. Just let me leave, and nobody will get hurt."
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