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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Posts posted by Space: Ocean of Awe


    I think the first one was waaaaayyy funnier and better. Ah well, that's always the case with sequels, isn't it.



    Not with Halo 2 it isn't :P

    But anyways I enjoyed this video, as previously stated though I liked the first one a lot better but oh well :)


    An amendment: that's pretty much always the case with sequels, isn't it. :P



  2. I like the new Tardis interior. It's similar to the previous one, which happens to be my favourite of the interiors since Series 1, and also the column is orange! We haven't had a Tardis with a red/orange column yet! 


    Also, I predict that Series 8, will be very steampunk. Even just going by the first episode and the title sequence, I can tell that there will be lots of steampunk when there can be. 






    Nah, it can't be River. We've seen all of her previous selves, and anyway, she died in the Library. Is anyone else here really excited about the next episode? DALEKS FTW!!!




    Good point. But I wouldn't put it beyond Moffat/whatever writers to do something crazy and nonsensical.


    And Episode 2 is great, plenty philosophical; I'm sure you'll enjoy it.





    Have you been peeking at those leaked scripts?



    Scripts? What scripts (and I say this very truthfully)? I haven't read any scripts.

    Hmmmmm... Maybe a future version of yourself will wear a malfunctioning Mohtrek, and so that's how you know...


    [Edit] Does anyone know if that first bit should be in spoiler tags?


    Or perhaps there's a TARDIS involved.


    I imagine spoiler tags wouldn't be too important for this. I prefer the previous version of the TARDIS interior; this one looks (to me) a bit tacky. And as for steampunk:



    I think it was just the first episode; there are some automatons/robots upcoming, but certainly nothing more than before. But you've got some good episodes coming up!


    And frankly, I'm glad that there isn't too much in the way of steampunk; a little bit is great fun, but more than that is too much.







    Nah, it can't be River. We've seen all of her previous selves, and anyway, she died in the Library. Is anyone else here really excited about the next episode? DALEKS FTW!!!




    Good point. But I wouldn't put it beyond Moffat/whatever writers to do something crazy and nonsensical.


    And Episode 2 is great, plenty philosophical; I'm sure you'll enjoy it.





    Have you been peeking at those leaked scripts?



    Scripts? What scripts (and I say this very truthfully)? I haven't read any scripts.



  4. Okay. I'll try again in a couple days. One thing I forgot to mention - basically the only con that comes to mind, is that I think it would look much better if it had one bright colour in it, maybe just the upper and lower torso (leaving the midsection grey), make it red, blue, maybe even white, etc.



  5. SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP!! I'm glad I'm not the only one gripped with the irresistible urge to build spaceships. You have done a fabulous job on this; I really like the old style, especially the grey wing pieces - they were so awesome!


    I love what you did with the tires, for the guns but especially in the rockets. They make it look so powerful. Also, kudos for fitting a pilot! Overall a fantastic MOC. I also find that its aesthetics match that of the Batman tumbler.



  6. I actually thought that they looked awesome, still do. The gaps are easily overlooked, and as for MOCing parts, I found them quite lucrative. The feet, arms, torso, shins, head, and weapons are, to me fine pieces.


    I also liked their gear functions, which don't hamper poseability as was the case with the Toa Mata and Metru, but are still great fun and look good.



    • Upvote 1

    Nah, it can't be River. We've seen all of her previous selves, and anyway, she died in the Library. Is anyone else here really excited about the next episode? DALEKS FTW!!!





    Good point. But I wouldn't put it beyond Moffat/whatever writers to do something crazy and nonsensical.


    And Episode 2 is great, plenty philosophical; I'm sure you'll enjoy it.





  8. Man, that was dark! Like, so dark that Batman would need a flashlight to see. I like Capaldi though, and all the Scottish jokes.
    Dunno if anyone else would notice this, but he looked almost exactly like an aged version of Mr Furious from Mystery Men when wearing the hobo clothes.
    And Heaven? Looks like an interesting place; I hope they do a good job handling this story arc, because it has great potential. I wonder if it'll be River Song.


  9. Seems like there aren't many Muse fans here! I wouldn't consider myself a fan, but I do like their music. I like different songs at different times; usually Uprising and Supermassive Black Hole (just the name itself is awesome) are present on my nonexistent favourites list.





    It feels like I never left, mostly because I didn't. I just couldn't think of anything to say, and so became one of those lurkers. I doubt anyone remembers me, unless they tend to pay strict attention to BBCC participants.


    Maybe I'll post some MOCs, if I ever get around to photographing them.


    Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again...

    Holy moly, I love that song. Just had to say that. And welcome back, fellow deserter!



    I remember you. It was some topic where all the girls of BZP came forward to discuss something...a news story...but the exact thing escapes me right off hand. :)

    Wow, you remember me! I certainly remember you. That was ages ago, must have been in 2012, discussing Lego Friends. Good to be back, as short lived as this is likely to be, what with university and all that. Man, times sure change.



    • Upvote 2
  11. There really are similarities. It doesn't seem altogether unlikely (at least to me, though I am exceptionally unlearned in the slizers storyline) that it could have been the inspiration for the Glatorian stuff, but as Chro said, it would be weird if they didn't have some vague idea of why the Mata Nui robot would be necessary. I suddenly feel the urge to write a crossover story...



  12. It feels like I never left, mostly because I didn't. I just couldn't think of anything to say, and so became one of those lurkers. I doubt anyone remembers me, unless they tend to pay strict attention to BBCC participants.


    Maybe I'll post some MOCs, if I ever get around to photographing them.


    Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again...


    Holy moly, I love that song. Just had to say that. And welcome back, fellow deserter!



    • Upvote 1
  13. Certainly physical MOCing. I used to use LDD a lot, and though it is terribly frustrating trying to get things right, and much slower (other than the fact that you have almost any piece you want at your fingertips), i found it very calming. Silence but for the click of a mouse and the simple sound effects afforded by the program; the unending greyness of the background, and the dioramas - those I loved so much. I used to just look at the mountain diorama, listen to the wind, and feel so calm. LDD is, to me, a balance of calm and frustration, plenty and limitation.


    The latter of the two pairs are the reasons that I prefer physical MOCing, and the fact that it is also a wonderful experience; to know the contents of each box - I cannot list each piece and colour contained within a box, but I know where to search for one thing or another. It's embedded in my intuition; something somehow tracks these things in my mind. And the limitation is also liberating, I must ask myself : "what can I do with these pieces?" And when I buy a box of Lego there is much pleasure in the novelty of searching through it for the first time, taking stock of what is present, what gems lie within. And once complete, a plane should not be frozen onto a collection of pixels - it should fly! Be swooshed through the air! Cars need to be driven, a house lived in.



  14. First and foremost, I would like a return to classic space; the aesthetic and simple design, the minifigs, and most of all, its feel - the spirit of exploration. Couple that with an awesome sci fi story, free of frivolity (essentially avoiding anything Hero Factory-ish like the plague), with mystery, suspense, and discovery being its driving forces, and I would be in heaven.


    It would also be pretty epic to have a science line, it could be primarily for collectors like Architecture is, with models of various scientific instruments, and mini figures of prominent scientists (I would love little more than to have a Stephen Hawking and Richard Feynman minifigures). Then there could be a little description of the experiment/physics behind the set, and a bio of the scientist. They can have current things like a microscale neutrino detector, and past experiments, like Rutherford's good foil experiment.



    • Upvote 1
  15. Boats would have been awesome. A gondola/ski lift sort of thing might have been quite cool, too - imagine transporting a bunch of Matoran across your room, having them glide along between your shelf and your desk!


    If Bionicle returns, I would love to see some true spacefaring vehicles - rockets, spaceships! But that is, undoubtedly, wishful thinking. Space travel is sorely underrated, if you ask me. Perhaps the next best thing would be a dirigible - though that could only happen on a minifig scale, and same with a hot air balloon.



    • Upvote 1
  16. Although I'm not subscribed to the Lego magazine, I was always happy to have the option to get it, should something interesting come up - and with the possible return of Bionicle, this just sucks. On the bright side, they're saving resources and money by printing fewer magazines, and there are some places that carry the Lego magazine free for anyone.



  17. Yeah they were the greats. Something more recent would be John Finnemore's stuff, he made Cabin Pressure, an absolutely ingenious and hilarious sitcom on the BBC radio station. He also writes John Finnemore's Souvenir Program, and one Sunday each month, he and another dude make a short video called John and Kevin's Sunday Papers - they're on YouTube.


    You can look them up if you ever need something to listen to/watch, they're all very funny (so far nobody has disagreed with me).



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