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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Posts posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:KaiThe Vortixx continued firing, most of his shots aimed at spots which would not kill the Toa if they were to connect. As he fired, he began backing up, hoping to further the distance between the two fighters.IcarinThe Toa of Ice strolled up towards Kai and Krian's fight, and joined the growing crowd(Kreigero, Terop, Veros, Atonal, Lara, and the NPC Skakdi Guard). "So, what's all this about?"

  2. IC:KaiKrian attacked with a stab. That was his frist mistake. Stabs were easy to block, as long as your weapon had a larger range than your opponents. Simply hitting the hand hard enough, or batting the sword to the side would save your life. Keeping this in mind, along with the fact that Krian was most likely going to attack twice seeing as he had so many weapons on his person, Kai shot first at Krian's hand, hoping to make him drop the sword, and then at the sword itself, hoping to knock it away from his body.

  3. IC:Kai"If you did, things would go a lot smoother Soundblaster." Kai replied, continuing to put on his armor. Luckily it was made of a cotton like material, and was easily put on. "I'm trying to save this island, and if I have to destroy this entire island and rebuild it from scratch to do so, then that's fine by me." He pointed one of the guns at Krian. "Also, judging by your appearances you should be in bed. Take a break from stopping me. Visit Pearl's grave while you recover. I won't do anything as drastic as blowing up a Koro for quite a while, and if I do, I'll be sure to send you a Gukko* or something."OOC:*Sending a Gukko is supposed to be akin to sending a Carrier Pigeon.

  4. IC:KaiThe Vortixx's eyes drooped at the sight of Krian. "Oh come on! I had it all planned out. You were to come after I had taken care of these two. And the Skakdi. But he doesn't really matter." The Vortixx continued into the hut, and opened up the case. Inside lay his elementally resistant armor. He quickly began to put it on.

  5. IC:KaiDen fired a shot at Kai, hoping to hit him while he was distracted with Veros. The Vortixx leapt backwards, shooting at Veros and dodging Den's attack at the same time. Den's attack also had the unfortunate side effect of blowing a hole in Atonal's wall.

  6. IC:Den Simantiko"What he said." Den said, pointing his Electro Chute Blade at Kai, the Vortixx's shot having been knocked aside by Den's Impact Vision. "I don't know about these two, but I ain't gonna just lie down and let you murder me. I got a wife and two kids that'll miss me if I die."OOC:Waiting for AMC before I post as Kai.

  7. IC:Not-Yet-Named-NPC-Guard-Who-Has-A-Family-Back-Home-That-Will-Be-Recieving-A-Letter-If-He-Dies"Nah, just the armor and the fact that he's a Vortixx." The Guard tapped his chin, then spoke up again. "Oh yeah! Eye witnesses claim he stole a guns from a bystander that tried to stop him."Kai flinched inwardly. He had the rifles on his back. Obviously Veros would have noticed this, as rifles were hard to conceal. "### this." He quickly drew the two rifles and fired at the Skakdi and Veros, hopefully forcing the two to back off. He then bolted towards the hut he had glanced at earlier, as if retreating.

  8. IC:KaiThe Vortixx rolled his eyes. "And before you ask Mr. Toa of Plasma, I've been thinking about it for a week 'cause that's when I first learned I couldn't leave 'till I proved that I wasn't the terrorist." This is taking way too long. If I don't get out in a minute, I'm just gonna do it the flashy way. ...I hate the flashy way so much."Can't confirm or deny that." The guard answered, speaking before Veros could question whether or not Kai was telling the truth. "There were a lot of Vortixx that we had to keep here. And to tell the truth, they all look the same to me." He shrugged. "It's possible he's telling the truth."

  9. IC:Kai"Problematic? You're threatening me now?" Kai asked, cowering behind Atonal. Kai glanced at what remained of a house, remembering exactly where he had hid a case earlier that week while he was planning a way out of the Koro."Sir, could you stop scaring the suspect?" The Skakdi asked, stepping towards Veros. "We aren't allowed to arrest anyone unless you have proof that they're the terrorist."

  10. IC:Kai"No! Use elemental powers on me! I don't have the armor!" Kai said, faking desperation. "Well... Not yours of course, as that would really hurt, but the Toa of Ice! He can prove I don't have the armor!"

  11. IC:KaiThe Vortixx cowered, backing up a few paces before bumping into Atonal. "W-W-What? I thought you were going to help me!" Kai said, putting as much worry into his voice as possible. Veros' actions drew the attention of the guards, one of the Skakdi drawing closer to the Toa of Plasma, Atonal, and Kai. "What's going on here?"

  12. IC:Kai"Oh. Okay." The Vortixx walked in silence for a moment then spoke up again. "It's just that most Vortixx are born with a mechanical proficiency, and that leads to us talking about our mechanical genius quite a lot." They were nearing the gates. The next post by either Ordinary Magician or Fullmetal AlchemistMayCry should get the group to the gates.

  13. IC:KaiKai nodded in thanks to Atonal as his hands stopped being frozen. "No, not really." Kai smiled. "The ash on you guy's armor gives it away. Well... that and the fact that you entered the city, and almost immediately commented on it being cold." He rolled his eyes. "You guy's aren't much for small talk are you?"

  14. IC:Kai"I hate to bother you with trivial things like I am, but it's just that if you lead me to the guards with my hands frozen, they might assume that I'm the terrorist and that you two took me captive." Kai really didn't like the Plasma Toa. He was too paranoid for his own good. "Anyways, how is Kini Nui this time of year?"

  15. IC:Kai"No, nothing like that." Kai said shaking his quickly. "I just need you to walk over to the gate with me and freeze my hands or something. The terrorist has a element nullifying suit of armor, and if you freeze my hands it'll prove that I'm either not the terrorist, or that if I am the terrorist that I've left the suit of armor in the city and I'm no longer a threat."

  16. IC:Kai"Well, you guys heard about the Ko-Koro bombing, right?" Kai asked. "Well since then, they've not let any Vortixx that even resemble the culprit exit the village. Until they find the culprit, they won't let me out on the off chance I'm either associated with him, or that I actually am him in disguise." Kai gave Veros and Atonal a pleading look, one that he had been practicing for the last week in the hopes that he would find someone that would believe his story. And practice makes perfect, the look he gave seemed to be genuine. "I just want to go home... I have a girl back in Ga-Koro, and I'm sure she's worried sick..."

  17. IC:Amos ~The Streets~

    "A friend." Amos stated flatly. "No offense, but that sounds kinda shady. Can you think of an event or something that will help him confirm that you're one of his friends instead of some evil villain trying to kill him? 'Cause if he gets the wrong message and thinks that you're evil, he might attack me."

  18. IC:Gaol ~City of Souls~

    "I'd be more than happy to help them sort out their superiority complex Paradox, but there's always the chance they might just target the bomb and attempt to kill both sides of the battle." Gaol replied, glancing around their surroundings once again, before starting forwards. "But I guess there's no avoiding it. Let's just keep pressing forward, we're almost there."

  19. IC:Kai ~Interacting with Atonal & Veros~

    One Week Ago

    Kai strode away, leaving Krian in the snow. "K-Kai!" Retsel called out, stumbling behind his companion. Kai continued walking, ignoring the Lesterin's cries. "Kai! You have to take me to a hospital! I'll die without medical treatment!" Retsel began coughing up blood, the poison finally getting to him as he attempted to crawl to the nearest hospital, completely forgetting the fact that they were all blown up. "Kai you #######!" And with that the Lesterin, his body already weak due to the extreme cold, gave in to the poison and died, his disks of weakness falling to the ground on top of him, where they would be dug up by the observant Krian a week later.


    Hmm... Two Toa, both male. Kai thought, observing Veros and Atonal's entrance into the Koro. It had been one week since he had blown up the village, and Kai had grown very adept at analyzing possible threats. He had attempted to leave the Village of Ice as soon as possible, but it seemed that the Ko-Koro Guard had other ideas, posting guards at the exit who were trained to recognize the Vortixx Terrorist and take him down. They knew about his elemental resistant armor, and had planned accordingly, having Vortixx and Skakdi help the Matoran guards, the top three species to go too when needing non-elemental powered fighting prowess.They're covered in a light coating of ash, which means that they either just got here from the south-eastern side of the island, or that they just finished fighting a Toa of Fire. They aren't injured in any way, so the latter idea is less probable. They also don't look very tired, they can't have come very far. If they had taken rests along the way to make the long journey easier on their body they'd be used to the cold and not commenting on it now. Thus, it is most likely that they just arrived from Kini-Nui.But why? One is in the usual armor of a Ko-Toa. Well... He could've had his soul drained, as that produces about the same color, but that is highly unlikely. The other is in red armor, Toa of Fire maybe? No... He'd be using his elemental powers to keep them warm if that was the case. Then, Plasma maybe? But what reason would a Toa of Plasma and a Toa of Ice have for visiting Ko-Koro after being in Kini-Nui for a time? Home sickness? Anyways, it doesn't matter, neither one seems to be proficient enough in battle to be a threat to me.The Vortixx walked over to the two, being sure to stay in the shade so as not to reveal his face. "Hey there, would you two mind helping me with a problem of mine?"OOC:Probably the longest post I've ever written just to have my character say "Hi." to another character. :P

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