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Blog Comments posted by Lenore

  1. Person of Interest. It's on Netflix and it's amazing, the first season starts out a bit slow but it gets way better. Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter are also pretty good.


    I don't watch too much anime but I really like Kuroko's Basketball. It has some language and other stuff but it's really great.

  2. NAME: Nevermore

    ALTERNATE NAME: Nev or The Pilgrim Shadow

    SPECIES: Agori

    ELEMENT: Iron

    OTHER INFO: Nevermore is one of the surviving remnants of the nearly destroyed Iron Tribe. During his flight he was able to disguise himself as a Rock Agori and slip in among the Skrall. For an Agori Nevermore is tall and rather thin, he wears typical Rock Tribe armor and the only signs of his true Tribe are woven iron bandages wrapped around his arms and neck and an orange plated sword made out of alien materials he found with his friend Atakus. His personality has been deeply submerged since his Tribes demise and he never was much of a talker. Nevermore has a natural talent for being able to attract no attention and is very skilled at controlling other perception of him. Of late he has been dreaming less.

  3. The Tell Tale Heart.

    I do like that. I'm probably going to stick to a theme of literary references (mostly poetry). 





    I'll save that for when I feel utterly loopy. Too bad I already had my wisdom teeth removed. XP

    • Upvote 1
  4. Technic Tournament 23: Eye of the Technic


    Technic Tournament 24: The Great Technic


    Technic Tournament 25: The Technic Reborn


    Technic Tournament 26: The Technic Rising


    Technic Tournament 27: The Fires of Technic


    Technic Tournament 28: The Technic of Chaos


    Technic Tournament 29: A Crown of Technic


    Technic Tournament 30: The Path of Technic


    Technic Tournament 31: Technic's Heart


    Technic Tournament 32: Crossroads of Technic


    Technic Tournament 33:Technic of Dreams


    Technic Tournament 34: The Gathering Technic


    Technic Tournament 35: The Towers of Technic


    Technic Tournament 36: A Memory of Technic

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