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Mad Scientist BioBeast

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Posts posted by Mad Scientist BioBeast

  1. IC:Miha ~Khijow's Abode~


    "No thank-you." Miha responded politely, standing up to leave just as Khijow's maid walked in with the food. "I wouldn't have anyplace to put it, and if I did, I would probably break it during my travels."

  2. IC:Miha ~Khijow's Abode~


    "You mean a safe way to peel away your face, remodel it, and put it, back on?" Miha asked sarcastically. "Not that I've heard of. And unless there's some new kind of Vortixx tech that can make it happen, I doubt you'll find a doctor that can find one."

  3. IC:Miha ~Khijow's Abode~


    Miha sighed. This man apparently didn't even remember her name, which kinda indicated that he was very foolish. Foolish enough to invite perfect strangers into his house without even knowing their name. (Even though he did know Miha's name. He had just forgotten it.) The women he invites over aren't murderers. How would he even know? He apparently doesn't know my name, and he took my word that I was a professional doctor without even asking for proof. Is he daft? Or is he simply pretending to be? Either way, rebuilding someone's face just because it's ugly is a vain risk, one that I'm not willing to take. "Miha. Like I said earlier. Anyways, I'm afraid I can't do what you ask. Not that I'm incapable mind you, it's just that such an operation would needlessly endanger your life. And I'm not the kind of person to needlessly endanger somebody's life."

  4. IC:Miha ~Khijow's Abode~


    "You do realize that taking off your mask is hazardous to your health? That weakening feeling you get when you take it off isn't love-sickness or anything sappy like that, it's your life force draining away." She rolled her eyes. "I mean, I know that going without your mask isn't lethal, but it still puts an extreme toll on your body. I mean, what if one of these women was actually an assassin sent to steal your fortune? You'd be completely helpless." She knew she must sound paranoid, but after the karz she had gone though during her life, she was actually surprised that Khijow hadn't been mugged before now. "And don't tell me that I'm being ridiculous. You're richer than the majority of this island put together. You should be happy you haven't been targeted by thieves and murderers before."

  5. IC:Miha ~Khijow's Abode~


    Miha frowned. "Well first off, have you tried just getting a new mask or something? I mean, your Kanohi covers most of your face, so unless you go around without your mask on a lot, your face shouldn't even be a problem for you..."

  6. IC:Miha ~Khijow's Abode~


    Miha could really care less about the Stone House, but she pretended to be interested. "Yes, that was a very brilliant idea." She sat down on the couch. "Now, what exactly is your problem?"

  7. IC:Miha ~Outside Ga-Koro Hospital~


    Miha grinned. So, this snooty guy's looking for a doctor eh? "Well, apparently you do have business with me. The name's Miha Visic, daughter of the renowned doctor Toa Virthee, and by far the best doctor you're ever going to meet." She sneered at the Ga-Koro hospital. "Those brakas in their fancy hospital have no skill. Or class."


    "Miha! You're okay!"


    "Well of course I'm okay. What, did you think I died or something?"

  8. IC:Miha ~Outside of Ga-Koro Hospital~


    "That's not very impressive." Miha said, sizing up the suit, tie, the extremely unnecessarily fancy pants and boots, and the white shirt. "In fact, why do you even bother wearing those? Armor's much more practical. It keeps you from getting killed, while those..." She gestured at Khijow's unusual wardrobe. "Just make you a bigger target."

  9. IC:Miha ~Near Ga-Koro Hospital~


    Kihjow, being the well dressed Toa that he was, was drawing a lot of attention from the people who had never met the... unique Toa before. In fact, being so well dressed made him stand out like a sore thumb. He stood out so much that Miha stopped and stared at the Toa for a second, amazed that a man with such an ugly mug could manage to pull off the well dressed look as well as he did. However, the black suit also happened to remind her of cloaks that Turaga wore. So, naturally, she decided to ask him about this resemblance in the nicest way she could think off.


    "Hey, you in the suit! Why are you wearing old people clothes?"


    Spending a month in the jungle by yourself can make your social skills deteriorate. A lot.






    Estimated likelihood of approval: 0%

    Well, Nuju Did Approve the nuking-equivilient of what happened to Ko-Koro, if you remember.


    I'd just like to say right now that he only approved me destroying things that could easily be repaired. Hence why only huts and easily repairable shops were destroyed.



    Well... holes in mountains are easily repaired, right? Just get a toa of stone. :bucktooth:


    The holes, yes. The massive amounts of damage caused by the lava flowing out of said hole, not so much.




    Estimated likelihood of approval: 0%

    Well, Nuju Did Approve the nuking-equivilient of what happened to Ko-Koro, if you remember.


    I'd just like to say right now that he only approved me destroying things that could easily be repaired. Hence why only huts and easily repairable shops were destroyed.

  12. IC:Miha ~Near Ga-Koro Hospital~


    The Le-Matoran snuck into Ga-Koro, head held low. It had been around a month since she had been exiled from Ga-Koro(at least, she thought it had been a month, it was hard to keep track of time when living in the wilderness all by yourself.) and she had finally decided she had to sneak in and grab some medical herbs, and sneak out. However, even though she took precautions to stay unnoticed, she still stood out like a sore thumb, a small Le-Matoran child that hadn't been around civilization for a couple weeks probably looked really strange, especially considering she probably had a twig or two hanging from her armor, and damp leaves sticking to her from when she had been forced to make her own bed in the wilderness.


    OOC:Miha open for interaction.

  13. In regards to healing discussion: I was unaware that the Toa Metru were able to heal an ash bear. HOWEVER, this is what BS01 says:



    Encountering an injured Ash Bear in the archives, Nokama encouraged the Toa to perform an experiment, using a minute portion of their Toa power to heal it.


    You can't use your Toa power in this game. You can use elemental power, but not Toa power. What's the difference, you ask? Again, to BS01:


    Toa Power
    is latent energy within all
    destined to become Toa.


    Elemental Powers
    are special powers known to be wielded by several
    in the


    The two are entirely different. Elemental powers are accessible by any Toa, but Toa Power cannot be used without staff permission. That's why Matoran can't become Toa, and Toa can't become Turaga without specific staff permission: the transformation is an amazing character development tool that is only given to those who have earned it.


    So healing without using a Mask of Healing is prohibited, unless given staff permission.


    Alright. What I found on BS01 said that they used elemental power, but I guess that was a typo.


    In Mask of Light, we saw Gali, Lewa and Kopaka use healing powers on Tahu. Do all Toa in the RP have such abilities, or do they have to have a Mask of Healing?


    I would say that such powers demonstrated in MoL are only able to be used by the Toa Nuva, who do not exist in this game. So, no, you would need a Mask of Healing.


    But the Toa Metru healed an Ash Bear by channeling raw energy into a sphere of water. So it's not just the Toa Nuva who have healed other beings...

  15. OOC:Really don't have time to RP right now, so I'm just gonna put Kai into inactivity, and actually get rid of Icarin. This was taking too long...IC:IcarinThe toa of Ice was about to respond, but then he fell to the ground. Dead. Thanks to an assassin that had thrown an axe at him from very far away, using a Kanohi Sanok to make sure his attack hit.KaiThe Vortixx was promptly taken to jail by Den(that was his name, right?) and imprisoned with a life sentence.

  16. IC:Icarin"So you just admitted to working with terrorists, and you still haven't shown me any definite proof. Why should I believe you now more than I should've before?"

  17. IC:IcarinIcarin presented his Ko-Koro Guard badge/thingy/whateveritisinthisuniversethatproovesthatyou'reapartofthelocallawenforcement that he had used back when he was a member of the Ko-Koro guard. It was possible that it was outdated (assuming they update them) but how on earth would Valja know that?

  18. IC:IcarinIcarin ignored the fact that the Turaga somehow knew that he was attacking Krian, when there were like at least six other Toa of Ice in the crowd that had gathered. "He killed my sister. He's a mass murderer. I'm doing this land a favor."

  19. IC:IcarinThe Toa simply pushed his staff forwards, then upwards, unhooking his scythe from the opponent's weapons before they could unarmed him. Hopefully someone that could reach above his waist would attempt to kill him.OOC:'Cause this character is boring. And when characters I role-play as get boring, I kill them off to make up for the fact that almost nobody dies in the BZPRPG.

  20. IC:IcarinOr, Valja would've whacked Icarin in the face, if she wasn't a Turaga, and thus only able to reach Icarin's waist. But, she did hit him in the stomach, which prompted him to draw his scythe, and swing it at the Turaga halfheartedly, in an attempting to keep the annoyance away. Xare's attack was negated, as Icarin was absorbing the ice/cold/snow around him to power his attacks, which meant the foot-attacking-ice was absorbed before it could do any real damage.

  21. IC:Ankt ~Southeast Corner of Pala-Koro~

    "'Kay." Ankt replied, tossing his spear. He then picked up and tossed Verak with one hand, using his mask to make sure that Verak flew quickly towards their annoying winged foe.

  22. IC:Ankt ~Southeast Corner of Pala-Koro~

    Ankt yanked on the vine, causing the spear to stop and reverse course, allowing Ankt to catch it in one swift movement. Noting that Shinn was aiming his gun at Ankt yet again, Ankt took a step to the side when Shinn braced his arm to shoot, allowing him to dodge the Vortixx's attack yet again.

  23. IC:Ankt ~Southeast Corner of Pala Koro~

    Ankt dodged to the left, rolling out of harms way. "Well, that certainly makes this interesting." Ankt, who had finished tying the vine to his spear, now chucked the spear at Shinn, hoping to impale the annoying opponent with the glowing wings.

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