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Posts posted by Indigogeek

  1. MOL: give the other turaga more lines, or make them appear more, have the toa and turaga have some significance during the battle with terry other than just standing around.


    LOMN: show backstory of nidihki and lhikan's relationship, have the finding of the disks take up more time, AND add the matoran and ahkmou's betrayal.


    WOS: show backstory of hagah, other than that I can't think of much. :P


    TLR: Show mata nui being cast off, be less comedic, like the trilogy, and either show the new body rising or the final battle between terry and mata nui (I know that would probably would have been covered in the next movie, but it was never made.)

  2. I'm not sure if this would be the right place for this, but I'm having a problem with taking apart some of my mocs. :( I seem to have a tube that I slid onto a long axle, and I can't seem to remove it, even with large amounts of force. (If you don't know what pieces i'm referring to: tube: http://www.peeron.com/inv/parts/78 Axle: http://www.peeron.com/inv/parts/3708 ) i'm sure i'm not the only one to have this problem, but it won't come off. If it helps, this is from muaka and kane-ra, so it is old, although my sets are in good condition. Please help!

  3. Username: Takua123Theme: The GameWord Count: 413Story: A Game of Tag.The man ran behind a small house. He stood still, stiffly panting. Fear was in his eyes, and knew not why. A week earlier he was walking on the street, it was a normal day. All until a grizzled, old man staggered towards him. His eyes showed he didn’t have long. “It’s too late for me. I’m sorry.” He coughed. “So, so sorry. It’s you now. He’s looking for you. Don’t let him touch you. Never, never.” The Man fell to the ground, dead. The man noticed a black fingerprint on his cold hand.Ever since then he had been scared. He got a letter in the mail a couple hours later saying he should run, and that the sender would be looking for him. Being the superstitious type, he had gotten on a plane, and hid at his summer house in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, he was not far behind. It was a big chase, and the man never knew what would happen if he gave up, he only thought of that one day, when that man collapsed. That had driven him to run, to hide, and to fear.He knew the victim was behind the house. He was ready. As a child the other kids feared him. They wouldn’t let him play their games, do what they do. Ever since the accident. He was making up for it now. This was all just a big game of tag, and he was finally playing. This was his game, and he was having fun. He always had something wrong with him. He was never allowed to touch anybody, or bad things would happen. His parents died at a young age, and he went from orphanage to orphanage. He was now in his 30’s, and longed to play the games he missed.The victim was just behind the corner, but once he was “tagged” he would not be satisfied. The man was just within finger reach of him. They looked into each other’s eyes. He spoke. “I will let you live. If I touch you right now you die. I want to play more.” The other man looked at him in fear. It was all a game to this hunter of his. Then again, a game can be very serious to certain people. “Do it now, I don’t want to run anymore.” They looked into each other’s eyes for the longest of time. Then the hunter walked away, and the prey was free, for now.

  4. Member Name: Takua123Theme: FlightWord Count: 458Story: Tamaru’s JourneyTamaru stood, legs dangling off of the brittle platform of one of the many Le-Matoran huts. He sighed. Looking up, he saw gukko birds soaring through the wind. He smiled, longing the soaring air and thrill of flight. Looking down once again, his doubts began once more. A Le-Matoran sat down right next to him. It was Kongu. “What’s wrong Tamaru? We’re all celebrating, and you’re here, come and join us!” Kongu began to smile, but Tamaru still frowned. Tamaru picked up a rock and threw it at a tree in anger. “Here’s the thing: I want to fly, so bad. It’s been my dream. But then I look down…” Kongu laughed. “Why didn’t you say so? Before we let the new recruits of the Gukko Force go up wind-riding, we have them glide a couple feet above the ground, come on! We’ll take Ka out and you’ll get your wish!”Kongu took Tamaru to a long stretch of clear land. The ground was trampled from previous flights. Kongu gave a short whistle and Ka dive down through the trees. Kongu turned to Tamaru. Alright, you drive, I’ll ride as second. Just pull the reigns in direction you want Ka to go, it’s that simple. The two matoran got up on the Gukko Bird, and Ka began to run. Tamaru concentrated. He pulled up on the reigns and Ka started to glide. Tamaru laughed. “WOO HOO! I feel like Toa Lewa!” It was a couple minutes before Kongu spoke. “Alright Tamaru, take her down whenever your comfertable.” “No.” Kongu took at Tamaru. His determined posture revealed he was about to do something. Tamaru pulled up quickly on the reigns. Ka looked back at Kongu, with a questioning look in his eyes. Kongu smiled and nodded. Ka screeched out and rose through the thick, green canopy.Tamaru looked around him. Bright green canopy could be seen far below him, and Mount Ihu could be seen in the foggy distance. The Le-Matoran peered down at the ground, but was not afraid. “I’m flying Kongu, I’m flying!” Tamaru cheered and did a nosedive. He could see Le-Koro in the distance. He began to lower and landed on the main platform of the village. Le-Matoran were still playing their instruments, and Tamaru joined in this time.Hours later, Kongu came upon Tamaru, in the same dangling position as before, with a more determined glance in his eye. Kongu sat down. “Tamaru, you did excellent.” Tamaru turned to Kongu. “Thank you.” Kongu stood up. “We don’t get many good Gukko riders here in Le-Koro, I would like if you joined the guard. Think about it, it can be dangerous.” Kongu walked off, and Tamaru ran after him, his answer already decided.

  5. Ok, why is there an ice element? Ice is only a forzen version of water, so shouldn't Toa of water be able to manipulate it? Can Toa of Water melt ice? And because all "water" in the Matoran auaniverse is protodermis, shouldn't Toa of Water be able to manipulate other forms of protodermis? Also, can Toa of Water drain an area?

  6. Ugh, that thing next to Onua is going to bug me.My guess is #5 has something do with Bionicle's future sotryline. The top image looks a lot like the MN robot, any guesses at what that thing could be, if it was of the future?Maybe a great being?

  7. Name: KiiraGender: FemaleFaction: Ga-KoroSpecies: MatoranElement: WaterPreferred Weapons/tools: Limited Noble Komau, Piccilo, short knife, cloak.Bio: Kiira is a Ga-Matoran spy, which has been assigned a task: To desquise herself as a Ta-Matoran and destroy their koro from the inside out. To do this, she must find a matoran named The Blacksmith, who can craft the finest Ta-Matoran Armor on the island. Also, Kiira has the unique ability to make her voice seem more masculine. When desquised, the name she adopts is Kero

  8. Member Name: Takua123Theme: TreasureWord Count: 599Story: DesireJune 29: I brush the sand off of my pants, but more sand only replaces it seconds later. The dust storm has been going on for a few days now. I could remember when I signed up. They needed recruits. Course, who would sign up for it? I mean, the flyer read: "Recruits needed for expedition. No guaranteed return." The kind of scum that signed up was greedy, and had nothing left to lose. Gold and jewels were their drugs. I see a lean, small man, we don’t know his name, and he won't share it. He carries a small sapphire around his neck, he's got nothing else. Sometimes I see em up late at night, caressing that gem. It scares me. Me? I'm not greedy, and I wouldn't say I'm much scum. I've lost my wife, my job, my kids. I got nothing left. So I said to myself, "Why not?'July 1: We woke up to one of the men dead. He's the first. The was a big man, and I was surprised how long he lasted. At least the storm cleared up. All we have now is the sea of sand and each other. God I hope I can do this.July 5: We found a ruined structure stickin out of the ground today. The Boss says this is it. We've started to dig it up. Might take a while. I see eager faces all around me. The little riches that go around our team are wanted by everyone. These kinds of people scare me, and I don’t know how I could be so obsessed.July 7: We’ve established camp here. With the few tents we have I share mine. My mate is The Sapphire Man. It’s been hard to sleep. I don’t know if it’s the constant rambling and muttering of The Sapphire Man or the odd sounds I hear below me. Constant creaking and moaning can be heard below me. I feel scared at night.July 16: After days of digging The Boss says we’ve reached it. I peer down at the pit. I can see a large pile of gold and jewels at the bottom. It looks amazing… Two men quickly jump down. They seem eager, and it looks like they both have lost some goods. The two men are fighting over the treasure. When the dust clears they are dead. Both of their arms lay over the others necks.July 20: Several men have killed each other. The treasure seems to glow. It’s gorgeous. They have dug a staircase down to the bottom, and the less insane, the living, descend. There are only about 10 of us now, including The Boss, Sapphire Man, and me. The bottom shows long stone hallways. Fighting breaks out between us all and I grab some of the goods and flee. I hide now. The gold I have seems to sparkle.July 25: I need more. I need it. I need it. I rush out to the pit to find the treasure gone. I clasp what treasure I own and ascend the stairs. At the top I see ruin. The tents are gone and bodies lie everywhere. I see The Sapphire Man, dead, his precious gone. Treasure lies scattered. I grab it. But I need more, more. I hear groaning I look to my right to see The Boss, barely living. I walk over to him. He holds in his hands the remaining treasure. He looks up, and says: “Your eyes, they’re, different.” Then he is still. I pick up his treasure, but now, I NEED MORE.

  9. Member Name: Takua123Theme: Legends of LhiiWord Count: 526Story: EyesVakama looked around him. Fire from the middle of the amaja circle illuminated the eager faces of matoran, each waiting intently for the turaga of fire to begin. He smiled. Vakama was glad that at least some still wanted to hear the stories of an old turaga. He searched the crowd to find Jaller. He always attended. If only he knew. The turaga thought.With the toa faced against hordes of bohrok, and destruction everywhere, dark times were upon the matoran. Although the matoran were exited for another tale of the great Lhii, Vakama saw something different in the matoran. Vakama relized that most of the faces in the small crowd were anxious, and their eyes seemed opaque and still. It seemed the only real light came from the small fire.Vakama began. "Welcome, my friends, to yet another ledgend of Lhii, the Ta-Matoran of bravery and skill." The fire almost seemed to glow in certain parts, forming a blurry picture. Through the fire the waves lapping the shore of Mata Nui seemed to transform into waves of lava and heat.The Ta-Matoran peered down the river of molten lava. A fairly large wave surged forward. Lhii readied his lava board. This will be fun. In the opposite direction Lhii could see a bank, in which several matoran stood. Some were of his village, and some were just wearly travellers who decided to make a quick stop. Lhii waved to the matoran, and they seemed eager to see him surf.The wave was approaching. Lhii readied his board, but something stopped him. A sharp cracked occured. Lhii looked to the bank to see a chunk of rock that split away. On that rock was a fearful Le-Matoran. Lhii began to ready himself. The Le-Matoran was now in the middle of the river.Vakama looked around at the matoran. They all seemed transfixed on the fire, as if the flame was telling the story. A Po-Matoran looked up at the turaga. "Something wrong turaga?" Vakama shook his head. "No, nothing wrong." He continued.Lhii paddled towards the chunk of rock. He hopped on, and looked at the terrified matoran. "Are you alright?" He replied, a bit shaky. "Oh, ever-great. We wave-surf all the time in Le-Koro." Lhii ignored the matoran. The wave picked up the rock. Balancing it, Lhii began to surf. Swaying back and forth. Eeventually the two matoran reached a nearby bank. The Le-Matoran jumped to shore. "Thank you! You're like a toa-hero!" The matoran ran off, but the words stuck with Lhii, forever.Vakama swiped his staff through the fire. It went out, but it seemed to go on. Many small, bright eyes stared at vakama, and it seemed to him that they lit up the amaja circle. Vakama stood up. "Along with tonight's story comes a lesson." Vakama peered at the many of eyes. "No matter how bad things get, you can help your own kind. The toa came as protectors, and I think we need to learn to protect ourselves." The matoran began to disperse. The Po-Matoran from before came up to vakama, and simply said "thank you."Oh, and are you allowed to enter one of the 12 later? (Say, post the visions one today, the 28th.)

  10. A couple questions about my profile picture. First, is it smaller than everybody elses profile pics? It looks a lot smaller to me, and if so, how do I change this?

  11. I just noticed something interesting about the game: each time you play it, the quarry key that can be found in Po-Koro unlocks a different statue. I always thought it was just the one for Tahu's sculpture, but this time around, I got Lewa's.

    Yea, that happens. Wow, I was digging through my closet, and I found this: All these drawings I made in kindergarden with writing (with backwards s's) of mnolg, and what to do. I was playing early, how cute. :D
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  12. Ok, so it is canon. Cool. Actually, now that I look at it, #9 could be the gate that opens to the battle between terridax and the toa at the end of mnolg.Man, but I still can't tell what the being next to onua is in #5, I have no clue at all!

  13. When I first played, I actually thought that we were playing as a human (Probably yourself) exploring the island. It wasn't 'til the end until I realized we were playing as Takua. Or that Takua even existed. I still remember that I actually felt like I was exploring a new world when I played so long ago. Like I was actually seeing what the people of this mysterious, new island did, and that I was exploring and becoming a part of their culture. It was one of the most immersive games I've ever played, maybe even the most immersive. Looking back, I realize it's a huge reason why I loved Bionicle so much as a kid.

    I agree. The first time I played it, I knew I was a character in the bionicle storyline, but I didn't know who I was. This gave a new look to the game, and it made me feel like I was finding out who I was as I travelled the game. Even now when I play it I never really relize i'm takua until the end,
  14. Interesting. When I see #4 I think it might represent the rahi seen through the game, and the evil and infection that comes with them. ( One looks like a nui jaga, one looks like a nui rama) Also, #9 seems to me now as the gatwe opening to takua at the end of the game, in which, like you said, the bohrok awake.Also, strangly, #5 at the top looks to me like the MN robot. It could be, as indications to the future storyline can be seen in mnolg. (Nixies hut shows an astrological map showing 3 planets, one bigger than the others, and the sundial points to four o clock, which is where karda nui would be located.) Thought that was kinda cool. :D

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