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Posts posted by Indigogeek

  1. Ok, what is up with Lewa and luck? it seems Greg just hates the toa of air! Some notable blunders are:


    • Lewa getting taken over by an infected mask
    • Lewa getting taken over by a krana (lol)
    • Mistrust stemming from krana takeover from toa mata
    • Losing elemental powers (kal)
    • Reidak snapping his katana (only toa tool to be broken)
    • Lewa getting taken over by tren krom (seriously??)
    • Tren krom leaving lewa's body, just in time for teridax to boot the group into space
    • Trapped in prison with mad great being (only toa mata)
    • Possibly blown up by Velika in the future?

    Am I missing any other events? Please tell me if I am. I just find this so strange, how much Lewa gets stuck with this stuff. Is this purely coincidence? Am I crazy? is Greg evil? Please discuss!


    Also, Onua seems to save the day a lot for Lewa. He saved him from both the infected mask and the krana, and I'm pretty sure that there was another example. It also seemed like Onua could possibly save Lewa in the future, seeing as he is also in Bota Magna atm.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Yea, Bitil's area is interesting. I'm sure the only reason he got all that is because there probably isn't much on it.


    It WOULD be interesting for a story to take place on these "legs" of unexplored islands. I've said it before, possibly area for bionicle reboot? eh?


    As ever Tazakk, very impressed by your work. I always wonder how you get the scenery to look so nice using parts of the game. I myself have been mustering up background for MNOG 1.5 ,so I know it's tough to do.


    Just curious, what program do you use to animate? I want to start learning how to make these animations for out game :)



    I use Adobe Flash CS6. Good luck in your work on MNOG 1.5. The game seems to be coming along well!


    Thanks! :) Its interesting, we both have different fan media of the same saga, it will be interesting to see how they compare in the end when we reach ko-koro :) (which should be next chapter ;))

  4. Someday, I will take all of my LEGO's, put them in a huge bonfire-like pile, set them on fire bonfire-style, take the melted LEGO, put it into a massive LEGO shaped mold, let it cool and voilà! A massive LEGO brick. Then I'll rinse and repeat until I have enough massive LEGO bricks to build something awesome. No one can shake the LEGO out of me. :)



    And from the ashes of my childhood.. forms a new age of brick..


    I'd say I'd give my kids my bionicles to play with, but the thought of children tearing apart and breaking my complete 01-03 collection sickens me..


    I'll lock them up.


    In a vault.



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  5. As ever Tazakk, very impressed by your work. I always wonder how you get the scenery to look so nice using parts of the game. I myself have been mustering up background for MNOG 1.5 ,so I know it's tough to do.


    Just curious, what program do you use to animate? I want to start learning how to make these animations for out game :)



  6. This game should be considered canon. It looks and feels like an actual game you would find on Bionicle.com during the Bohrok saga. Of course, minor spelling and grammar errors, but even I barely noticed.

    This means the world to us :) It's really a shame we only got animations for the bohrok and bohrok kal sagas, and MNOG II just doesn't have the same feel. MNOG was really the best story outlet back then, and we'd like to explore more parts of the island during this huge saga. What of the toa facing the bahrag? Lewa vs Onua part II? (poor lewa :P) another great question is how significant the chronicler's company was? all of these questions will hopefully be answered in the game, and it will be amazing when its done :)



    :vahi: :infected: :smilejala: :smilematoro: :smilekongu: :smilemaku: :smilemirunu: :smilepohatunu: :smilegahlok: when did you finish an publie the game ?im so impatiente.sry but game iS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl






    Edit: Your post is a tiny bit difficult to understand. To avoid any confusion, please be a bit more clear next time!


    Hmm, like Wind said, i'm not too sure what you're trying to say, haha. If you mean when the game is going to be out to the public, check the first post on this topic by Nuparu77, there should be a download link to chapters 1 and part of chapter 2. We are currently working hard on implementing a minigame battle engine for the rest of chapter 2, but it sooo close to being done :)


    If anyone has assumed this game is on a break or something, i'm sorry. Nuparu works very hard coding the battle engine, and i've been putting together new scenes for the game. We are working behind the scenes, stay strong :P





    Well he got flying swords so it puts the Miru to uselessness.

    In the BIONICLE universe, there may be a high chance of weapons getting broken, damaged, or stolen, so backup gear, like Lewa's mask power, is always nice to have.


    Well yeah…I am aware of that..but have you seen Lewa's Flying swords ever get broken?


    that is like literally the ONE toa tool that was ever broken. Reidak snapped one of bad luck Miru's katana's in half back in '06. Sorry to jump of this, lol, just kinda found it funny :)


    EDIT: saw it was already covered, sorry! :)

  8. Im thinking the nuva would def need their own spots, but what if more generic characters had color changes? I think the piraka, visorak, and rahkshi would each have ONE spot, with color changes. Also, what if instead of assit trophies you had dark hunters aid you?

  9. Most of you have probably heard of the popular Nintendo fighting game Super Smash Bros. If you could have a realistic roster of bionicle characters, who would you have? I might add an image when I have some free time of my dream roster, but who could you see in a game like this, or what species/enemies?

  10. My favorite team has to be (and this is based on story alone, im not gonna diss sets) the toa nuva. I know thats a bit boring, but having these clashing personalities really makes the team click together. You literally couldn't have the team operate like they do missing a member. You can compare this to the metru for example, who for a while in 04 were separated into 2 groups, and still worked.


    My least favorite HAS to be the toa Hagah. I mean, its like they scrapped the personalities of the rahaga and COMPLETELY re did them! They go from being wise, elders who have learned from their mistakes to rash toa who seemed more foolish than the mata in the beginning! They fell for another trap... laid by terry, and they seemed so boring, compared to the wise mindset they had.

    • Upvote 3
  11. Coming from someone who had a lego magazine subscription 2003-2010, the comics for sure we're an easier outlet for storytelling, as they were free, and most lego club members had all of them at some point. The comics we're also very visually appealing, and I don't know what everyones talking about! I LOVED sayger's style! Personally, I would put it above the style for the Mata-nui arc, which looks very.. odd. The comics had that "what will happen next aspect"


    The book were wonderful as well, and were a joy to read, the problem was that you had to buy ALL of them to understand the story, although it did cover WOS better, and has a more in depth look on things like the OOMN, BOM, and various islands like xia, daxia, etc.


    Its a tie for me, but the books are far more informational, the comics were easier to get.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Now, one idea i've rarely heard seems like a pretty good one. It seems a complete re-boot is a bad idea, and just rebranding some story that doesn't seem to link in to the original is bad too. Starting where we left off or in x amount of years is bad IMO, as newcomers wouldn't have any idea what's going on, no attatchment to characters/lore, etc (and people have said bionicle was way to complex for a toy line anyway)


    My idea is this: http://bionicle.wikia.com/wiki/Matoran_Universe take a look at the MU. Sure, we've covered the top half of the robot, but look at the bottom half! Completely undiscovered, not even labelled! IIRC tahu and kopaka (i think?) did something with active volcanoes around these islands, but other than that NOTHING. What if bionicle came back, but as a parallel to our current story? You could introduce new species, characters, etc! New foes could be introduced, an entire story could be built, that would tie in to the regular story!


    There seem to be several islands, heck, you could even have a rival tribe that owns each island, keep that tribal/chima feel! This seems like a pretty good idea, and a better option for bionicle's return

  13. If Lego had decided to make a TV, a story revolving around the 2001 story would be awesome. Say bionicle had started now, a tv show would be very realistic. I could see it involving 36 episodes, in which at the end a mask is found, and a few episodes to wrap it up.

  14. The problem with B:NG was that most of their projects were going to be 3-D animated movies, which takes A LOT of effort, like too much for a community this small (especially the numbers on that fourm site.) I mean, not only do you need to model like hundreds of pieces, but go through animation, voice acting, music, etc, it's just too much work.


    I agree that they did a great job with "the two leaders", and I wish they had made more animations in this style. The projects that go well in this community are usually not as grand as a 3-d animated movie, the ones that do well (biocraft, mnog 1.5, Tazakk's animations, etc) aren't on that kind of scale, but are still awesome :P

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