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Posts posted by Indigogeek

  1. I just have to say this: You've gone an amazing job on MNOG:TBS! It's really great![:D] You've captured the essence of Bionicle in 2002![:D]

    Hana thanks! :P if anyone's waiting for a news update, we're still working on the battle engine, more specifically the animation. As I wait on nuparu to get it polished up, on e it's done the second half of chapter 2 should come quickly. Don't worry though, there has been progress! I've been scripting chapter 3 so when we're ready we have a good story, and I don't want to give any spoilers but it's gonna be a real solid chapter, full of character development, as well as a little foreshadow for chapter 3 in the first chapter. *cough* nuju says it *cough* ;) it's great you guys have been bearing with us. Nuparu has a job and I'm working on my Eagle Scout, we're pretty busy people. But thanks for your patience! :P
    • Upvote 3
  2. I don't think I've seen tohkann mentioned yet. He was that cool guy that had that fan made bionicle anime a couple years back. The guys from BNG and BQotT haven't done anything in a while but they were great a couple years back!


    As for today, I see nickonaquamagna with some good art, and not to self advertise (well maybe a little :P) but nuparu77 and I have worked pretty hard the last year on our MNOG sequel :P

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  3. Don't prefer the shape, but for sure the mohtrek. If you were to plan things out enough the possibilities could be amazing. You could at some point in the past wear all of the mask you think would be good to use in combat, then memorize when you do it. (Lets say you think fighters with Mirus could be useful in the future.) Now, if the future, when you're wearing a mohtrek, just bring forward the you from the past wearing a miru, and bam, 2nd mask power at your disposal. And you could KEEP doing this! Does that make sense? lol :P

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  4. Hey guys, so I need some help. If anyones memory serves them, there was an organization called "Bionicle: Quest of the Toa" (or BQOTT) I wanted to message anyone from the organization, about using some of the music they've created. Now the problem is I have no clue (and I apologize if this doesn't belong here, not sure where else i would) who was involved in it. If anyone knows who was, that would be great! :D

  5. Hey guys, now I know we've been rather sparing with updates to the game, and most of that is due to our hard work on the battle game engine, however i'm sorry to say we may have a bit more delay. Nuparu has been very busy, in between working on this, and his new job, and I still have school. We will still be devoting as much time as possible to the game, and your support will push us through this, but its just a bump, we'll be back on track eventually, so please try to be patient, i'm very sorry, but we are busy people :P. Don't worry though, once we get back on production, it will be very quick due to the game engine almost being complete. :D

    • Upvote 3
  6. People of the world, I present you, an isometric view of a pahrak (in 2 different poses, one ready, and the other attacking with the shield):





    I threw in parts from the 'bohrok and roll' image, the 'pahrak ball transformation' image and the tahnok kal image, al conveniently recoloured.

    The back view... I sincerely have no idea where to get it from...

    *tear it's.... beautiful.... but really this is great!


    So you grow older by a day every post, cool :P

    Actually he gets older by 10 years every post, until about 8 posts from now, when he turns 5. I suspect time travel shenanigans.

    LOL :D... I guess with this post I'm ten years older.


    Isometric view... Working on it already.

    BTW, would you like a recolourable bohrok with no shelds (which will be ready later) or a pahrak (which would be ready soon)?

    Apart from that, if you are looking for music, I made a le-koro remix (not much really).

    The Bohrok is already recolorable inside flash. All of the body parts are actually gray.


    As you can see in the image above, on my sidebar I specify an alpha (transparency) along with a RGB value for the given movieclip.

    Gray is the color I use because the lighter the color the more effect the RGB value has on it.

    This is why as long as you get a concept drawing done I can re-draw it inside flash where I can manipulate it around in the game.


    Also here is some more Bohrok stuff I have.


    For your remix, just wondering, how did you get the audio?

    Because extracting the original .mp3's from flash will give you the best quality and access to each individual sound track.



    Thinking ahead, where will we get models for characters not in the flash animations? (exo toa, cahdok, and gahdok)

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