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Posts posted by Indigogeek

  1. Damaracx 7.0 recentlly posted a topic asking about overused pieces. What do you guys think are some pieces that should have been used more in bionicles run? This is different than your favorite kanohi for example, where it's hard to incorporate. What are some pieces that you think could have been used more in sets?

  2. Hey guys, i've been inspired to do some mocing of lesser known toa elements. Could someone give me a list of all known toa elements other than air, water, fire, earth, stone, ice, and light? And more importantly, what would be the best color scheme to represent these toa elements (i'm also looking for a way to differenciate between look alike elements, such as air and the green.) Thanks!

  3. whoo, memories.


    I remember playing MNOLG II and never getting past ga-koro because I would enter nixie's hut and a blue water droplet loading screen would freeze (am I the only one?)


    I remember the animations in 2005 that circled around the hordika and the MOL, and how I was so exited when one was released.


    I remember kanoka club.


    I remember the first time I saw the website, when I was 5 in 01. I had just gotten home with a friend from camp, and he had brought his toa tahu with him. I was so intrigued. When we got home he showed me the website, and we played through the drifts of mount ihu in MNOG. He's now going to college this year, and the website's shutting down. All chapters must end at some point.

  4. Gotta say, not too sure where this exactlly would go (I should know by now, but hey.) I was thinking about stuff and relized there's a lot in common with Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars and Toa Nidhiki. Both began fighting a great war against a dark side. Both had a brother to fight against and trust. Both were brave, and had good intentions. The "dark side" reached out to both, and tempation won both over. When it came to the end of the war, both sided with dark, and their brothers saw this. The "brothers" trusted this pair, and finally gave up on them. Their switch to another side marked the end of the war. Both heroes returned to the dark side, and were transformed for the worse. They were changed in a way that would never allow them to go back to their old ways, on the outside, and inside.


    Also, if the same case happened, but someone pointed out a muaka and said that it was a toa, would they turn into a muaka?

    No. Just no. Matoran aren't that stupid, and it's more complcated than that. If they never seen a Toa, then they just probably turn into a Toa, just a random Toa. It's only based on what they picture a Toa like, but not to the point of Rahi.

    Ok, mauka maybe a bit extreme, but picture when the matoran of voya nui thought the piraka were toa. (assuming they've never seen toa before, which i'm assuming if they think skadaki are toa) if they were to turn into toa, would they look skadaki like?

  6. 1. The Toa Metru brought the masks from the Great Temple, and hid them around the island.2. There were most likely Matoran with different masks around the island. It's probably becaus of artistic licence(or something similar, as other masks weren't invented during that time), and the fact that there are around 1000 Matoran here. TLG couldn't of showed all of them.3. I'm pretty sure that the Kanohi Nuva appeared when the Toa Mata transformed, around the same time as the elemental symbols. Partly because Kanohi Nuva weren't known to exist until then, and the symbols just randomly appeared when the transformation was complete, so I think of the same with the Kanohi Nuva.

    Why would the metru hide them? Why not keep them in the village, or even tell the mata the locations of the masks, also, how did the KN appear? Did someone make them appear?

  7. Since helryx was the first toa, many generations of toa must have been based of of her, as that's what they pictured, etc. I'm not really sure why the mata look the way they do. But any toa on mata nui were based of of the mata. This does bring up an interesting question. In theory, if a matoran was in complete isolation, and had never seen a toa, what would they look like if turned? Also, if the same case happened, but someone pointed out a muaka and said that it was a toa, would they turn into a muaka?

  8. Okay, a couple question I should probably know, and I'm suprised I don't First off, who place the original masks on the island of mata nui? Why? Were there extras (maybe more than 6 kakamas, etc.) Also, on the island of mata nui were there only 12 kanohi types in the villages? could there have been hypotheticlly more villagers we didn't see with different masks? Who put the kanohi nuva on the island? Why? Don't you think the toa would have found at least one kanohi nuva during their first quest? If not, why not? I'd really love to find out all this, just questions that popped into my mind. Thanks!

  9. Anybody else freaking out that Clara could read the Time war book??? It was in gallifreyan! And the TARDIS does not translate that stuff! What the? Anybody else catch this? No? Just me? Anyway, this backs up my theory that Clara's related to the doctor somehow.

    I'm sure it's just coincidence. Rose is gone. For Good. Nevermore. We established that when she got her own metacrisis doctor as a pet. But if it's not coincidence it's cute.


    Hide was a better episode so far in the mixed bag that is this half of the series, but I'm annoyed the Cyberman episode isn't next...then again, it looks like next week will be "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS", and while that was sort of done in The Doctor's Wife, this should be entertaining!


    2. The TARDIS speaks again! I thought the initial use of the voice interface system in Let's Kill Hitler was a bit out-of-nowhere (especially given that it came so soon after an episode that established that the TARDIS could not appear in human form and speak to the Doctor), but it's nice to see more of the TARDIS's personality (Sassy monotone Clara-TARDIS for the win!)



    Well the TARDIS has had an interface like that before - remember when it showed a 'if you're watching this I'm dead' message back in the ending episodes of Ecclestone? Granted it was a recording, but the TARDIS still chose to activate it...sort of. Besides, I like it when the TARDIS gets a few speaking lines/reactions. She's funny like that.

    Actually, Billie is confirmed for the 50th, so is David, so I think that it is certainly a refrence.

  10. Not sure if this needs tags but...

    Episode 11 1.swf. Sounds like som kind of file, not sure if it has any relevance to the story. Great find, though.

    I don't really pay attention to these things, to be honest.

    It is a file, withen the game, check it out ;)

  11. well, this is only one frame of the scene in which this happens, it might be hard to decode, but maybe the flashings between the frames spells out something? (lets says theres 10 frames, maybe the 0's and 1's in one relative spot say something.

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